On September 14, it turned cloudy and sunny, with a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius.

It was five o'clock in the morning. Perhaps because the blood in his body was still being released, Lu Mingfei, who had not slept for several days, still felt energetic.

After secretly eating fruit all night, he finally alleviated his slight hunger after twisting several large pots of fruit cores and seeds.

After leaving the notes "I'm going to school and doing some morning exercise" and "I don't know what happened to the computer, it suddenly blew up last night", Lu Mingfei went straight to Shilan High School with a new suit of clothes.

After the stormy holiday, there were many more people on campus doing morning exercises.

I was slightly sweaty after a proper exercise, and after a night of fighting, during the kendo sparring session with Senior Brother Chu, I didn’t use breathing techniques or use the transparent world. Instead, Lu Mingfei took the dominant position in the dark, guiding me appropriately. It made Chu Zihang feel like he was slowly making progress.

Afterwards, when asked what happened yesterday, Lu Mingfei was confused by Lu Mingfei's hesitation. Seeing this, Chu Zihang knew enough not to ask any more questions.

Then came the long-awaited start of school, and Lu Mingfei, with his keen senses, heard the different discussions of his classmates from far away in the classroom.

No matter where high school life is, it is like this. I don’t know whether it is because they are at the age of fantasy or something else, but during recess, students will always excitedly talk about all kinds of strange stories.

Lu Mingfei should feel that he had seen it all the time, but it was quite a bit strange to hear various news that had something to do with him for the first time.

"Hey! Wenwen, how was your computer yesterday?" In Bai Langlang's classroom early in the morning, the tables, chairs and benches were still very cold. A little girl who often surrounded Chen Wenwen turned around and asked.

"Is everything okay?" Chen Wenwen looked a little dazed after not sleeping all night. Her eyes fell on the empty table in the corner from time to time, she pursed her lips lightly and echoed a few times in confusion, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that her The mind is not in the conversation.

"Really?" Xu Yanyan leaned over at this time, sighing out of his chubby body, "President, you are so lucky."

"You don't know. Yesterday in our class alone, many students' computers burned out and were scrapped. Even the newly assembled high-end computer in Boss Zhao's gaming room didn't escape. It costs a lot of money. .”

"No way, it's just a matter of tens of thousands of dollars in pocket money. Just contact the master in a few days to reinstall one."

When Zhao Menghua heard this, he subconsciously behaved in a sloppy manner. Then, under the curious eyes of everyone, he pulled the stool a little closer, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously,

"You definitely don't know. According to reliable information, people with computer problems this time are not just here, but actually all over the country. My second grandfather is from the Strategy Department. According to him, the reason for such large-scale damage is a certain person. Some highly skilled hackers have launched information warfare at the international level. Other countries don’t know about it, but we haven’t suffered much losses anyway.”

In just an instant, Zhao Menghua became the center of the topic, but no one knew that the real center of the incident was secretly secretly channeling outside the door. Unexpectedly, he was caught with some clues.

"Do you all know about the large-scale power outage in Tokyo next door at night?" Seeing everyone looking here, Zhao Menghua pointed it out, and by chance, he accidentally discovered the truth, "Scrap a computer That’s all, just think of it as contributing to our victory.”

"I'll go, is it true or not?" Xu Yanyan, the loser, gave extra face to him. He looked at Zhao Menghua constantly and gave a thumbs up, "As expected of Boss Zhao, can you get this information?"

"Hey, it's all a small case." Zhao Menghua waved his hands modestly, but his originally happy eyes dimmed slightly, because Chen Wenwen, whom he really wanted to pay attention to, obviously looked uninterested.

Xu Yanyan on the other side saw him, rolled his eyes, and tried to start a topic to heat up the atmosphere, "Hey! Do you know about the big thing that happened to us yesterday? It's just in the west of the city."

"Is Xu Yanyan talking about the mall that exploded not long after it opened? To be honest, I thought it was fake. It wasn't until my elementary school classmate who lived nearby sent me a picture of the scene that I dared to believe it was real." The person at the front desk of Chen Wenwen couldn't help but raise her head and said in fear, "I think the whole building has been trampled. It's scary."

"Then you are too out. My dad from the fire station hasn't come back since early in the morning. You don't know that a lot of people died this time. But there seems to be a celebrity, good guy, listen to the scene People say that guy climbed to the fourth floor with his bare hands and rescued the people inside before the fire broke out!"

"Real or false?" Chen Wenwen was a little curious after hearing this. After thinking about it, she couldn't help but frown and asked, "But if such a big thing really happened, why is there no news at all on the news?"

"Really, absolutely true." Xu Miaomiao, who had always been unknown in the corner, glanced at Lu Mingfei's empty seat and couldn't help but muttered.

He didn't know if it was true or not. He, Xu, was at the scene at that time. The man who saved people looked very much like Lu Mingfei.

"You don't understand, President." When Zhao Menghua saw this, he raised his eyebrows and told a secret, "Because this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface. In fact, this is not an accident at all. .My cousin is in the bureau and has the honor to be in charge of this case. This fire was actually caused by man-made events. Big figures from all walks of life were involved, and the whole body was affected by it. I am afraid that no public comment will be made until the case is concluded. Report it, otherwise the impact will be bad.”

"Is that so?" Chen Wenwen nodded lightly and asked no more questions.

Is it a secret? I don’t know for the best. Zhao Menghua and his cousin are the same. If they just say it so casually, they don’t know how much trouble it will cause to others.

Thinking of this, Chen Wenwen still glanced at an empty seat uncontrollably, which made Zhao Menghua feel unhappy. He didn't understand what was wrong with Chen Wenwen today, why she kept looking at Lu Mingfei.

Thinking about the unanswered messages in QQ, Chen Wenwen bit her lower lip and nodded in agreement from time to time during the discussion, but she actually did not hear the chatter of her classmates clearly.

But other students were chatting with gusto.

The father who works at a bank had his vault stolen, and his deskmate said, "Are you sure it's not someone who robbed your house?"

When a classmate in the suburbs of a city heard gunshots along the coast, someone rolled his eyes and pointed out, "Is there a possibility that they were setting off firecrackers?"

Why did a certain taxi driver see a bunch of monsters fighting at night, and the blood flowed all over the ground, and it is still blocked until now.

All kinds of miscellaneous information and fanciful speculations filled the laughter before class, creating a youthful atmosphere of disturbance and slapstick.

Until the door suddenly rang, and with winks from the people in the back row, almost everyone's attention turned to Lu Mingfei, who was sitting and lying down.

After all, no matter how much fun there is outside, it can't compare to the living "focus" around you now!

The news may be fake, and the weird rumors are most likely spread with added fuel and jealousy, but the news in front of you is real.

"Lu Mingfei is quite calm. He doesn't know yet, right?" An insider in the QQ group of the literary society couldn't help but said, and then nodded to himself, "It seems possible. I fell into the literary world yesterday. Looking at the membership list in the community, guess what, I didn’t see Lu Mingfei at all.”

"It's impossible. Now it's not just people in our class who know about this, it's the whole school! The campus forum was blown up. Although the school later intervened, the popularity didn't decrease much. He shouldn't not know about it. .”

"Hey, let me tell you, you are all thinking too much. Even Lu Mingfei, what can he do if he doesn't know? What can he do if he knows? How can he fight back head-on? Crying, making trouble, and hanging himself all don't work. Just bear with it, if you can't bear it anymore, transfer to another school and it'll be over with."

The above are all discussions among boys, and they are mostly based on schadenfreude.

As for girls, their focus is slightly different, tending towards gossip,

"Huh? That's not right! Speaking of this, have you remembered that in the QQ group yesterday, the little goddess went on a killing spree, and she was almost bleeding like a river. Tell me, what is the relationship between the two of them? They are boyfriend and girlfriend. ?”

"It's impossible, right? These two were running around the house a few days ago. Happy enemies?"

"Who knows what made Su Xiaoqiang crazy yesterday? Why don't you just go and ask?"

"Let me ask Hammer! Class will begin soon, and there is not even a shadow of the little goddess."

Seeing Lu Mingfei come to school, Chen Wenwen, who guessed that nothing serious happened to him, breathed a sigh of relief. Looking around at the noise around her, she opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

For example, since we are all classmates, we should not treat Lu Mingfei like this no matter what.

"Everyone." But before the words came out of her mouth, Chen Wenwen swallowed them again.

The girl bit her lip lightly and clenched her fists, unable to muster the courage.

Zhao Menghua noticed this scene, couldn't help but squint his eyes slightly, clapped his hands, and picked up the monitor's air, "Okay! We are all classmates, we have to help each other, what are the names of those who have some and don't have them?"

But he didn't do that to support Lu Mingfei.

On the one hand, it is to establish the character of a monitor who cares about classmates and to prepare for public election into the student union.

on the other hand

Zhao Menghua couldn't help but snorted in his heart when he saw the relaxed look in Chen Wenwen's eyes that changed in an instant.

It was now confirmed that the existence that had been making Chen Wenwen obsessed with her since just now was actually Lu Mingfei.

It’s not clear what kind of ecstasy soup Lu Mingfei poured into her.

"That's right! We are all classmates, what do you call adding insult to injury at this time? It's better to be the monitor, for the sake of the classmates," Chen Wenwen's front desk gave Zhao Menghua a small thumbs up with bright eyes, "I heard that the monitor is leaving on the recommendation of classmates. How about the student union? Call me when the time comes and I will definitely give you my meager vote."

"Count me in!"

"And I, Boss Zhao, if you really go in, don't forget us heroes." Xu Yanyan winked and shouted.

The crowd gathered on one side of the classroom vividly reflected the emptiness in the corner, and even the light coming through the window looked so cold.

The popularity was so one-sided that Lu Mingfei, who had heard everything, glanced at the class overview and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Was he so unpopular before?

Three-fifths of the students were gloating over his misfortune and waiting to watch the show; one-fifth of the students kept silent because it had nothing to do with them; fortunately, there were still a few who couldn't bear it and wanted to support him who was being "bullied" by public opinion. My classmates, although they didn’t really say anything, the other five to four people were much better.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that he was quite alone and helpless.

The only one who could lift the table, step on the stool, and fire map cannons at the idiots in the class was probably Su Xiaoqiang who was resting in the hospital.

After all, it is a friendship between life and death.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei thought of that vivid scene and couldn't help laughing.

"You seem to be quite calm originally."

The cool bamboo fragrance filled his face. At some point, a girl who came to Lu Mingfei's side heard the boy's lying smile, tilted her head and muttered,

"Looking at it now, are you crazy?"

"No, no, I just thought of something funny." Lu Mingfei laughed and stood up, his calm eyes reflecting the visitor.

Black leather boots are on the ground, and the long black skirt with a waistband hides the chopstick legs of the lower body. Although there is no temptation to expose, it fully embodies the overall nobility.

The slender and delicate five fingers moved lightly, across the proud white collarbone and thin throat of the straight back, and gently brushed away the broken hair on the temples.

Liu Miaomiao had her hair tied up and was looking at Lu Mingfei doubtfully.

"Liu Miaomiao" Lu Mingfei pondered for a moment, then gave a clean smile, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"If it's for comfort, forget it. I'm actually not that fragile."

Liu Miaomiao was startled at first. What was hidden under that unfailing smile made her a little distracted.

Vaguely, she seemed to have guessed why her best friend Su Xiaoqiang was so protective of Lu Mingfei yesterday.

As long as you are in contact, you can clearly feel that Lu Mingfei has indeed undergone unknown changes.

But as soon as she heard Lu Mingfei's last sentence, Liu Miaomiao couldn't help but subconsciously rolled her eyes and hummed softly,

"Comfort? You're so beautiful! You're overthinking it. It's good enough that I don't just treat you with them, okay? Don't be so sentimental."

Lu Mingfei blinked lightly, not embarrassed at all, just a little confused.

"Then you come here"

"Of course I'm here to ask about Su Xiaoqiang," Liu Miaomiao glanced at the classmate who was paying attention to her, then she leaned over and asked in a low voice,

"Since yesterday afternoon, I can't contact her, and I can't get through on the phone. I went to see her at home in the morning, but no one was there, and now she hasn't even come to school."

"I know she went out with you yesterday. Do you know what happened?"

Lu Mingfei narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Clear."

"What's going on?" Liu Miaomiao asked anxiously. She was really worried that something had happened to her best friend.

Unexpectedly, Lu Mingfei shook his head lightly, "I can't say."

Said that Su Xiaoqiang was in the hospital? Doesn't this make Liu Miaomiao worried for nothing?

"Hey! No! Lu Mingfei, why are you so nagging all of a sudden!" Liu Miaomiao frowned slightly and pinched her sleeves, "Then you can tell me where you went and what you did yesterday, right?"

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