Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 98 097 Night Watch

Chapter 98 097. Night Watchman

The biting wind was wrapped in blizzard, and the raging waves slammed the bell tower of the chapel with the same force as breaking the boat in the lake. The ancient carved glass on the four walls and dome of the bell tower rattled under such an attack, as if it would break at any time. The bells roared in the wind and snow, as if they would never stop.

At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside, and the overwhelming wind that swept away everything brought the biting cold into this warm cabin.

The person who came in was carrying a black umbrella and wearing a black velvet windbreaker, lined with a black suit. If you ignore his age, then this person seems to be in the executive department.

Capable, streamlined, powerful, and majestic.

These words can undoubtedly be applied to Hilbert Jean Angers today.

"The sound of the bell makes me feel like I am attending the funeral of an old friend." Angers sat down on the single sofa in the corner of the room, crossed his legs, and buried himself in the sofa. As he did so, a chubby little guy appeared in front of him with a glass of heated whiskey on his head.

"Thank you Adams, this is exactly what I want." Angers touched the little robot's head, and Adams ran away happily, quickly disappearing into the darkness and disappearing.

"But funerals are always reassuring, aren't they? You know your friends are watching you in those black coffins. Their courage, their faith, their hope, and even their hatred are all gone at this time. You are carrying them on your back. When you are praying to them and you are reciting eulogies for them, they are standing behind you. How can you not feel at ease at this time? Even if there are thousands of troops in front of you. When dragons rise into the sky, your blood will only boil." The sloppy old guy lying in front of the computer screen, wishing he could get into it, said lazily, "Ange, people like you, even if you are participating in the old friend Even at a funeral, you will only hold the folding knife tightly. The ringing of the bell will not make you uneasy, but if your knife breaks one day, then you will be uneasy."

The wind and snow were howling outside, and the sound of the movie playing on the vice-principal's computer echoed indoors.

The man's breathing and the woman's gasping intertwined.

Angers took a swig of strong drink. "You are right," he said, "If it is the funeral of an old friend, I will feel at ease. After the bells are over, I will bear their hatred and continue to wield the knife against fate. But if it is the funeral of an enemy, I will dance happily , and then after the bells have finished, set fire to their coffins and burn their bones.”

"This kind of thing is something a cool guy like you can do." The vice-principal closed the page on the computer, opened his clothes in a rather greasy manner, and touched his belly with his two big hands. "Haven't you been preparing to attend someone's funeral over the years?"

The vice-principal picked up a bottle of highly concentrated vodka, took a big gulp, and burped again.

"Angers, according to the usual practice in previous years, you should appear on the streets of London at this time. But this year you have been staying here since the holidays, hiding in my secret cabin. What are you worried about? What are you afraid of? What?" The vice-principal raised the bottle and looked through the dark yellow liquid in the direction of the principal.

There was still an uneasy expression on his face, and his other hand was still stroking his belly. But for a few moments, Ange clearly saw that the eyes behind the strong drink seemed to bloom with blazing gold.

This is the bell tower of the college chapel and is also a restricted area for the night watchman.

The word spirit called the commandments covers the entire academy with this place as the center. The power of the Word is not available to anyone in the realm of commandments. Logically speaking, this kind of place should be solemn and majestic. Even if it is not a sacred building like St. Paul's Cathedral, it should be a quiet place like the Pantheon. But everything here subverts ordinary people's cognition.

This was really just a sloppy attic, with a glass window all over the sunny side and huge posters of low-cut girls. There was only an unstacked bed, a single sofa, a set of computer desks and swivel chairs, and a large bookshelf filled with DVDs of Western movies. Of course, there were empty wine bottles all over the floor and adult magazines scattered everywhere.

This is where the venerable Mentor Flamel, considered by those who truly weigh the light in half-breed society, has lived all these years. The vice-principal is known as the Night Watchman in the college. His spiritual commandments can maintain order in the college to a certain extent. It seems that in the eyes of many students, he only has this role.

In the understanding of those leaders, the real name of the Night Watchman is Flamel, the greatest alchemy master in the world today. The Gaotingen family, who carved the alchemical matrix for the second-generation embryo in the ice cellar, had to feel ashamed in front of him.

Angers buried himself in the sofa and sipped the strong drink. But probably because he drank a whole glass of whiskey just now, the principal's face turned a little rosy, which made him look more like a young man.

"If what is standing in front of me is something called death, then I will not retreat. On the contrary, I will hug him like an old friend. You see, an old guy like me is not even afraid of death, so what else should I be afraid of?" The principal cast his gaze out the window, and his gaze fell into the swirling snow through the carved glass.

"You are as sensitive as a fox, Angers, and this bell tower is the safest place in the entire Kassel Academy in the field of alchemy. Hundreds and thousands of tons of mercury are under the foundation of this building. The flow forms a great alchemical matrix. That matrix can not only amplify our spirit of speech, but also prevent the prying eyes of some great supreme beings." The vice-principal also cast his gaze out the window.

"Something's watching us, isn't it?" the vice principal said.

The principal suddenly looked at the slovenly old cowboy, and stared at those light blue eyes that seemed to be covered with a layer of shadow for a long time. "I'm not sure, but something is definitely wrong." He said, "The rainfall in Chicago should not be much, but after the Kuimen Project, the rainfall here suddenly increased four times compared to the same period in the past year. That's not a good sign."

"The ancient alchemical maxims unearthed by the Sumerian civilization have recorded that smooth water is the entrance to another world. This sentence can lead to many explanations, the most famous of which is that the reflection of light will open another world. "Window." The vice-principal said, "Excessive rain can be regarded as a different kind of elemental turbulence. There is something looking at us through every drop of rain falling from the sky."

"Is it Odin?" the principal said.

The vice-principal took out the ice machine from the freezer, took out a piece of ice and chewed it slowly in his mouth, "I don't know, but it is very possible. I used the video footage recorded by Norma to compare the two things we have observed so far. To observe the existence of a dragon king or a suspected dragon king, Odin, who first appeared in Kuimen of the Three Gorges, and Norton, the king of bronze and fire, who resurrected from Ronald Tang's body, undoubtedly appeared from some unreal space. That kind of space has different names in many places. The Chinese call it the Paradise of Cave Heaven or the Land of Peach Blossoms, the Indians say that the place where Brahma lives is called Brahma Realm, the Germanic people call that kind of place the Kingdom of the Dead, and the Greeks believe that there really is an underworld in the world. .”

The old cowboy swallowed the broken ice with difficulty and looked at the principal, "You are not in the circle of alchemists, but you should know about the Nibelungen, right?"

"The country of the dead, Nibelungen? It is said that it is a temple-like place for you people." The principal said lightly. For thousands of years, no one has entered the Nibelungen and no one has seen it. Things came out of it, but in just one year, the Nibelungs appeared more than once.

This is strange, but it seems natural.

Because the end is coming.

The kingdom of the dead is being opened one by one, and dragons who have been sleeping and even long-dead dragons are resurrected one by one. The end of everything must be the return of the emperor who once roared in the world. Before he died, he swore to kill all the rebels. , he is coming back to collect debts.

"Yes, the Nibelungen, the country of the dead, is a place that people like us yearn for. If we could die there, I think there would probably be many people who would fight for this spot, such as those old people from the Gaotingen family. Guy." The vice-principal made a disdainful sound like a pig's roar, "The civilization of dragons is probably built there. Each first-generation species has its own country, and maybe some second-generation species can also have such a space. , it is not difficult to guess that those kings have the ability to open the door to the Kingdom of the Dead anywhere, so naturally they can also open a window anywhere to peep into everything happening in this world."

"I remember it rained the last time I hunted Norton, and a bronze city that was far more magnificent than Baidi City appeared behind him." The principal recalled the incident at Six Flags Amusement Park.

"But Norton is dead, and the only one we can suspect now is Odin." The vice principal said.

"Who is Odin? Or what is he?" The principal seemed to be asking the night watchman, but he also seemed to be asking himself.

"There is no doubt that he is a Dragon King. His achievements in the field of alchemy are not inferior to those of the King of Bronze and Fire. The mask that can temporarily give Lu Mingfei the ability to fight against the first-generation species is still difficult for me to figure out the full principle of. "The night watchman said coldly, "He may have been awake for a long time, and may even have great power in the human world."

This is chilling speculation.

The principal shuddered violently.

The monarchs of the dark side are not alarmists, they really exist, standing high above the ground, harvesting sentient beings like herding lambs.

If the dragon kings could put down their one-man pride and organize their followers, there would always be humans or hybrids willing to follow in the king's footsteps.

Then they will be even more troublesome. They will brainwash their followers, do team building, corporate management, and establish a performance appraisal system. It is really scary to think about it.

"One more thing, about Lu Mingfei." The night watchman suddenly said, his expression seemed more serious,

"Our hero seems to be interested in that thing...that thing in the ice cellar."

"You mean...Norton's keel?" The principal pushed up his glasses.

"That embryo entered the ice cellar three times in two weeks, seemingly illogically patrolling it, but it always stayed the longest outside the freezer for the second-generation embryo. EVA speculated through his behavior pattern Lu Mingfei may be interested in the embryo," the night watchman said.

"The black card in Mingfei's hand has the same permissions as ours. Can EVA monitor him?" The principal was stunned for a moment.

"I can't tell what EVA is, but I'm sure she must have some kind of life. Things like permissions are probably not particularly useful to her." The night watchman shrugged, and the beautiful girl in bright blue stood beside him. On the computer screen, there is something slim and graceful, and it is too beautiful to be something that should be found in the human world.

She is his student.

"You should know that I have modified her underlying command library." Angers said.

The corners of the night watchman's eyes twitched slightly.

Everyone has always believed that EVA is a reliable partner. She is the eyes of the entire academy. With her in the academy, she can see every corner of the world.

But only he knew that after EVA was created, there had been a modification to the underlying command library. That modification was carried out in secret, and even the night watchman and the school board did not know the contents of the modification.

"It is somewhat inaccurate to say that it is EVA's command library, because no one in the world can force her to do anything. What I modified is actually a command in Norma's lowest command library. That command will protect Ming at any time. No. But Norma can be regarded as a personality of EVA, so there is not much difference between the two."

"Any time?" The vice-principal shuddered silently. He held a cigarette with his fingers, but he couldn't even hold it firmly due to the violent trembling.

"Your computer is a rare restricted area that neither Norma nor EVA can invade. Conversations here are safe, so I can tell you." The principal smiled, "Even if one day the school board thinks that Lu Mingfei is right Due to their threat, the old guys decided to blow him up with a nuclear bomb. When the launch order is sent from them, the coordinates passed to the terminal will also become their own coordinates."

"Ange, is that boy Lu Mingfei really your illegitimate son?" the vice-principal muttered.

Angers was stunned for a moment, and became a little angry, "You are such an old bastard."

"What I want to express is that your student EVA was, in a sense, born for Lu Mingfei. The authenticity of all the information she reported to you is still open to question," Angers said.

"But as far as I know, when Lu Mingfei had close contact with the sub-seed embryo for the first time at the Chicago Municipal Opera House, his spirit was invaded by God. For three hours, he He was pulled into some unknown spiritual world." The vice-principal said leisurely.

He dug out a new bottle of whiskey for himself from the corner. The dark yellow liquid rippled in the transparent glass bottle. He gently shook the liquor, and suddenly he showed an aura that was not inferior to Angers.

The night watchman looked at the principal, "Ange, you also know that my authority in EVA should be slightly higher than yours, right?" The principal did not speak, but poured strong alcohol into his mouth.

The vice-principal chuckled in an almost mocking manner, "I asked EVA to break the Gattuso family's network information blockade on the Chicago Civic Opera House. Although you did it very covertly, I still saw it."

When the vice-principal said this, he paused. He regained his carefree temperament and touched his belly with his hand. "You were also mentally affected by that embryo, right? It was under Chu Zihang's guidance." When Lu Mingfei and the Seven Deadly Sins left the building. But we all know that a pure-blooded dragon can only apply his spiritual realm to one person at the same time, and at that time your illegitimate son could not Break free from the spiritual realm. Perhaps this is why you forced the postponement of the implementation of the Golden Plan?"


The glass cup in the principal's hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

For a moment, it seemed as if a storm outside the window swept through the warm attic.

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