Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 93 Su Xiaoqiang: Chen Wenwen, Chen Wenwen, how should you deal with yourself? (First order r

"Who is it?" The girl lowered her voice, but looked directly at the opposite person, as if doing so, and acting according to the other person's ideas just now, was nothing.

"Chen Wenwen, you must hate me very much." Su Xiaoqiang asked curiously without answering directly.

"I never thought you liked me." Chen Wenwen pursed her lips and whispered.

Who can tell who rejected whom first?

"Tell me who sent the brown sugar water."

"Recovering pretty quickly? I'd like to know. You have to answer my two questions first."

Su Xiaoqiang stretched out two fingers with a smile, her eyes were sharp,

"First, Chen Wenwen, could you please remember the scene on the first day of school?"

"Oh, let me be more specific." Noticing Chen Wenwen's slightly confused external movements, Su Xiaoqiang chuckled and knocked on the table.


The crisp sound brought back Chen Wenwen's memories.

"I would like to ask you, who was still reading in this position, if you heard about someone in the back corner of the class who was stepped on and started an argument because I admired you as the class beauty."

"If the position of class beauty is the reason why you hate me, then I apologize to you." Chen Wenwen held the porcelain cup and spoke softly.

"Don't act like I'm forcing you, okay? Although I do push you again."

The stool Su Xiaoqiang pulled open made a sound, and she thought to herself as she sat down.

"But I also admit that this incident really stimulated me at the time. After all, I have been the one who has been the center of attention since childhood. Suddenly someone else stole the limelight. I can't help being a little angry."

"But Chen Wenwen, why don't you think about it, why do I have a good relationship with Liu Miaomiao, who is also recognized by those boys as the top three class girls?"

Chen Wenwen pursed her lips, wondering what the girl in front of her meant.

Su Xiaoqiang slowly stretched out her second finger,

"Second question, Chen Wenwen, do you still remember the invitation to establish a literary club a few days ago?"

She looked at the girl opposite and couldn't help but half-squinted her eyes.

"Why did you invite Lu Mingfei?"

Chen Wenwen gently squeezed the cup tightly and said nothing.

"Let me tell you a story about my father." Su Xiaoqiang shook her finger.

"Once, my father's company encountered such a situation."

"There are two companies on the supply side. One is weak and has no need to pay attention to, and the other has strong resources and a well-known reputation overseas."

"It stands to reason that the choice should be clear, right? No idiot would choose a weak guy? Let alone my father, a profiteer."

"But that's not what my father did. Before meeting with the stronger company, my father had a meal with the boss of the weaker company in a big way. The standards were not low at all."

Su Xiaoqiang lowered her head, rubbed her fingertips lightly, and murmured to herself,

"I asked my father what he was asking, and what do you think he said?"

"He said this, 'Everyone knows that I want to cooperate with a strong company, but don't you think, daughter, it would be better to meet that weak company?'"

"The twists and turns are disgusting, right?"

Su Xiaoqiang looked at Chen Wenwen with a smile,

"But Chen Wenwen doesn't feel familiar to you?"

"If I remember correctly, the next person you invite after inviting Lu Mingfei will be Zhao Menghua, right?"


There was a long silence.

Chen Wenwen raised her red eyes and looked at Su Xiaoqiang aggrievedly.

"I don't."

The voice was a little hoarse, even choked.

The small voice was drowned in the discussion of the program in the huge classroom, and only two people could hear it clearly.

"Really do not have!"

She had never thought of it that way.

Su Xiaoqiang looked at Chen Wenwen's aggrieved look and felt at a loss for a moment.


Those at the back,

Su Xiaoqiang swallowed the words that if Zhao Menghua, the squad leader, was defeated, his younger brother and others in the class would follow suit and actively join the literary club.

Maybe that's just the shyness of an artistic girl?

Or is it the girl repaying the boy's favor by admiring her as the class beauty?

Is it just Bai Yueguang's sympathy for the helpless transparent dog?

"Forget it, no matter what happened, just pretend that I didn't say anything, Chen Wenwen."

Su Xiaoqiang scratched her head, stood up and was about to leave.

"who is it?"

Chen Wenwen held the porcelain cup tightly, and questioning voices rang out.

"You think the answer is important?"

Su Xiaoqiang lowered her head and looked at the girl strangely,

"Okay, I admit that I just lied. The brown sugar and the porcelain cup are indeed mine."

Chen Wenwen's little face suddenly froze.

"I will wash the cup and return it to you. Thank you, Su Xiaoqiang."

After a long silence, Chen Wenwen thanked her softly.

"Chen Wenwen, I want to tell you something."

Su Xiaoqiang kicked up her heels and explained to herself,

"If you are not lying, with the character of a literary girl like you, if you like someone, you must really like someone."

"That is to say, in a secular sense, you don't care about social status, appearance, academic qualifications, and you just like someone because you like them."

"But, Chen Wenwen, you have to pay attention, you are not a god, you are a human being."

"So all the factors mentioned above will unknowingly affect your feeling of falling in love with someone."

Su Xiaoqiang stretched out her hand and gently wiped away the brown sugar droplets left on the goose-yellow table.

"It just so happens that you still have some temperament, some looks, and good clothes. When the storm comes, you will consciously or unconsciously pick up a few drowned puppies."

"Of course, you may not care what those few puppies will think in the future. Just think that you are showing kindness and you will still continue to chase and find the people or things you like."

"But have you ever thought about it? If one day, by chance, you find that what you are chasing and finding is the puppy you picked up, but it turned into a little lion."

"And he is no longer close to you because of his previous neglect and his growth along the way. Chen Wenwen, Chen Wenwen, how will you deal with yourself when the time comes?"

Su Xiaoqiang returned to her usual appearance and smiled.

"How about it, Chen Wenwen, although I usually don't show off my talent, but when it's time to be artistic, I'm not any worse than you, right?"

Then, regardless of Chen Wenwen's reaction, she returned to a corner of the class.

"The five dollars you got for doing this is really worth it."

Su Xiaoqiang took out a chocolate bar and ate it by herself, her eyes falling on the heavy rain outside the window, silently lost in thought.

"But I remember that I asked you to hide my existence." Lu Mingfei flipped through a math book, with a little helplessness in his words.

"I didn't say anything. The brown sugar porcelain cup belongs to me. I told President Chen everything about it."

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