Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 292 The situation in the police station!

Stuck! Stuck! Stuck!

The hot printer couldn't get any rest, and it was spitting out sheets of paper, one after another.

The phone calls came and went, and the people who responded covered their ears and raised their throats, because if the voice was slightly lowered, the other party would not be able to hear it.

The footsteps coming and going collided from time to time, and there was faint information slipping from the air and being stepped on.

The police station in the coastal town is more chaotic than ever before!

Because just today, in this city, several rare and major cases occurred one after another, and the night of collective overtime work was endless.

"Report! Bureau Tang, the gold bars stolen from the bank have been found. The suspect has not yet been identified, and additional manpower is needed." The policeman, who had not slept all day, submitted a request, "The other party is likely to have a thermal weapon."

After all, nothing can be faked in a bank vault, so what else can cause such an effect.

"Report! Bureau Tang, the autopsy results of the motorcyclist have come out. He was indeed killed by poison. All the nearby surveillance cameras have been hacked. The technical department is cracking it, but it's a bit difficult. Please give me your instructions."

The technical department of thirty people was unable to restore the data, and the opposite person was a ruthless person.

"Report! Tang Bureau, the monitoring data of the fire-stricken commercial building also showed signs of being cleared. The technical department said it is difficult to reply. The data on the scene has been sorted out. Although it is a little short, I still brought a copy. I would like to ask you to take a look first. .”

"Report! Tang Bureau, the case of the blood-stained dead end near the fire case cannot be moved forward. The body cannot be found, and the surveillance everywhere can't find any traces."

"Report! Bureau Tang, a message came from the brothers who arrived at the abandoned building along the coast." Another police officer came in, and this time he kicked them away. This showed how bad the situation was. He pushed the others away with an irritable tone,

"It's a first-level major case! A major criminal case! Take a look!"

The man known as Bureau Tang was sitting in the office, listening to the series of "Reports! Bureau Tang," and "Please give instructions," and felt his head grow bigger!

Normally, he could solve the current problems in an orderly manner, but now he was so upset that he couldn't care about everything in front of him.

Until the ding-ling-ling cell phone rang, the director made a private call for the first time during working hours. He nodded in reply and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, Xiaorou, just be okay, just be okay."

"Yes! Yes! We should. After the incident, our family will visit together! We must visit!!!"

"Okay, Qingyu, you should also pay attention to rest! Yeah, hang up."


After exhaling heavily, Tang Yungang's eyes widened when he learned that his daughter was completely out of danger. He returned to his usual ability and gave orders to everyone.

"The investigation of the bank theft case is postponed! Incidents involving human life are given priority!"

"If we can't move forward, we'll put it on hold for the time being and concentrate all police forces. These two major cases will have the greatest impact!"

"Stop standing still, take action!"

Everyone who was a little flustered because they lost their backbone couldn't help but feel calm in their hearts.


Under the slightly surprised look of Lu Mingfei, who had just finished recording the kidnapping case, the originally chaotic police station suddenly stabilized!

"I said why is it so chaotic? It turns out there is something wrong with the backbone."

Lu Mingfei murmured as he walked into a small room - "Criminal Technology Department - Simulation Portrait Artist's Office".

He is executing his follow-up plan to see if he can apply some auxiliary patches.

"You said you knew the culprit of the arson case, right?" The young police officer looked at the wet Lu Mingfei suspiciously, unable to believe it.

Since the arson case was handed over to the police station, many parties have come forward to provide information on the grounds that they know the suspect, whether for bonuses or honors, but to no avail.

"I don't know if that person is a suspect." Lu Mingfei scratched his head unconfidently and smiled awkwardly at the other side.

"I just simply felt something was wrong with him."

"When there was an incident in the commercial building, among all the people, I only saw that one person staring at the building and smiling, and he was wearing a peaked cap to cover his face."

laugh? Peaked cap?

The police officer was shocked and thought to himself, could it be true this time?

This is much better than that so-and-so being vicious and not looking like a good person.

He sat upright suddenly, put the sketch pen on the paper, paid attention, and listened to Lu Mingfei's words.

"Well done, young man. If it's true, you've made a great contribution, and you'll definitely be commended by the whole school."

"Don't worry, think about it slowly, what are the characteristics of that suspect?"

Lu Mingfei secretly said that the opportunity had finally come, and said to the young police officer,

"That? Brother, how about you hand me the paper and pen?"

"I've learned sketching. It's faster that way."

"Have you ever learned sketching?" The young police officer looked confused. He had been in this field for several years and had seen many people who asked him to change his nose and eyes and finally changed it back to the first draft. However, he asked to hand over the paper and pen. To be honest, this was his first time seeing it.

Leng Leng handed over the pen and paper, under the surprised looks of the young police officer and other members nearby.

A lifelike portrait slowly took shape under Lu Mingfei's hands.

[Rusheng Painting (Blue)] starts slowly.

"Let me go, little brother, you have skills! Professional, right?" The young police officer was shocked. He really couldn't believe that the portrait in front of him could be painted by a student who was still in school.

At least ten years of experience.

"Isn't it? It's much better than the guy next to me." Another young police officer teased, "You can come to work in our department directly."

"Go away! I want to see people, and I can draw so well! Probably." The young police officer was actually a little unconfident, but he still managed to save face.

"But it's not that interesting to come to work here."

After all, their job is to guess and describe the suspect's appearance through the oral accounts of witnesses. It is not enough to just be able to draw, but also to have some experience in criminal investigation.

Not only that, but you also have to understand the psychological aesthetics of each witness in a short period of time, which is not an easy task.

tread! tread! tread!

Suddenly, the sound of cold footsteps came.

A female police officer with a very stunning figure came from a distance and opened the door of this room. Seeing this weird scene, she couldn't help but frown.

"What are you guys doing around here?"

"Team Tang?" A police officer turned around in surprise, then pointed to Lu Mingfei, "Are we here to watch this little brother trace the portrait of the arsonist in a commercial building?"

Little brother? Portrait of an arsonist?

Tang Yunrou glanced at Lu Mingfei, then looked at the police officers in front of her and explained her purpose.

"There is no need to investigate the suspect in the arson case. News came from the branch that the arsonist has been arrested. Not only that, the motorcyclist who died of poisoning near the commercial building was also killed by that guy. There is sufficient evidence. The two cases are basically the same. The case is considered closed.”

"Caught? So fast!" The young police officer couldn't help but open his mouth, feeling helpless. "Are you letting the brothers in the technical department get the lead again?"

"With more and more surveillance, our department is becoming more and more useless."

After hearing this, Tang Yunrou's face froze, and after a moment of hesitation, she chose to explain the truth to her colleagues in front of her.

"It was not done by the technical department of our bureau."

Tang Yunrou turned her gaze away, with a lot of embarrassment in her tone. After all, in her opinion, this was a very embarrassing thing.

"The surveillance of the motorcyclist being poisoned, the video of the arsonist's activities in the commercial building, and even the arrest of the arsonist himself were all the result of the intervention of people outside the police station."

"Who is that person outside the police station?" The young police officer asked subconsciously without understanding Tang Yunrou's face.

"I don't know!" Tang Yunrou shook her head coldly, knocked on the door frame, and got down to business.

"Let's not mention that for now. I'm here to tell your department."

"Don't worry about the arson case in the commercial building that has been solved. Bureau Tang asked me to inform all members of our department to quickly join the police officers on the coastal kidnapping case. Some people's portraits need you to trace them."

"Yes!" The young police officers stood at attention and listened to the order, and then told Lu Mingfei, "Thank you, little brother."

"It's okay, it's not hard, it's not hard, you are the hardest working." Lu Mingfei smiled and shook his head, and "inadvertently" pointed the completed portrait at Tang Yunrou.

"Wait!" Tang Yunrou's heart trembled, she pointed at the portrait and looked at Lu Mingfei to confirm,

"Did you paint this painting?"

"Yeah," Lu Mingfei said nothing. Instead, the young police officer nodded, "He drew it. Sister Yunrou, is there any problem?"

"No." Tang Yunrou responded with a complex expression.

"The portrait he drew is exactly the same as the arrested arsonist."

"What! Such a coincidence? He really is this person!" The young police officer couldn't help but look at Lu Mingfei, who was shyly scratching his head.

Tang Yunrou's sixth sense was extremely accurate. Unlike other members, he grasped the important doubts about why Lu Mingfei, a student, was here.

After several inquiries, they realized that the student "Lu Mingfei" in front of them was actually the only conscious witness in the kidnapping case they were investigating, except for the girl who was unconscious and sent to the hospital, commonly known as the hostage.

One person connects two cases, an unspeakable coincidence.

"Lu Mingfei, right? You are resting here now. We have contacted your family. When they arrive, you can leave at any time. If necessary, we will contact you at any time." Tang Yunrou arranged for Lu Mingfei to In the reception room, looking at him who nodded obediently, an inexplicable meaning flashed across his eyebrows.

Her sixth sense told her that something was wrong with this boy.

He is too calm for a kid this age.

With this doubt in mind, Tang Yunrou turned around and walked towards the conference room where the discussion was taking place. The words "Long" sounded imperceptibly deep in her throat, and the golden color in her eyes flashed away.

Enveloped by an inexplicable realm, Lu Mingfei subconsciously tensed up, then relaxed in the next moment.

Looking at Tang Yunrou, who paused briefly and then quickly moved away, Lu Mingfei's eyes flashed with a complex and unexpected look.

Another mixed race?

In the transparent world, most mixed-race species are only slightly stronger than the average person's physique. Others cannot see much difference at all and cannot be distinguished.

If it weren't for the traces of the unknown word spirit activated just now, Lu Mingfei wouldn't even have noticed that the policeman who just asked him various questions was actually a mixed race.

"I hope that Yanling," Lu Mingfei narrowed his eyes slightly, "won't lead the situation in a bad direction, right?"

Unlike other hostages, he did one big thing before being kidnapped!

After much thought, he decided to mix it in appropriately to see if it could enhance the feeling of separation.

After all, members of the "Mask" who mainly hide themselves have no reason to take the initiative to expose themselves in front of the police.

Since they already know the arsonist, there is no need for them to draw the portrait of the peaked cap again in front of the police.

In the slightly crowded conference room, with the arrival of Tang Yunrou and the last staff, the meeting could finally start.

Tang Yungang glanced at his daughter, looked around to make sure everyone was present, and then officially started the meeting.

"First of all, I want to tell you," Tang Yungang motioned for everyone to pick up the documents in front of him, looking slightly sad.

"According to the data, the major cases that occurred today were not accidental, but were connected together."

"But that's just an appearance!" Tang Yungang knocked on the table and wrote on the analysis board.

"Actually, this is a family taking advantage of the situation! A deliberate murder of Tang family members."

"This time, more people are involved than we thought."

Everyone was shocked to hear the assassination and exploded instantly!

I am afraid that this action may cause various obstacles, and I am also shocked.

Others may not know, but they do.

Director Tang Yungang and captain Tang Yunrou, father and daughter, are members of the Tang family!


With the roar in his mind, Tang Yunrou obviously realized something!

As for the possible targets involved in the arson case, the only ones were her mother and sister.

Thinking of that possibility, Tang Yunrou held onto the table uncontrollably and her body became a little weak. She also wanted to understand why her father did not let her take charge of the arson case.

Tang Yunrou didn't dare to breathe a sigh of relief until her father in front of her gave her a look that said, "Don't worry, your mother and your sister are fine."

"Not only that," Tang Yungang clapped his hands in fear, attracting everyone's attention.

"The cases that occurred along the coast are also related to the suspect who was just arrested."

"According to existing information, the kidnapping case involves transnational crimes and commercial disputes, mainly involving two well-known local entrepreneurs, Su and Li. The suspects have been sent to arrest the relevant teams."

"This" someone underground finished looking through the information and couldn't help but muttered, "Isn't this already solved?"

"The criminal has been arrested, the suspect has been identified, and there is only one left to arrest. What else do we need to investigate?"

"Isn't it?" Another captain flipped through the information full of electronic information and couldn't help but nod in praise, "This time the technical department has done a big job. The causes and consequences, motives, and evidence have been collected clearly."

The person in charge of the technical department couldn't help but blush, and then moved his lips under a surprised look,

"As much as I want to take the credit."

"Unfortunately, this information was not collected by our technical department."

The head of the technical department lowered his head, not daring to look at his colleagues. He felt a little embarrassed, but he still had to explain.

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