Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 275 The real game has just begun!

【Comfort the 87 deceased people.】

【Saving points*1.9w】

Whoever takes it from, uses it to whom.

Regardless of whether there is a reward or not, Lu Mingfei accepted the wish of the undead and the living - to destroy that damn organization!

This is definitely not an easy person. It is unclear how many big families from all over the world are behind that organization, and what he has to do first is...

Lu Mingfei slowly opened his eyes and spent 10,000 saving points to purchase a service in the "Salvation Mall·Other Category".

[Name: Leave a message in the wind and let it go.

Effect: The power of Kamaitachi's roaring wind, specific person, specific moment, specific message, specific guidance.

Selling price; 1w saving points/time. 】

He understood that Kamaita seemed to be a kind of wind monster in Japanese local legends.

That's not the point, the point is this message that was born based on the wind.

He originally thought that he would never use this strangely low cost-effective service in his life.

did not expect.

Lu Mingfei left a message softly, the time was set at the moment when Zaijian Liyi was awake,

"Have met Liyi, you are different from others."

"In my personal opinion, your original life ended at the moment of self-result."

"The sins committed are also dissolved into deaths one after another."

"If you can successfully wake up, it will prove that you have been recognized by the undead, forgiven by the living, and have passed your own level."

He paused lightly, thought for a moment, and changed his original voice.

"The moment you open your eyes is your own rebirth."

"The past and the future are completely different lives."

"When you wake up, come to me. As compensation, I will help you solve the problem of toxins and identity in your body." Lu Mingfei looked at the black matter everywhere in the girl's body, guessing that this was the reason why these ninjas were manipulated.

"After this, you can live the life you missed. You can also turn yourself in and plead guilty and accept the eternal punishment. You can even live the rest of your life in the way you think of atonement. Open an orphanage and dedicate yourself to hope or charity projects."

"You can make your choice."

"But the only thing I can't do is end my life meaninglessly!"

"Don't run away from living. That is the opportunity given to you by the undead."

Lu Mingfei paused slightly and finally gave a new choice.

"Of course, even if you have even the slightest intention to destroy the source of your miserable life, or if you still feel confused."

"Listen to the direction of the wind and come to me."

"Might as well be my knife"

Picking up the eyeless mask in the pool of blood and walking towards the door, Lu Mingfei thought about it and added before closing the door,

"At least the salary will be high."

The blood stains on the mask slowly dissipated, and he gently placed it on his face.

A squeak! The iron door closes.

For a moment, Lu Mingfei's figure galloped along the corridor.

Whisper, "Repent" of crime and punishment.

Harvest the points condensed from the rescue.

[Saving points*1.7w. 】

[Saving points*9000. 】

From the corner of Lu Mingfei's eyes, the mission of crime and punishment has been quietly updated.

[Mission: Crime and Punishment·The Journey of Eternity. (long)


Your unexpected answer will surely set off a storm, and many established things in reality will fall into an unpredictable whirlpool.

The grays, oranges and reds in Red Word bring about right and wrong.

Mistakes, mistakes, and complicated reasons and attitudes rotate. How far can you stick to your original intention? What will change?

But now that the direction of choice has been decided, let’s take big strides forward!


In the name of "crime and punishment", judgment is imposed on all the evil that we see and know.


Unequal number of rescue points; possible random rewards. 】

Suppress the momentary thoughts and put the branch of life later.

Lu Mingfei jumped up and landed on the mezzanine of the stairwell.

Although there is a delay of some time, it is not completely different!

There is definitely no shortage of human life in this group of kidnappers. The effect of the "field of crime and punishment" can ensure that Lu Mingfei's defeated enemies are completely comatose and will never regain their fighting power like the "sit-ups" in the hot-blooded comics. .

The newly acquired weapons made Lu Mingfei's confidence in his "silent escape" plan rise again!

The silent infiltration and initial entry into the game have come to an end, but the game and battle have just begun!

Lu Mingfei's eyes flashed with delicate thoughts,

The processing of battle traces and smoke bombs with misleading clues are done after the fact.

The top priority is to speed up the implementation of the plan!

In the mezzanine of the stairwell, there is a small window blowing in the distant sea breeze.

Gaze across the sky.

Wisps of green thunder flickered in the chaotic sky, and the twisted clouds and mist were thick and thin, revealing half of the cold moonlight.

The clear light dyes the sparse crystal rain in the sky white, and the glittering interweaves create a vast painting - the crying picture of the autumn night rain, intertwined with desolation and desolation, and the taste of cold.

Lu Mingfei couldn't see all of this. He could only notice that compared with the thunderous wind and furious rain not long ago, everything around him was seven minutes quieter.

All I can think of is that we need to be more cautious in our next actions—quickly! allow! ruthless!

The moonlight penetrates the thin clouds, sweeps across the sky, slides through the small window, and shines on the changing masks.

The whole body is still dark, the lines flow and change, and the mouth is opened where the eyes are blocked, revealing the golden eyes.

Outfit, weight, hairstyle, change again in the blink of an eye!

How can we talk about concealment and induction when there are only traces of "rats"?

Lu Mingfei's comprehensive plan is to split all the abilities, talents, and skills he has mastered into multiple parts for expression.

Leave completely different traces behind! A fictional person with many sides that no one would have thought of!

As long as every "personality" has skills that cannot be refined in three, five, or ten years.

No one will get close to the truth!

And the drug that can make ordinary people comatose for several hours and make them feel weak when they wake up will become the hostage "Lu Mingfei"'s biggest protection umbrella!

This was the game he had in mind, a game he would have the confidence to compete with even if all the criminal police and detectives from all over the world gathered together!

As for whether it can be implemented without leaving any loopholes?

"The real game has just begun!"

Lu Mingfei murmured softly,

All over the body, radiance flows,

The texture and traces of the footprints change.

Light fabrics, denim clothes, intertwined with blue and white, seem to have been washed, showing an autumn atmosphere - unisex clothing with indistinguishable gender.

[Saving point -1. 】

After exchanging rubber bands from the rescue mall and following the endless knowledge about styling in [Immersive Acting], Lu Mingfei bound the black wig on the back of his head into a majestic warrior head.

He raised his head and stepped forward. The purple lines on the mask took shape, and at the dividing line between the moonlight and the shadow, they intersected into a snake's flower surface.

"A ninja who has traveled to many countries. He is 25 years old and has a cold personality."

There is nothing more convenient than learning and selling now. Thinking of the techniques he stole from the ninja upstairs, Lu Mingfei's footsteps gradually became silent.

"The fighting style is generally positioned as an agile and direct assassin."

"Silent steps, flexibility and joint skills, and hidden weapons." Lu Mingfei casually purchased weapons suitable for this identity from the mall.

[Saving points -100. 】

Ding Ling clang!

"The weapons are tentatively designated as chains and spikes."

Linking the chain to a sharp spike as long as an arm, Lu Mingfei adapted to the new weapon.

The traces left by different characteristic weapons will make everything more confusing.

"The code name is 'Snake', which is the external gender."

Through the tiles in the corner, Lu Mingfei saw his current attire.

With his neutral clothing and sharp warrior head, he can be said to be a cold male warrior, or a strong woman with a dash of heroism.

The key is what voice to use, and if you want to strengthen other people's misguidance.

Thinking flashed through his golden eyes, Lu Mingfei recalled the personality setting in front of him, and couldn't help but think of the lady who took him racing in the early morning, and inexplicably felt it fit.

Then the skill of [Variety of False Voices] was activated, and the voice became proud and lazy, with a touch of playfulness.

Lu Mingfei chose to use Mai Shutoku’s voice, which fit the image perfectly.

"A ninja who has traveled to many countries. He is 25 years old and has a cold personality. His codename is Snake."

"A ninja who has traveled to many countries. He is 25 years old and has a cold personality. His codename is Snake."

Silent footsteps fell down the stairs, one step after another, and the clothes were freed from the moonlight and completely entered the darkness.

Repeating, muttering, and self-hypnotizing, silent dust rises all the way up the steps.

【Immersive acting skills activated! "Snake" personality is generated! 】

Whoosh whoosh!

The cold light flickering from the long nails circulated on the fingertips. Lu Mingfei landed silently at the entrance of the floor. He turned his head slightly, and his golden eyes met the man squatting smoking.


Sparks were flying on the ground, and the smoke and tar smell of loose tobacco danced.

"Hello, boy."

The playful voice sounded, but it made the people squatting here feel cold.

He didn't notice the slightest sound of anyone arriving at all!

His eyes subconsciously moved down, and suddenly he looked into those golden eyes. The nearly two-meter-tall man froze for a moment.

Swipe and pull! Amidst the sound of the chains shaking, a black shadow slid across in front of me!

There is a crisp crackling sound in the chin!

The man's jaw was bizarrely dislocated, and apart from the sound of air leaking, he could no longer make any sound.

Not even giving the alarm time,

Hands, elbows, knees, feet!

Staggered and interspersed!

The golden eyes swayed in all directions, emitting light and shadow. Lu Mingfei used his whole body at the same time, and the wind that came out brushed the enemy's wrists and ankles, pulling the joints, twisting the shoulders and knee sockets.

Knock, click, click, almost a continuous sound!

Hands, forearms, and big arms drag like ropes!

Feet, calves, and thighs collapse with no strength!

Without even feeling the slightest pain, the man fell heavily to the ground. All that could move were his frightened eyes and neck, and at best his useless thoughts, shouting - what happened?

"Snake" joint skills!

Lu Mingfei tapped the shouting head with a spike and read out the red text on his head,

"Under the tree in Beicun, 32 years old, 7 lives were taken, as early as July 24, 1980, when he stabbed and killed his neighbor over a dispute."


In the man's wide-eyed whimpering of surprise, the cold voice deprived him of consciousness!


The soul was dragged out, and it was met by a man who was roaring and cursing.

The white blade that keeps coming in and out is blood red.

The pain is as hot as lava!

[Comfort to the seven deceased people.]

[Saving points*1050. 】

"System, how many saving points does it take to briefly revive this person during the police interrogation?" Lu Mingfei asked calmly, shaking his head.

"Return to host, need 2010 rescue points."


The long nail suddenly stagnated. Lu Mingfei grabbed the bottom of the nail and glanced at the five-digit saving point. He was rich and powerful.

"Then take it."

Not everyone absolutely adheres to the principle of "hearing is false and seeing is believing".

How could it be possible to leave only traces of confusion?

Lu Mingfei needed this witness who had seen the "truth" and confessed to the world soberly.

The coat rustled in the wind, and the footsteps were silent and dusty.

Lu Mingfei ran along the corridor, took a slight turn, and saw a strong man leaning on the wall with his eyes closed to relax!

"Is this floor really a place where you can stay at a fixed location?"

"The joint skills have left traces. Next..." He murmured softly and threw out the spike in his hand!

"It's a hidden weapon!"


The cold light streaked across the sky and hit the left side of the wall with a crisp sound!

The strong man woke up and opened his eyes. Before the murderous aura in his eyes could gather, he saw a black shadow flash out of the corner of his eye!

With golden eyes flashing in the darkness, Lu Mingfei squatted behind the strong man and pulled the spike in his hand hard.

Brushing and pulling, the chain broke through the air and hit the strong man's nose hard.

Blood sprayed, causing dizziness.

The jaw is detached and the limbs are tied up!

Gradually become proficient in joint skills and complete them in one go!

"Yanagawa Heisuke, 12 lives."

Just like the judge said he was guilty, there are no waves in the ancient well, only the golden color disappears into the darkness.

With traces of his soul leaving his body, the strong man vaguely heard three unfamiliar Chinese syllables - "Repent!"

His head appeared in the scalding boiling water!

"Ahhhh!" The loud scream was heard.

Time and time again, tooth for tooth, endless pain!

Lu Mingfei didn't say much. He leaned forward and accelerated, lingering in his ears.

[Comfort the 12 dead,] [Save points*1800. 】

Silent steps, joint techniques, flying chains and spikes, the usage can be described as imaginative!

The long nail sight that always drifted was gradually corrected by Lu Mingfei.

"Iwane Matsui, 17"

As he roared in terror, his arm, which was stiff from the nitrogen, was soaked in boiling water again. The knife stabbed across it, revealing the cold white flesh.

Over and over again, an eye for an eye, even death is not allowed!

[Comfort the 17 dead people,] [Save points*2500. 】

"Nakashima Imamago, 32"

The pain of having the limbs nailed and being dissected a little was more painful than being executed by Lingchi.

"Uh! Uh-huh!" His eyes were about to burst.

One game after another, keep going! continue! Keep going!

[Comfort the 32 dead,] [Save points*4900. 】

There are not that many Hayami Riyi in the world, and most of them die without regret.

So the realm of crime and punishment comes and sounds a death more painful than death!

Under the wailing music, the dead and the living reunited and embraced each other.

Be grateful for the gift of birth, and support war with war!

The everlasting journey, until the moment Lu Mingfei stops breathing!

Maybe Chu Zihang was right, the murderous and self-destructive tendencies were really hidden in Lu Mingfei's unknown body.

Because in this carnage-like battle, Lu Mingfei’s mouth under the mask was wearing a wanton smile!

The air outside the building suddenly became cold, and hailstones of various sizes fell again and shattered!

The taillights that come and go pull out a long red line, running from the outer suburbs to the city, the wheels rotate at high speed, and a half-meter wall of water floats.

Passers-by who live a busy life will not know that somewhere they pass by, there is an infiltration comparable to a spy drama, and a confrontation comparable to an action movie - the kind that does not hang on the wire.


Lu Mingfei slowly lowered the two-meter-long unconscious man in his hand and poked his head out of the corner.


"What a big guy here!"

He frowned and whispered, and saw an enlarged version of his cousin "Lu Mingze" crowded in the bright corridor not far away.

About two and a half meters tall, only half of his head reaches the ceiling. His body is comparable to that of a Siberian polar bear.

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