Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 94 Lu Mingfei: I’m probably sick (must read chapter)

But you didn't mention who brewed it.

Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes speechlessly,

"But little goddess, don't you know how dazzling you are?"

"You just left Chen Wenwen's place and you came to my place?"

"If you really want to complete the mission, at least walk around a few times, right?"

"Also, what did you say to Chen Wenwen?"

I always feel like the looks coming from not far away are getting weirder and weirder!

"Don't say it's not a task, it's about helping! Help, okay?" Su Xiaoqiang frowned subconsciously,

How come this sounds like she is a maid?

"Didn't you hear what we said?"

"It's so far away, how can I hear it?"

Lu Mingfei said this, his voice a little weak.

With his heightened senses, he could hear vaguely, but he was not a pervert and had no reason to listen to what the two little girls were saying, so he just blocked it on his own.

"Really?" Su Xiaoqiang ate the chocolate bar, "Then I didn't say anything."


Why didn't I realize that she was such a person before?

Lu Mingfei silently took out a novel and flipped through it, intending to relax in a different way.

Different from Chen Wenwen's hardcover version of Shakespeare.

What Lu Mingfei had in hand was the kind of low-quality printed matter sold on carpets.

The hands that are still nimble due to years of exposure to games are gently turning this page and that page.

"Why didn't I realize that you were quite attentive before?" Su Xiaoqiang joked, unknowingly losing the noisiness of the past, "Honestly, this kind of behavior is a big plus in the girl circle."

"Lu Mingfei, how did you find out?"

"It's just accidental."

"Really? You've changed so much. I'm getting more and more curious about what happened. I fell in love online and found out that it was Uncle Jio? From now on, I have been locked in love and devoted myself to the Tao?" Su Xiaoqiang took out a chocolate bar again,

"Little goddess, stop reading junk books." Lu Mingfei curled his lips helplessly.



Su Xiaoqiang ate the chocolate bar bit by bit, mumbling incoherently.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect you to have the guts to help."

"Is it possible that the lingering feelings are lingering?"

"No, it's a piece of cake."

Lu Mingfei answered casually, but felt a sense of spiritual clarity.

Five trials to cultivate your character.

Under the Waterfall of Silence, he learned to know himself, so there really was nothing to admit.


Page after page of poor-quality ink was turned over by Lu Mingfei, accompanied by mutterings that only his own heart could hear.

Goodbye, Chen Wenwen.

Hello, President Chen.

But, just for today,

Say goodbye to that momentary heartbeat that makes no sense.


Lu Mingfei murmured and glanced sideways, looking at the increasingly dense raindrops and wildly dancing wickers outside the window.

"It sure is raining quite a bit."

It was a mistake not to bring an umbrella.

My hand turned the pages of the book again. There was something more than just pages. I turned the page.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

The quartz clock hanging behind the classroom is beating slowly.

The wind was blowing and it was a bit chilly.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

The rain followed the wind, gently patting the glass windows surrounded by a mist, getting heavier and heavier!



The large raindrops bloomed with silver light, sending in the fragrance of soil and dead leaves, and at the same time aggravating the rhythm of the cloudy sky.


On the other side in the distance, there was muffled thunder.

Rustling rustling——!

Rustling rustling——!

The pages of the book were turned in my hands for who knows how long.

All I know is that the voices in the class are getting smaller and smaller, and the figures rustling away, embarking on the sound of horns going home.

Until a sudden moment, everything suddenly disappeared.

It was like suddenly falling into the deep sea, and the sticky air distorted everything in an instant.

The sounds of thunder, rain, voices, and clocks gradually dimmed.

The shadows of leaves in the wind, the shadows of rain beside the window, the shadows of people indoors, and the falling shadows of watch hands all disappear one by one.

Only the sound of turning books is left.

Rustling rustling——!


Lu Mingfei closed the book and looked sideways, a little surprised.

"what happened?"

No one, nothing.

Thunder, clouds, wind, rain, leaves, motionless!

world! The pause button was pressed!

"elder brother!"

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded. Lu Mingfei followed the sound and couldn't help but be startled.

Tick ​​tock!

Something fell, but it wasn't rain.

The young lady in formal attire had a mourning white cloth flower pinned on her chest.

He was sitting on the table belonging to Chen Wenwen, his feet unable to touch the ground, and his leather boots were shaking.

On the rim of the dark green porcelain cup, the mist of brown sugar water rose and floated to Lu Mingze's cheek.

He waved his hand and dispersed the mist.

So it was revealed,

Dim golden eyes, and face full of tears.

"Have you remembered?"

Lu Mingze pouted aggrievedly, with a touch of joy and a touch of fear in his voice. It was hard to tell the truth from the lie.

"Are you going to eat me?"

He's here, he's there.

The classroom is not big, but the distance is quite far.

Lu Mingfei closed the book and blinked in confusion. The next operation shocked Lu Mingze for the rest of his life.



Lu Mingfei took out a chocolate bar and stuffed it into his mouth bit by bit, mumbling unclearly,

"Do you have any delicious chocolate bars?"


Lu Mingze was stunned for a moment, then wiped the corners of his eyes aggrievedly and let out a few false sobs.

"I'm not one of those things that's so sweet that I might get diabetes."


He gently pushed himself up, landed crisply, and walked step by step towards the boy by the window.

The leather boots collided with the floor, causing ripples and the sound of water.

turn out to be!

I don’t know when, the classroom in this world was filled with a layer of water, or perhaps it should be said that it was filled with a layer of tears.

Because the source of the liquid was those golden pupils.

Lu Mingze opened his arms staggeringly, as if he was longing for a long-lost hug.

"I don't know what I smell like, but brother, did I take a good bath yesterday?"

"If you are really ready to eat me, I still have a variety of shower gels in my closet, including sour lemon, mellow milk, and sweet grapes."

He glanced noblely at the chocolate bar on the table,

"I remember there is no chocolate shower gel, but if my brother really wants it, I can contact the manufacturer to customize it."

"It doesn't matter if the boss is not sensible. I also have a little guy who loves potato chips. Maybe he can buy our factory directly."

Lu Mingze was getting closer and closer to Lu Mingfei, and there was still overflowing sadness.

"As for the taste, I haven't tasted it, but it should be good. After all, although I have some inconvenience in my movements, my soul, brother, has been exercising well."

"Steamed? Braised in braise? Made into barbecue or something? Follow my brother, my five-star chef can always serve you delicious food in the best way."



"So, brother?" Lu Mingze bowed lightly, straightened up, tilted his head, and resumed the hugging posture.

"Are you going to eat me?"

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth slightly and let out an imperceptible sigh.

"I'm probably sick."

Otherwise, why would I have such a dream that only evil spirits can have?

eat human?

What a joke.

He is not the kind of failed evolver who is afraid of the sun and cannot live without human flesh and blood. Why would he eat people?

"Brother, are you not going to eat me? This is what you said!"

First update!

Be patient, don't be impatient, believe in the wrong, and read on.

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