Lu Mingfei's broken bones were just reattached?

Dong Xiang murmured in surprise in his heart.

A wave of cold air rose from the tailbone and spread along the spine to the brain, raising hairs one after another along the way!


The beautiful deep purple eyes were filled with the strange lake light and red flowing flames.

Dong Xiang stared closely at Lu Mingfei's calf bones. The first reaction in her heart was not to admit the reality, but to wonder if there was something wrong with her senses that were beyond ordinary people.

Maybe she heard wrongly. Lu Mingfei's bones were not broken. It was really just a sprain?

Thinking of this, Dong Xiang couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

It's nothing, she knows she is deceiving herself by thinking this way!

But there is no way!

Rather than admit that this magical scene was real, she would rather suspect that there was something wrong with her impeccable senses.

Because compared to killing, death, etc., the unknown threat in front of him that was beyond common sense made Dong Xiang even more horrified.

The amount of information behind this scene is too great! ! !

Mixed emotions flashed through my mind quickly, including shock, doubt, and fear, but the biggest one was the fear of the unknown mysterious power!

If Lu Mingfei was a ghoul, Dong Xiang wouldn't take the strength just now to heart. It's just resilience. Who doesn't have it?

But Lu Mingfei is definitely not a ghoul! She can confirm this!

But he is definitely not human!

The broken bone was connected in less than half a second!

Lu Mingfei's recovery speed at that moment was at least as fast as that of an S-level ghoul.

How could it be possible for a human being to possess such power?

Kirishima Touka pursed her lips slightly and looked at Lu Mingfei, once again filled with vigilance that wouldn't go away.

This is only what we see on the surface, and the uncertainty behind it is even more terrifying.

It's just a broken bone, and the ghoul can recover, but what if the actual extent of his power is more than that?

Can a broken limb be reattached? Can a head be healed after being twisted off? What's more, is he able to do what even ghouls can't do?

Back from the dead!

Can this power only be used on oneself like a ghoul, or can it also be used on others?

There is a high probability that it can be done!

After all, she was just next to Lu Mingfei, and the Rc cells in her body suddenly surged.

During those actions, the lung tissue, which had been damaged by the smoke, was completely healed in that moment, even the ghoul's healing power could barely maintain balance!

And she was only slightly affected by that power.

Looking at Lu Mingfei who was suddenly absent-minded, Dong Xiang bit his lips lightly, and his heart was filled with uncontrollable speculations.

There is a more important question, does Lu Mingfei's power come at no cost?

What if he really doesn't have to eat or consume something like a ghoul to use this ability? What a horrible and sad thing.

In addition to the resilience shown just now, does he have other hidden abilities?

Are there many people like Lu Mingfei in this world?

What if the answers to all of these questions are really "YES"!

Boom! Boom!

The heart was beating arrhythmically, as if it was about to jump out of the throat.

Cold sweat dripped from my back and my mouth was dry! Dry tongue!

Dong Xiang licked her lips lightly. Apart from shock and fear, there was only happiness in her heart.

She was glad that she had taken a step slower and not revealed her secret.

Otherwise, who knows what will happen?

Lu Mingfei is indeed no ordinary person!

But a monster!

I don’t know how many times more terrifying than them ghouls, monsters!

This world is definitely not as simple as it seems!

Before they knew anything about it, they really had to hide their abnormality!


Taking out a big trembling breath, Dong Xiang realized that at some point, he had forgotten to breathe.

"You're scared, aren't you?"

Suddenly, the voice of inquiry rang out, and my heartbeat suddenly stopped beating!

Under Dong Xiang's panicked gaze, Lu Mingfei, who had been paying attention to the girl's condition, suddenly turned his head and looked at her.

"I can feel that your breathing is rapid and your heart is beating very fast."

"Kirishima Touka, you are really scared, right?"

"伱" Kirishima Touka smiled, her palms sweating because she thought she was exposed, "What are you talking about? What do you have to be afraid of?"

Damn it! Did you fail to control your reaction? Was it exposed?

How will it be handled? Sign a confidentiality contract? Imprisonment? Or execution?

If that's the case, what will she do now? Resist? No! This person is so weird!

Sure enough, it’s better to run away!

"Don't deny it in a hurry. It's natural to be afraid. I can understand it." Lu Mingfei scratched his cheek helplessly, and his next words caught the girl off guard.

I saw Lu Mingfei looking deeply convinced.

"It's such a big deal! You're afraid of anyone you let in, let alone a little girl like you in a foreign country. So there's nothing to be ashamed of."

He looked at Kirishima Touka with admiration;

"It's better to say that it's hard for you to wait until now to react. It seems that the stone slab that almost hit your head just now really scared you."

Fear? Fire? slate? Oh, so she should be afraid of this?

Dong Xiang's thoughts couldn't help but fall into a slight sluggish state.

Lu Mingfei inadvertently looked into those slightly dazed purple eyes, and the rare but familiar color made him feel dazed for a moment.

He thought of that figure who was so petite that he couldn't even hold a knife, but still walked on the path of killing ghosts without hesitation.

He thought of the girl who was paranoid and injected wisteria flower poison into her body just to avenge him after he "died".

The same eye color, similar, soft hidden under the tough appearance.

With boundless tenderness and a hint of longing rising uncontrollably in his eyes, Lu Mingfei looked at Dong Xiang.

The words that came out uncontrollably were extremely soft, like the wings of white doves caressing the sky in summer, gently and slowly, and I don’t know who is listening to them.

"But it's okay. If you're so scared that you don't know what to do, just trust me."

He murmured in a daze, as if he had integrated the emotions of Three Lives and Three Worlds into these few words.

"Don't worry! It's the same this time. Even if I die, I will never let you die!"

"Just believe me!", "I will never let you die!", "Even if I die", the words were like a hammer, gently knocking on Kirishima Touka's heart, and it suddenly triggered waves!

The girl couldn't help being stunned for a long time, but she was keenly aware of the different meaning hidden in those soft eyes, and suddenly stopped her futile emotion.

Suddenly, her heart felt empty, and the feeling of being used as a stand-in for someone else naturally ignited the natural anger in Dong Xiang's heart.


What do you believe me?

What will absolutely never let you die!

Who are you looking at?

Kirishima Touka couldn't help but clenched her fists, and her face suddenly turned cold.

Don't care about continuing to maintain the disguise of a shy girl.

The emotions that fluctuated many times in a few seconds made her reveal her true impulsive and irritable side to Lu Mingfei for the first time.

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