Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 99 098 Ice Cellar

Chapter 99 098. Ice cellar

One of the entrances and exits of the ice cellar is located in the core area of ​​the Hall of Valor, where ancient religious customs are used to enshrine the bones or clothes of the famous dragon-slaying heroes in history. Ever-lasting oil lamps are displayed on the stone walls, and each lamp is displayed on the stone wall. All illuminate a coffin.

The hot molten gold flows and spreads along the already carved lines, forming one after another six-pointed star arrays that priests or demon hunters used to suppress demons in the Middle Ages. The bottom of the coffin is carved with thick bronze to depict the families of the dragon-slaying heroes. family crest.

The dates of birth and death and the surname of the deceased were written in gold on their sides. Fresh white flowers are always enshrined in the front, and the ever-burning lights are never extinguished, symbolizing the eternal inheritance of the secret party's will.

Everyone who dares to set foot on this battlefield must firmly choose their own position, even if they have to pay a heavy price on this road.

Coming here again, Lu Mingfei still felt extremely sad and honored. The solemnity and silence were intertwined here. The ancient warriors used their souls to suppress the entrance to hell to prevent those unwilling evil spirits from climbing out of the abyss to cause trouble again. world.

That's right, this entrance to the ice cellar is only accessible to black card holders, and it goes directly to the cemetery where the hellishly buried or sleeping gods and kings are buried.

When Lu Mingfei, who was wearing a black velvet windbreaker, stepped into it, the engineering elevator made a creaking sound and sank downwards under the control of EVA. After a long period of darkness, he finally reached the bottom of the ice cellar. It was pitch black here, and he found it with ease. switch.

There seems to be a sun rising from the ground.

It was a dazzling spotlight, directly embedded in the dome of a steel wall dozens of centimeters thick, and enveloped by a huge glass arc, spreading light and heat to the entire space from top to bottom.

You can clearly see deep grooves carved with some kind of sharp tool on the smooth marble floor in front of you. The inner walls of the grooves are left with messy and sharp knife marks. Dozens or hundreds of such deep grooves are twisting and intersecting on the ground. The net actually formed a huge and complex pattern. The pattern was like some kind of weird religious totem, with both the sacred brilliance of the cross and the simplified lines of goats and devils, something similar to good and evil, righteousness and evil, or God and God. Demonic opposition is imagined in the patterns formed by these deep grooves without warning to anyone who sees them.

Thick mercury flows in the trough like river water, reflecting dazzling light.

This is some kind of powerful alchemical matrix, and other storage rooms in the ice cellar have similar arrangements. It uses the flow of mercury to stimulate a certain spiritual effect, suppressing those alchemical products with their own activity or beings with dragon-like energy.

Compared with the alchemy matrix carved by the Night Watch, the matrix made here by the Gaotinggen family is more aggressive. Although Lu Mingfei does not understand alchemy, Norma's explanation is exactly the same, and from those deep grooves, The carver's technique when carving with a sharp blade can also be seen.

Such an alchemical matrix is ​​not stable. It can usually exert extraordinary power when activated, but the time it can maintain in the activated state is also shorter.

The confrontation between gods and demons symbolizes the battle between two kings in the ancient times recorded in the Beihai Fragments. The black emperor and the white god strangled each other, and a third of the dragons fell into hell.

The alchemy matrix is ​​still running on its own, and Lu Mingfei's arrival has not been able to activate it, because he is a person within the authority, and everyone within the authority can be recognized by the alchemy matrix.

In its center, the point where all the lines meet, the light from the huge spotlight is reflected back by a huge metal dome, so the place is still hidden in shadow, but you can still see what is there.

A huge cylinder made of quartz glass. The quartz glass cylinder is filled with transparent liquid. The liquid fills every gap, leaving no room. There is a semi-elliptical pale green object like Hetian jade suspended in front of the quartz glass column. In the center is the second-generation embryo that Lu Mingfei photographed from Henkel's estate.

The naked and petite girl curled up and slept in the embryo.

She is very beautiful, with long eyelashes, plain white skin, and ink-black hair.


Yu Ji.

But there was a long bronze chain around the embryo that was fixed with a restraint rope. The ends of the chain were respectively deep above and below the quartz glass pillars. Each buckle was engraved with complicated ancient Hebrew characters. That was During the dragon civilization period, the kings pronounced the death sentence on a certain dragon. The lines wrapped in golden insulating glue are connected to the surface of the embryo along these copper chains. That thing is a facility that can release high-voltage electricity. Lu Mingfei has not checked how many volts it is, but he thinks it can be used with a certain Huang. The skills released by the rats are comparable in intensity.

"Record, on January 24, 2010, I entered the ice cellar for the fourth time and faced the second-generation embryo. The straight line distance from the embryo shell was five meters. The dragon alert was not triggered, and the second-generation spiritual invasion was not triggered." Lu Mingfei used extremely light words. the voice said.

The phone in her hand automatically entered these characters under Norma's control. There were already three similar documents in front of it.

After returning to the college from Chicago, Lu Mingfei came to the ice cellar almost every two days. He obtained the information about this elevator deep in the Hall of Valor from Norma's database.

The engineering elevator leads directly to the bottom floor of the ice cellar, where there are two huge enclosed spaces. The first enclosed space was the one Lu Mingfei was in now, which contained the embryos of the next generation of seeds. The second enclosed space is deeper, sealing the bones of Dragon King Norton with the most powerful alchemical matrix in history.

It was a dragon bone cross that contained the power of a king. No one dared to say that that kind of thing wouldn't crawl out of hell. Therefore, the Camarilla used the most dangerous alchemical matrix and all other conceivable methods to restrict the Dragon Bone Cross to prevent the resurgence of certain things and the intrusion of certain things. However, Lu Mingfei was not interested in Norton's Dragon Bone Cross.

The death of Norton, Lord of Bronze and Fire, was premeditated.

Like Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo, he is a person who has come back from the future. He has shattered the sad fate that enveloped him and his little brother, even if the cost is his life. But Lu Mingfei was still very envious. He thought that maybe a big monster like himself could do it. If he was asked to trade his own life for Eri Yi's life, he would probably be willing.

But every time he thought of Norton's eyes and his gentle brother-like tone before he died, Lu Mingfei felt like a knife. He originally thought that he had given up and that Norton would not show up if they didn't meet each other this time, but Old Tang Ming said it had been a long time since he saw each other, and his eyes were still sore.

Lu Mingfei approached the quartz glass and knocked on the outer wall of the glass, making a crisp sound, as if greeting Yu. But she didn't wake up, probably because the alchemical matrix suppressed her activity.

"Norma, can you confirm that the implementation of the Golden Holy Serum Project has been postponed?" Lu Mingfei asked softly, and a girl answered his question with an emotionless voice on her mobile phone, "Yes, January 22, President Angers initiated the latest school board meeting to renegotiate the implementation time of Golden Holy Serum, and finally decided to postpone the official launch to January 1, 2011."

"Yes." Lu Mingfei lay on the glass and looked inside. He was thinking about the girl in the cocoon. What was she and what message did she want to send to him?

And, more importantly, why did Xia Mi’s spirit appear in that realm that day?

Could it be...

Does Yu's embryo contain the will of more than one king?

It's ridiculous to say that there is clearly a best explanation buried in his heart, but he just doesn't want to say it or think about it. The child who hasn't grown up puts on a suit with gold and a hairstyle and holds the sword. But he is still a child.

After a long, long time, Lu Mingfei finally stood up. He straightened his windbreaker and became well-dressed again.

Look at the time, it's half past eleven at night, not a minute more, not a minute less.

This time is the time for shift change in Norma's central control room. Although there are still specialists who are always paying attention to warnings of dragon sightings or other emergencies around the world, there will be a ten-minute blank period for the handover between the professors on duty. During this time, No one will be able to notice where Norma's data goes.

In fact, it is difficult to notice at other times, but considering that the information Lu Ming insisted on collecting may involve some obscure history and important figures who are unwilling to show up, the access to some specific information may attract the attention of the professor on duty.

The principal is not in the school at this time. In Lu Mingfei's impression, the vice principal is a genius in the field of alchemy but a somewhat dishonest old guy. Although this guy founded the Night Watch Forum, he has never managed it. Specific affairs within the college.

"Please continue to provide the principal and vice-principal with my movements in the ice cellar these days, and conceal my knowledge of this matter." Although he was very cautious, Lu Mingfei still made a request to Norma.

He is now a very smart boy and knows how to give up his pawns to protect Ferrari.

As the greatest dragon slayer in history, Lu Mingfei probably had a lot of trust in the eyes of the principal. Coupled with the fact that he had never entered the Norton Keel Cross storage room and had an encounter at the Chicago Civic Opera House, Lu Mingfei's slipping into the ice cellar to check out the next-generation embryos was not a big deal.

But Herzog was different. He was the human being who knew the most about dragons that Lu Mingfei knew. After killing Herzog, Lu Mingfei had studied the information he left behind. It was shocking and unbearable. be terrified.

Even today's Camarilla dare not say that their knowledge of dragons can surpass Herzog's, but the old madman's knowledge seems to come out of thin air. Any scholar who can make a breakthrough in a field can't. We should do it by standing on the shoulders of those who came before us, which means that behind Herzog there is definitely someone who knows the same about dragons.

Apart from pure-blood dragons and some big figures in the secret party, Lu Mingfei really couldn't think of anyone else who could do this.

The disaster that happened in Tokyo, when I watch it over and over again afterwards, is like a weird colosseum, where the strongest beast is raised, and then the beast breeder harvests that strongest beast and takes away all the results. .

If this is the case, then Lu Mingfei must be more cautious when secretly investigating Herzog.

This time he had very strong individual combat capabilities, but he was still a human being after all. Without activating the keel state and turning on violent blood, a bullet from an anti-material sniper rifle could kill him.

"Norma, is there a professor on duty in the central control room?" Lu Mingfei returned to the engineering elevator and was about to start a formal investigation.

"No, Professor Guderian, who takes over, is on his way to the central control room."

"Is Principal Angers in the academy at this time?"

"Flight information shows that the principal is in London at this time."

"Are any black card holders within the scope of Kassel College?"

"Yes, there are two in total."

Lu Mingfei frowned. Black card holders have the same permissions, and this permission is limited to those within the academy.

“Who is the other black card holder?”

"Teacher Flamel, the vice-principal of Cassel College." Norma answered.

Lu Mingfei breathed a sigh of relief.

He had returned to the ground at this time. The Hall of Heroes was still quiet and solemn, and the light of the ever-burning lamp was dim but sacred.

The sound of rain and snow was rustling, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger.

"With my authority, I called on computing resources to search for two people in all databases around the world. They are Jung von Herzog, the chief scientist of a genetic project at the Institute of Biology of the Third Reich in Germany, and KGB Colonel Bondarev, Bondarev and Herzog have certain connections. There may be phone records between the two people, or there may be cooperation reports on the same project in the archives of the Russian FBI. .”

The two crucial people in the Tokyo incident are Herzog and Bondarev. The former ascended the throne of the White King, and is so sinister and cunning that people are frightened. The latter only existed in a few words from Herzog, but it aroused Lu Mingfei's vigilance.

In the last period of time and space, Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang and Caesar continued to investigate after the Tokyo incident and found many clues.

But a lot of information about Herzog seems to have been erased from the database.

It's hard to say whether it was erased after the Tokyo incident or before.

There was silence for two minutes after the order was given. Then Norma's voice sounded, "The database has been retrieved and the file has been sent to your mobile phone. Please check it."

Lu Mingfei blinked alertly. With Norma's current computing power, it would be impossible to find information and materials about Herzog and Bondarev from the vast amount of documents accumulated by mankind for thousands of years. It didn't take more than a few seconds.

But the artificial intelligence secretary just paused for a full two minutes. There are only two explanations, either the information Lu Mingfei needs to retrieve involves some black card holders with equal authority to him. In these two minutes, Norma went to get information from another black card holder. Obtained permission to disclose this information to Lu Mingfei.

Another explanation is that another incident occurred just now, which caused most of Norma's computing power to be misappropriated. But Lu Mingfei really couldn't imagine anything that could use so much of Norma's computing power.

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