Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 302 Ming Fei and Hui Liyi: A thousand needles? I don’t want it!

[Realistic mission module, skill advent module, and talent penetration module have been updated. 】

[Reward sublimation module, loading completed, update progress 50%]

[World domain module, loading completed, update progress 15%]

[Overall update progress: 3/5. 】

With a thought in mind, Lu Mingfei tried to enter the existing options of [Your Lie in April], [Dragon Clan], and [Random World], but only got the message "The system has not been updated yet, please wait patiently" and "After the version update. , the simulation will undergo some changes, please prepare the host." The prompt text was quietly engraved on the gray world frame.

[Demon Slayer World (number of successful solidifications: 1), simulated cooling time: 179 days, 3 hours and 52 minutes.

Note: Relevant cooling coupons can be redeemed to reduce the time limit. 】

Lu Mingfei glanced at the simulator that had not yet been fully updated and the Demon Slayer simulation world with an unprecedented cooldown time, and couldn't help but touch his lips.

Although there are unlimited cooldown removal volumes in the rescue mall, the millions of rescue points are not something Lu Mingfei can afford now.

What's more, judging from the system update progress, even if you don't choose another world, you will have to wait for at least about a month and a half.

So Lu Mingfei nodded lightly and wrote a few big words under "Simulation Related" in the upper left corner of the notebook.

"The simulation is at a standstill, waiting for updates while accumulating saving points. You should keep looking forward to it, but return to real life for the time being."

Then, Lu Mingfei moved the tip of his pen lightly and recorded in the second section the course of action he should take in the mixed race world amidst the sound of rustling.

Writing quickly was something he had already thought about.

"Real World Code of Conduct"

"First, hide yourself, protect yourself, and improve your strength in all aspects."

One's own strength is the only unconditionally credible productivity.

"Second, find ways to investigate the truth and get in touch with reality."

Understanding intelligence is the only way to explore your own future choices.


The tip of the pen moved, spreading the fragrance of the ink. Lu Mingfei thought for a while, and the pen moved like a snake.

“Be prepared and start building a mask organization.”

After all, personal energy is limited.

Lu Mingfei does not want to be controlled by anyone in the future, and at the same time he also wants to have the right to speak on an equal footing with everyone, so he urgently needs the reappearance of the mask organization.

It’s no longer just one person playing several roles, but truly establishing a team that belongs exclusively to Lu Mingfei!

The personnel are yet to be determined, the purpose is unclear, the funds are insufficient, and there is still a long way to go, but it can barely be said that the future is promising?

Forget it, just remember it first.

Lu Mingfei tapped the notebook and moved the pen tip again.

Then the third section is "Daily and Campus Life".

It takes Lu Mingfei the most time to consider this aspect. After all, for now, he spends most of his time in this area.

Frankly speaking, Lu Mingfei now feels that ordinary high school and college have no effect on him, but he cannot and cannot leave so quickly.

Therefore, it still needs to "lurk" secretly for a long time.

"The most important thing is not to expose your abnormal and inhuman abilities, whether to strangers, uncles, aunts, senior brothers Chu or Su Xiaoqiang."

Lu Mingfei bit his pen cap unconsciously and muttered,

"But I can't be as ordinary as before, otherwise in the end, I might be even more suspicious."

After thinking for a long time, Lu Mingfei finally determined his role in daily life - a student who suddenly changed his mind after entering high school and gradually became enlightened in all aspects of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor.

That is what adults lament and students talk about - the so-called "dark horse"!

I'm afraid no one can believe that Crane Momo became a god in one day.

But if the time span is lengthened and the same result is replaced by a useless counterattack, not many people will be unable to accept it.

"If you really do this, the key and difficulty is to grasp the speed of the growth of the 'dark horse', and you need to plan carefully." Lu Mingfei murmured softly.

There is no doubt that his abilities are indeed far ahead of his peers.

But something like suddenly exposing his rapidly improving swordsmanship skills in front of Senior Brother Chu must never happen again.

Even if it's similar, it won't work.

Because it’s too “abnormal”!

So in the next period of time, Lu Mingfei plans to slowly release his abilities until everyone gets used to the magic of such a high school "dark horse". No matter what happens, they will no longer be too surprised, but will feel deep in their hearts. As long as you can bear it, you can sigh "Lu Mingfei has changed so much", even if it is a matter of course.

Of course there is one more thing,

Lu Mingfei lightly sketched a few strokes on his notebook, but his strength was a bit heavy.

"Find an opportunity and use reasonable excuses to move out."

In order to better facilitate his various actions, and to avoid bringing danger to his uncle's family as much as possible, he can no longer stay here.

Suddenly remembering that on the way home, his aunt complained that her car had been hit and scrapped in order to find him, and she didn't know how much it would cost, as well as the injuries and bandages all over the bodies of the three members of the Lao Lu family. Lu Mingfei couldn't help but smile silently.

After all, even if this little fat man, who has the lowest opinion of him in the family, is killed by the FBI or CIA or other mixed-race organizations because of him, Lu Mingfei will not cry, but he will still be sad for a while. of.

Hmm. Feelings but not much? ? ?

A chuckle escaped from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Mingfei thought about the story of Sunset and Snake's first offline meeting not long ago.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Mingfei slowly completed the last module, which was the "Mission" currently in Lu Mingfei's hands.

The golden mission "Blood Future" about ghouls.

To be honest, Lu Mingfei is quite greedy. A golden skill card, millions of saving points, 1% to 10% of bloodline unblocking in varying amounts, and the so-called mysterious gift package, none of them seem simple. look like.

But at present, he can only choose to investigate slowly, wait for the opportunity, and Jiang Taigong fishes - whoever wants to take the bait.

There is no need to rush this, what is supposed to come will always come.

As for the long-term mission "Crime and Punishment·The Journey of Eternity".

Lu Mingfei's current plan is to act in the dead of night, doing heroic acts to earn saving points, and at the same time, he can also personally understand and investigate various secret intelligence. This was one of the reasons why he urgently needed to move out and live on his own.

Finally, there is the latest investigation mission of "Moloto Cocktail".

Turning it over casually, shaking the cold dark purple potion in his hand, Lu Mingfei silently watched the mysterious liquid hidden in the transparent tube swim and glow, and could not help but tap the table with his fingers.

Ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta!

This thing that can turn a hybrid into Deadpool is definitely not simple no matter how you look at it.


After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Mingfei quietly put pen to paper.

"This winter vacation, we will target Japan to investigate matters related to the Moloto Cocktail and Genji Heavy Industries, an organization that is most likely a hybrid."


"Use the power of the system to cure Eri Uesugi's disease."

A lottery ticket for a trip to Japan, a ridiculously high favorability rating, and a perfectly timed investigation mission.

The timing was right, it was time to meet.

Lu Mingfei solemnly wrote down his promise to the little girl in his notebook. When he concluded the sentence and circled it, his eyes were stunned.

"Speaking of this kid, Eriki Uesugi? Did I forget something?"

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

The clock was beating. Lu Mingfei turned around and looked up at the clock. It was just after nine o'clock in the evening.

Probably from Japan as well.

"Ten o'clock!?"

After clearing the clouds and seeing the fog, Lu Mingfei slowly opened his eyes. When he turned around, he saw the note paper on the wall.

"1. 9.13, remember! Remember! At ten o'clock in the afternoon (crossed out), the brigade must be on the line on time at 9 o'clock to fulfill the agreement with Eriyi."

In his mind, he recalled last night's duel with Eriki Uesugi when he went overtime to explain the jet lag, and his promise to never be late again today while patting his chest.

Lu Mingfei looked down at the smoking and scrapped computer for a while, looked up at the note paper posted on the wall, and turned to stare at the slowly beating clock. He grabbed his hair and rubbed it around irritably, feeling extremely confused.


The mobile phone exploded in the fire, the computer was scrapped just now, and the promised time was about to pass. If the mobile phone was conjured out of thin air, the old monster in the deep mountains and forests of Chicago would probably find something unusual.

Just tell me, what should he do now?

Ready to swallow a thousand needles?

Lu Mingfei suddenly lay down on the bed, making a squeaking sound.

It annoys him to death!

At the same time, in Japan, Tokyo at ten o'clock, the darkness was filled with different noises.

A mysterious floor of Genji Heavy Industries.

Eriyi, who had been recuperating all day, stared with big doubtful eyes, and her pure red eyes were gradually stained with mist of grievance.

Reflecting, the motionless black screen in front of me.

He turned to look at the pointer that had exceeded the agreed time, turned around and twisted the handle on the game console, but the screen that originally lit up when he touched it did not light up at all at this moment.

Eriki's shoulders trembled anxiously, and even her golden eyes lit up uncontrollably.


Why can't it be opened suddenly?

I have never encountered this kind of situation since I moved here. Eriyi, who experienced a power outage for the first time, was a little at a loss and felt empty in her heart.

The girl doesn't know that this emotion is called panic, she only knows.

Don't do this!

In this case, wouldn't it mean that she didn't keep her promise?

She doesn't want to swallow a thousand needles!

"Uh-huh!" She subconsciously rubbed the hair on both sides of her head, and Eri whimpered uncontrollably like a small animal.

Shaking her head violently, her messy dark red hair spun lightly and fell onto her chest. Eryi looked pitifully at the custom-made mobile phone that someone had just sent her not long ago, with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

He stood up hastily, stepped on a coin thrown carelessly on the ground while stumbling, and sank into the bed, took out his mobile phone, and opened the number awkwardly.


Eriki sent an explanation message to her only friend Sakura, but received no response.

Eriki didn't know what the spinning gray and white windmill and the big red exclamation mark next to the message meant, but she also knew that it was definitely not good news - because Sakura didn't reply to her.

In the darkness, the girl turned over and lay angrily on the slightly messy bed.

Eriki looked at the Japanese-style ceiling filled with moonlight, and suddenly felt the urge to vent her voice, but she was afraid that she would lose control of her power and make a mess in the room.

Ever since, the red witch robe was fluttering in the fragrant wind, her little feet and fists were waving wildly, and the mattress under her body made a whimpering sound.

"Uh huh!!!"

She was so angry!

Jingle bells!

The bronze coin stuck to his feet fell with a "Boer~" sound and rolled around on the ground. His mind was buzzing with waves, and he had the same thought - what should I do?

No matter whether there is rain or mist outside the window, no matter whether the sky is clear or cloudless.

The moon in the sky shines thousands of miles away, and the curved corners are a bit cold, but it is like the night, smiling warmly.

No matter how Lu Mingfei solved the matter later.

But watch the time fly by, the years are like a shuttle, autumn leaves several harvest winds, and winter comes with a little chill.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed since that day when I failed to meet my daily standards.

The "ordinary" September 13th slowly passed away, and October 1st, a day celebrated by the whole country, quietly arrived.

It was three o'clock in the morning, the underworld moment, mist and light rain enveloped the world, and the fresh and penetrating earthy fragrance filled the lips and teeth.

The coastal town is lit up with the neon colors of bustling nightlife, the water in the river is sparkling, cars are passing on the small bridge, and the green belt is spreading not far away, surrounding a flashing building.

Dust accompanied by pebbles streaked across the sky and shattered on the ground in a blink of an eye. They came from the top of this tall building in the center of the city.

There, you can overlook the scenery of all corners of the city, and it is also an excellent sniper spot!

On the rooftop a hundred meters above the ground, there are no high walls that can block the howling wind, so the mottled iron door that has not been opened all year round creaks, adding a smell of rust and rotting weeds.

There is no light from other buildings here, and the slightly dark mysterious space is sparsely populated. The only illumination used is the full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival that occasionally lifts away the thin clouds.

The hazy cold rain fell and turned into fine crystal tears, covering the edge of the ceiling, which was about ten centimeters high.

The crystal water adhered to the even colder pitch-black gun body resting on the edge, slowly gathered at the muzzle, dripped in the dizzy moonlight, crossed a hundred meters high in the sky, and bloomed on the umbrellas of pedestrians.

Rustling! The sound of the pen tip scratching across the paper was heard.

Lu Mingfei, wearing a waterproof black coat and a black mask with gold patterns on his face, leaned against the cold wind and gently wrote today's "report", his golden eyes reflecting the diary that was slightly smudged with the fragrance of ink. Book.

"October 1, light rain, temperature 24 degrees Celsius."

"Endnote: Half a month has passed, and there has been no investigation by the mixed-race organization. The kidnapping case has successfully concealed its traces.

The computer monster in Chicago also disappeared after monitoring the newly replaced computers for half a month, which can reduce the vigilance appropriately. "

Lu Mingfei murmured like this.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew gibberish and "clattered" Lu Mingfei's secret diary.

September 29, September 27, September 25, September 14.

Recording Lu Mingfei's daily and non-daily changes one by one in the past half month.

He raised his palm to smooth the page, and his golden eyes fell on the "Be cautious, be cautious, and then be cautious!" marked at the end of the page on September 14th.

There was a hint of helplessness visible in Lu Mingfei's expression.

The day after he made up his mind to hide his anomalies and gradually reveal part of his abilities, he almost failed.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei sighed slightly.

In the white mist of exhalation, thoughts swirled around the scenes in my memory.

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