Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 296 Cassel and Ghoul, the right to speak brought by the new power.

Under the puzzled eyes of the two A-level commissioners of Kassel College, Chen Motong looked at the places where traces of the battle remained.

"Some of their limbs were cut off, but new ones quickly grew!"

"Some were disemboweled, but they were still alive and showed no signs of death."

"Some become riddled with holes under Deadpool's claws! But they can also recover as before."

"They don't have speech spirits and they don't even rely on thermal weapons." Chen Motong couldn't help but pace around the scene, running his fingers across several parts of the void human body at different locations, "But their tail vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, shoulders, and even their whole body, But it can grow enough to resist and kill those B-level, A-level and above deadpools, and can even escape after these deadpools explode with various spiritual abilities!"

"What's more."

Chen Motong slowly stopped on the dead body of a dead soldier, frowned, pursed her lips slightly, feeling a little shocked inside.

"Those monsters seem to regard those Deadpools as food?"

Deadpool, who satisfies his instinctive desires by killing and devouring humans, has instead become the food of some unknown monster.

This simply shattered Chen Motong's known world view.

Jiudoku Aki and Ye Sheng looked at each other, hearing the information analyzed by Nono in their hearts. They were at a loss.

The organized Deadpool can only be given orders by dragons, and it may be related to the "disappearing storm" they need to investigate!

Not to mention the monster in Nono's mouth.

Shuode Aki and Shude Aki couldn't help but frown, sighing secretly in their hearts.

There were too many strange things tonight.

What happened to this city?

After repeatedly confirming the various traces at the scene, the three of them added up the total and chose to upload the results of the investigation to Norma first, waiting for the corresponding judgment and analysis.

But I never expected that I would receive unprecedented attention from the college, and I would immediately be contacted by the school!

Jingle Bell--!

The video call was connected, and several professors from Kassel College were gathered in the same room as never before.

On weekdays, these professors have their own work tasks and research directions.

But now they rarely appear together, which shows that the situation is unusual.

"Professor Mance!" Ye Sheng and Jiude Aji were a little confused, but they still hurriedly said hello to their tutor. Even Chen Motong nodded slightly.

"Morning. No, maybe I should say good evening to you?" Professor Mance made a joke that I don't know if it was a joke, but it only made the three of them feel stomachache.

If possible, they would rather have a good sleep in a gentle and comfortable hotel than running around various murder scenes on a cold night.

"Okay, Mance, stop saying those useless words." A harsh, hoarse voice sounded from the corner, and the head of the executive department, Von Schneider, whose face was half covered under a special instrument, was among them.

You must know that as the head of the execution department, his usual tasks are the heaviest. He needs to be vigilant at all times, supervise abnormalities in the world, and make efficient mobilization. Events involving him must have aroused the high degree of concern of the school to a certain extent. Notice.

Professor Schneider grabbed Professor Mance's words and spoke directly. He had the capable and direct demeanor of an executive department.

"Hurry up and confirm the situation over there with your two students. That's what we should do."

"I'm sorry, professors," Ye Sheng couldn't help but exchanged glances with Jiude Aki. Ye Sheng glanced at the tired professors opposite him one by one, with a bit of confusion in his eyes, "We are a little confused about the situation. .”

Confirm the situation, confirm what situation?

How big of an event could it be that several professors from the school gathered here, putting aside their respective jobs? It seemed like they hadn't rested all night?

"Don't you understand? That's right. It's our fault. We were so anxious to confirm the situation on your side that we forgot to explain some necessary information to you."

Upon seeing this, Professor Manstein, the son of an old gangster in Cassel, the director of the Disciplinary Committee, took the initiative to take on the task of explaining.

After all, Professor Schneider, who has vocal inconvenience in the executive department, cannot be allowed to speak so much.

"In fact, this is the case." Professor Manstein recalled, making corresponding gestures in his hands,

"In the early hours of yesterday morning, a bloody massacre occurred in a shopping mall in Chicago, resulting in numerous casualties and even triggering the armed intervention of the local government, but it could not be quelled smoothly."

"The school suspected that the case was related to the rampage of mixed-race species, and the executive department dispatched three armed forces composed of A-level commissioners to suppress it, but they were all unsuccessful. Although it was easily solved by the phantom-like spirit of a B-level commissioner, then This guy's ability to resist certain speech spirits is extremely low." At the end of the sentence, Professor Manstein couldn't help but muttered something, and then looked at the three people in the picture,

"To put it in a nutshell, Cassell also captured a monster that basically fits the image described by Nono."

Facing the camera and pouting his chapped lips, Professor Manstein's voice slowly became serious.

"Red eyes that are different from golden pupils, a terrifying self-healing ability that far exceeds that of a hybrid, a terrifying monster that can secrete special weapons from all parts of the body without a word spirit, and can even wrap the whole body with that substance, and there are also The desire to eat cannibals, hybrids, and Deadpool.”

'This bizarre monster even caused a meeting of the school board'

"Ahem!!" Suddenly, Executive Director Schneider coughed several times, interrupting Manstein's words as he was entranced.

Manstein immediately realized that he had almost spilled the beans. He quickly glanced to the side and added bluntly,

"All in all, this kind of monster, which is different from hybrids and deadpools, has attracted the school's great attention."

"Then the school has already learned some information?" Shuude Aki whispered softly, confirming softly, but heard...

"1000! 993, 986, 979" is a crazy countdown in Japanese.

I saw Professor Toyama Masashi, the psychiatrist of Kassel School, being tied to a revolving chair, counting down the numbers with a dull expression, and demented saliva slowly flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Professor Manns noticed the doubts in his students' eyes, shrugged at Masashi Toyama, knocked on his head, and said helplessly,

"Aki, I'm sorry. The monster captured by the school is mentally abnormal now, and we haven't gotten much information."

"Professor Toyama committed a personal crime and tried to use hypnosis to calm the monster's mental condition, but he got himself involved. But don't worry too much, we believe he will come out on his own."

Professor Mance couldn't help but mutter in his heart,

There is nothing we can do if we can't get out. In the entire Kassel Academy, only Toyama Masashi can save himself.

"Hey guys, let me tell you, can't we be optimistic?" Suddenly, a somewhat off-key voice came in.

Professor Guderian, wearing dark blue pajamas studded with stars and holding a velvet pillow, threw aside the pen that poked Professor Toyama Masashi's face, touched his chin and said,

"Anyway, didn't we get some information?"

"For example, the monster we captured was codenamed Gecko. He was Japanese or something."

"I would like to say that we have to thank the principal for not giving in to the school board and retaining such a precious sample." He said. Guderian suddenly became excited, and could not help but be immersed in his own fantasy while talking, "To what extent can the ability of self-healing be achieved, with severed hands, feet, and heads? What is the principle of autologous cell weapons that are comparable to alchemy tools? Eat? What is the reason for human instinct, spiritual appeal or physiological structure? Oh my God! There are hundreds of world-class papers in every direction. If I can get one, I will be able to evaluate it as a tenured professor."

Several people who were already tenured professors were not interested in Guderian's ideas, but they were still interested in this new species.

"A theoretical paper? That's just the most superficial thing." Executive Director Schneider couldn't help but shake his head. His thoughts were more practical.

After research, can the self-healing ability be grafted onto the body of a dragon slayer to reduce the casualty rate?

Can cells comparable in strength to alchemy props be cultivated in large quantities and used to slay dragons to enhance the school's combat effectiveness?

What's more, can this seemingly rational monster be tamed and used in the hybrid dragon-slaying cause?

This is the huge value that the school and the school board saw immediately!

The principal and the reclusive vice-principal even launched a several-hour negotiation with Gattuso about this.

"The school." Ye Sheng asked, "Do you already know what that red-eyed monster is? Where does it come from?"

"No, we just have a few guesses at the moment," Professor Manns thought for a moment and answered his student's question. This level of disclosure was still within the allowed range.

"After a series of inspections, except for some differences in detailed data, the physiological information of this species is not much different from that of humans and hybrids. Therefore, the most credible hypothesis was born. We believe that this species is a deadpool or a hybrid Varieties of species.”

"The DNA of the captured individual cannot be matched in the global information database, so some professors believe that this species may originate from the Nibelung root of the legendary dragon."

"Nibelungen?" Shude Aki couldn't help but frown and murmured softly, "But I remember that Nibelungen is not a country of the dead? How could such a living species appear?"

"The Kingdom of the Dead itself is just a guess on our part. Moreover, our guess about the Nibelungs comes entirely from historical data. There is no guarantee that there will be no living creatures other than dragons and deadpools in it." Mansch Professor Tanin quoted classics and interjected, "Even until now, there are professors who firmly believe that it is possible to develop a civilization in the Nibelung that is different from reality but similar to reality? And the species captured yesterday are even more It solidified their idea.”

"Speaking of which, do you really not consider my conjecture?" Guderian squeezed Manstein away and stuck out his head wearing a nightcap, beaming like a child. "It is impossible for this species to come from Another world? Like many Japanese otherworld novels, it came to our world because of time and space rifts or something? After all, if it were really the Nibelung, it would not be so vast as to span Chicago and China, and bring the world from different places. Let that monster out, right?"

"Why don't you say that the Black King has awakened and summoned his subordinates from other worlds?" Manstein raised his hand and pushed Guderian aside in disgust. He couldn't understand it. He could just speak directly. , why do you have to squeeze in to the camera?

"Look less at Japanese fantasy toilet paper, and don't forget your identity. As a professor in Kassel, we must use the scientific worldview of humans and dragons to look at all problems that arise."

Ignoring Guderian's whisper of "a bunch of old guys, they can't keep up with the times, they may be eliminated", the professors looked at the camera, and when the people on the opposite side had finished laughing, Schneider, the head of the executive department, spoke up and explained the real purpose of their visit.

"As you probably know, the school attaches great importance to the emergence of this new species, and has even locked this information at an S-level confidentiality level."

"The reason why I will tell you these secrets is simple. We have seen a new turning point from the situation you reported."

"Unlike the one captured by the academy that has fallen into madness, from the information given by Nono, it is obvious that they have the same intelligence and thinking as humans, and even have sound organization."

"Cooperation or confrontation? I think the college's attitude towards them needs to change."

After everyone gets what they need, stand on the front line of slaying the dragon and save the world together? Or is it that after the negotiation broke down, the hybrids are adding new powerful enemies besides dragons?

"Of course, the premise is that we can find them." Schneider, who was prepared for a rainy day, couldn't help but say, "This information cannot be hidden for long. Cassel needs to be exposed to this new force first before he can take control."

"If someone else takes the lead, who knows what kind of influence this power of unknown quantity and unknown upper and lower limits will have."

If someone or an organization controls this power, no matter what they or they want to do, it cannot be ignored.

New species and new power also mean new right to speak!

Everyone looked at Chen Motong in unison, only to see her shaking her head slightly and revealing some disappointing news.

"No, they are all veterans of hiding. They cut off cleanly in all directions. I can't trace their traces. Maybe it would be faster to compare the DNA with the remaining blood stains."

"Really?" Schneider couldn't help frowning and said thoughtfully, "Then it seems that they don't want to take the initiative to expose him."

"Extract some blood samples from the scene, and then continue your original mission for the time being. Regarding the sudden disappearance of the storm, the group of deadpools that appeared at the scene is also a direction for investigation." Professor Schneider thought for a while, and finally decided, " As for those existences that we can say are 'human' that feed on Deadpool. If you really can't find them, then come to Japan. Whether they are friends or foes, we will always come into contact with them."

"You really don't want to consider my conjecture anymore? Visitors from another world or parallel time and space, I think there is no shortage of logic?"

Guderian showed up again, full of expression.

Communication was cut off, and no one paid attention to Professor Guderian, who was as whimsical as an old naughty boy.

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