Dragon Clan: Undercover at the beginning, the road to becoming a god

Chapter 399 Xia Mi: As a dragon slayer, I should suppress all enemies.

With all their plans aboard the Vidal, everyone could only close their eyes and wait to die.

A lifeboat cut through the thick white fog like a sharp blade by riding the wind and waves, with a speed far exceeding that of the Monyach.

It is impossible for this small lifeboat to have this level of speed, but with the power of Yanling, everything is possible.

The realm of Jianyu and Leichi enveloped the lifeboat. Under the influence of Ampere force, the lifeboat relied on the same principle as the electromagnetic gun to speed up by consuming the power of Yanling. The bottom of the boat was almost out of the water.

"Commissioner Su Mo, you have arrived near the target. According to the position correction, the Dragon King is in the white mist ahead, within a range of 500 meters. Please be careful!"

Norma's voice came from a specially prepared smartphone, guiding the two of them in the right direction.

The thick mist is sucked into the ring of the black sun along with Feng Shui, and then turns into steam and floats on the sea.

Under the continuous burning of the black sun, the fog became thicker and thicker, so that Norma could not confirm the specific location of Dragon King Norton through the detector on the Vidal. She could only analyze and calibrate the visual data from both parties to obtain the approximate location.

In the thick fog, the human eye cannot even see things two meters away. If the Dragon King discovers them and comes to attack them, even S-class Su Mo may not be able to withstand them.

"Don't worry, I have locked the location of the Dragon King."

Su Mo shook his head.

He could easily determine the position that Norma could not determine, not because of his eyesight, but because of his speaking ability.

Yan Ling·Snake!

Although it has little power, the effect of this word spirit is definitely not bad in terms of assistance.

"What are you going to do next? According to my data analysis and calculation, the person you should bring over should be the student Eriyi, but you didn't do that."

Norma asked.

As an artificial intelligence, the best plan she calculated was to have Su Mo, Xia Mi, and Eri Yi attack together.

Natsumi is responsible for maintaining the sword control domain as a boatman, Sumo is responsible for controlling the direction and protecting Eri, and as the holder of Judgment, he once killed the powerful Dragon King Constantine head-on, and Eri is responsible for releasing the words. The spirit kills the Dragon King.

In her opinion, there is no doubt that there is no problem with her plan, but Su Mo and Xia Mi did not bring Eri clothes with them this time.

"Could it be that, Executive Officer Su Mo, you plan to face the Dragon King alone?"

Norma could only speculate.

Not using the best solution could only mean that Su Mo had other purposes, such as gaining fame as a dragon-slaying hero.

Although Su Mo was also the main force when facing Constantine before, the name of the person who fought against the Dragon King was obviously not as good as the one who killed the Dragon King.

This can be judged from its popularity.

Eri Yi's reputation has spread throughout the mixed race world, but the reputations of Su Mo and Xia Mi are far behind Eri Yi.

Although in terms of overall strength, Su Mo may not be weaker than Eri Yi, but simply looking at the word spirit, even if Su Mo's word spirit is advanced again, it seems that it will not be able to reach the lethality of Judgment.

Can Su Mo really kill Dragon King Norton alone?

Faced with Norma's question, Su Mo shook his head.

"Who said I have to face the Dragon King alone? It's not me who takes action this time, it's Xia Mi!"

The lifeboat had stopped under the control of the two people and was floating on the river. However, the two people's speech and spiritual realm did not seem to be closed because of this, but was getting stronger and stronger.

The high-intensity magnetic field even affected communication with Norma.

Xia Mi opened the folding umbrella given by Su Mo, and the black umbrella was quickly activated into a huge scythe. The white mist condensed into dewdrops on the dark scythe blade, and then was quickly evaporated.

Blue-purple electric sparks flickered on the long handle of the Scythe of Judgment, and the domain of the Word Spirit Indra was opened, forming a short-term high-voltage current.

"Student Xia Mi?!"

Norma was very surprised to hear this answer.

If Xia Mi, who is an A-level hybrid, is to face a Dragon King-level existence, isn't that asking for death?

Why would Su Mo make such a ridiculous decision?

Could it be that the rumors made up by Fingel are actually true. After the S-class found a new love, in order to avoid future troubles, he is now planning to kill his first wife, Xia Mi?

Before she could say anything more, the extremely expanded magnetic field caused the communication to be completely interrupted.

"are you ready?"

Su Mo looked at Xia Mi.

Norton is currently using the Word Spirit Black Sun. His back is not protected by the Word Spirit. Although he has a dragon body, it is still an insurmountable wall for ordinary hybrids, but it does not count against the weapons forged by Su Mo himself. What.

It would be just right if the black sun was used as his curtain call ceremony.


Xia Mi nodded and held the Scythe of Judgment.

Immediately, Su Mo recited the words to convert the magnetic field through the electric field to increase the intensity of the magnetic field.

And Xia Mi also activated the fields of Jian Yu and Indra.

Sword Control cannot directly control the alchemical weapon of Judgment Sickle, but the current released by Indra will still be interfered by the ampere force.

In other words, when Indra's Domain is activated, the Scythe of Judgment can be regarded as being fired as an electromagnetic gun.

"Okay, you only have one chance, you must kill Norton at once!"

Su Mo nodded.

"Do not worry!"

Xia Mi nodded confidently.

"I've already thought of a slogan, it's just Norton, let me solve it in one go!"

After saying that, Su Mo activated the speech spirit with all his strength, and Xia Mi also activated Indra's alchemy field with all his strength.

"call out!"

Under the influence of Ampere, like a missile launch pad, Xia Mi, who was holding the Scythe of Judgment tightly, was instantly launched. Under the force of the magnetic field wrapped around her body, she even continued to accelerate, and soon she was Breaking the sound barrier.

"Dissipate with the butterflies, phantoms of the past!"

Xia Mi yelled out the name of the move, not afraid of arousing Norton's vigilance.

But it is true that since her speed exceeded the sound barrier, she must have reached Norton's location before her own voice.

The electromagnetic ejection started, and the jumping electric light directly pierced the fog. It only took about a second for Xia Mi's figure to arrive behind Dragon King Norton.

The blue-purple thunder leaped, and Xia Mi, holding the Scythe of Judgment in his hand, was swaying. His figure in the white mist was indeed somewhat similar to a butterfly.

The crew members on the Vidal who were watching closely were shocked by the beauty displayed in this moment.

Even Caesar, who had a crush on Nono, had to admit that Miss Xia Mi's appearance was the best in the world without looking at her figure.

Like a butterfly or an angel, the girl appeared behind Norton at the speed of lightning.

Norton also seemed to be aware of the murderous intention coming from behind. With his feet fixed in the black catfish, he could not move and could only avoid the blow by bending down.

The blue-gray body is extremely curved, directly attached to the head of the dragon blood subspecies.

Seeing that this round of attacks was about to fail, Xia Mi grabbed the Scythe of Judgment with his backhand, tightened his slender waist and rotated, and bent his body into a crescent shape. Like thunder falling, he directly made a spinning slash.

The blade of the Scythe of Judgment hit the Dragon King's head hard, shattering and penetrating the bronze mask on his face, and separating the Dragon King Norton's spine from the back. With miraculous skills, while splitting the Dragon King's body in half, he also completely tore apart the dragon blood subspecies underneath his body.

It is worth mentioning that this was Norton's best death experience today, it was completely painless and he died instantly.

Seeing this scene through Caesar's camera, Norma suddenly realized.

No wonder Su Mo wanted to launch Xia Mi and the Scythe of Judgment together. It turned out that he wanted to use Xia Mi for precise guidance!

With the physical quality of the Dragon King, they would most likely be able to avoid it simply by projecting the weapon, but if someone with superb martial arts accurately controlled it and maximized the power of the Scythe of Judgment, even the Dragon King would not be able to dodge it.

Just as Norma guessed, after channeling all the kinetic energy of the Scythe of Judgment into Norton through extreme martial arts, Xia Mi completed the feat of slaying the dragon in full view of the public.

Although Su Mo's help cannot be ignored, and the attack on Norton who was releasing the black sun also had the meaning of a sneak attack, no one can deny that Xia Mi did kill the Dragon King on the spot with his own power.

Norton's body lay down directly, completely losing signs of life.

The girl who flutters like a butterfly and shines like thunder stands on the floating corpse of the dragon blood subspecies. The scarlet light shining on the dark sickle blade is the blood of the Dragon King.

After seeing this scene, no one will take the words in the forum to heart again.

What a fake dragon slayer. Although he is indeed not as good as the princess in terms of stature, in terms of dragon slaying strength, there is no doubt that Natsuya is the same dragon slaying hero as Eri.

Everyone finally looked at Xia Mi with their previous respect restored. The girl who once killed the next generation proved herself again.

Her target is definitely not the second-generation species. Even the first-generation species is nothing more than withered bones to her.

Under the eyes of everyone who were either shocked or reverent, Xia Mi held the Scythe of Judgment in his hand and recited the lines he had already thought of.

"As a dragon slayer, I should suppress all enemies!"

Such domineering lines, against the backdrop of the Dragon King's corpse, appear even more majestic and frightening.

The so-called legendary style of dragon slaying is nothing better than this.

Just when everyone was shocked and their awe for Xia Mi, the dragon-slaying heroine, reached its peak.


Suddenly, in front of them, the girl with invincible grace jumped up.

It turned out that after the dragon blood subspecies died, the body was slowly sinking. Although the Dragon King died, the river was still extremely hot. Before it had time to cool down, the waves directly hit her feet.

To put it simply, the girl was burned.

At this time, Xia Mi was a little panicked. His feet were only burned by the waves now. If he had waited for the dragon blood subspecies to sink completely, wouldn't he have been directly immersed in such hot water? Then you can't peel off a layer of skin?

Although with the Dragon King's physical fitness, there is no need to fear this level of temperature, but now she is just an ordinary A-level mixed-race girl!

Realizing that she seemed to be deflated, the dragon slayer girl immediately turned around and looked in the direction not far away. Without thinking too much, she shouted loudly, half coquettishly and half urgently.

"Su Mo, save me!"

After shouting these words, Miss Xia Mi realized something was wrong.

Wait—it’s over!

The strong character that I worked so hard to create is completely over!

Sure enough, everyone who was still immersed in Miss Xia Mi's invincible figure just now was stunned on the spot when they suddenly heard this.

The so-called legendary dragon slayer's demeanor...that's it?

Although the fact that Xia Mi slayed the dragon remained the same, the shock in their hearts was reduced a lot for some reason.

Miss Xia Mi, who was no more handsome than three seconds, secretly regretted it.

But now is not the time to care about this. In this environment, if you use dragon blood to protect yourself from being burned, the problem will definitely be seen later.

But if you don’t protect yourself, you can’t get burned in vain, right?

If she hadn't been so fragile before, this little pain would be nothing. She had suffered many more injuries than this.

But it was different in front of Su Mo. Although his body did not become fragile, his mind became much more delicate and sensitive.

"Su Mo——"

Before the second shout was finished, Su Mo's voice was heard.

"pay close attention!"

Xia Mi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, grabbed the Death Scythe, and activated Indra's domain.

At the same time, Su Mo, who was rapidly approaching, released his field and created a magnetic field through electromagnetism, directly pulling Xia Mi up out of thin air with her sickle and flying her back to the lifeboat.

"Are you okay?"

Su Mo asked immediately after dragging Xia Mi back to the lifeboat.

"My calf is burned, it hurts!"

The girl pursed her lips and said aggrievedly.

Of course, no matter what she did, she could never feel aggrieved because of this burn. What she really aggrieved was another matter.

"Su Mo...I failed in my pretense!"

She said with her head hanging down.

After finally getting Su Mo to cooperate and kill Norton, he was about to clear his name and become a real dragon slayer. Why did he fall behind at the critical moment?

Seeing her cute look, Su Mo couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He squatted down and looked at the girl's slender white calves. There was indeed a little red mark on the ankle, which should be the mark of being burned by the spray before.

Su Mo immediately found the first aid kit from the lifeboat, found alcohol wipes and applied them to the red marks to help her apply cold compresses.

Xia Mi didn't say anything strange this time, and watched Su Mo quietly as he played with her calf.

After handling it, Su Mo touched the girl's head.

"It doesn't matter if you fail, just remedy it in time."

"Can it be remedied?"

Xia Mi immediately looked up at Su Mo excitedly, looking a little confused.

How can I make amends if I fail to show off? Is it possible that I can go back in time and do it again?

"Of course it can be remedied."

Su Mo smiled slightly and reminded warmly.

"It doesn't matter what happened at the scene. What matters is how the news will be spread back. This is the key to shaping the public's impression."

Miss Xia Mi is very knowledgeable about this kind of evil ways.

"I see!"

She stood up immediately and looked excitedly at Fingel on the Vidal not far away.

At this time, Fingel's body trembled, and there was a chill in his back.

For some reason, he suddenly felt afraid of being targeted by a natural enemy.

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