After the death of Dragon King Norton, the Monyach arrived in time and rescued all members of the Vidal before it sank.

"Su Mo, carry me!"

In order to prevent the lifeboat from being drawn into the whirlpool, Su Mo and Xia Mi naturally had to return to the Monyach.

Just when he was about to leave, Xia Mi sat on his seat, stretched out his hands towards Su Mo, and looked at him with bright eyes, as if he wanted to hug him.

"Huh? Does your leg hurt this much?"

Hearing Xia Mi's words, Su Mo suddenly became confused. He immediately reached down, uncovered the wet wipes for cold compress, and began to investigate the situation.

Even the body of a human hybrid is not so fragile, right?

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"

The girl nodded repeatedly, as if her legs were hurting.

After completing the investigation, Su Mo knocked her head speechlessly.

"For your size, those marks have already healed!"

In fact, the area where Xia Mi was hit by the waves was only a few small dots the size of soybeans. It would be an exaggeration to say that the burns were healed, because they were only slightly red.

Xia Mi's skin is so delicate that it will turn red even if pinched lightly, but it will recover quickly.

This red mark healed quickly with a cold compress. Now there is no trace at all, let alone affecting walking. Su Mo suspected that Xia Mi couldn't even tell where he was burned just now.

"You don't care if my phantom limb hurts, so you can hug me or not!"

Hearing Su Mo's puzzled answer, the girl gritted her teeth slightly and glared at him.

So, straight men are boring!

"Okay, okay!"

Su Mo nodded helplessly.

Why is such a big female dragon as clingy as a child?

He directly picked up Xia Mi from the waist, which made the girl who originally wanted to complain about him "repeating a word three times seem perfunctory" brighten up.

OK, it’s a princess hug!

Without the help of cables and rope ladders, Su Mo controlled his physical strength which was slightly stronger than that of a Class A hybrid. With the help of the lifeboat and the protruding devices on the ship, he easily jumped directly to the deck with a triple jump.

After returning to the Monyach, in full view of everyone, Xia Mi put her arms around Su Mo's neck and did not jump down. Not only did she continue to maintain the posture of holding a princess, she also deliberately leaned her head on his shoulder, as if Pretending to be intimate.

Su Mo was a little confused. He looked down and immediately saw the girl's slightly proud look and Gulu's eyes rolling around.

He thought for a moment and immediately understood Xia Mi's purpose.

he asked in a low voice.

"You want to show everyone that you didn't get dumped?"

With Xia Mi's character, she may be more concerned about being surpassed as a dragon slayer by being rumored to be the loser.

The reason why she wanted to carry her up by herself was probably to dispel the rumors and show them an intimate scene.

Of course, it is also possible that it is simply because Xia Mi wants to post stickers, and the two do not conflict with her.

For this female dragon whose weakness was lust, Su Mo never overestimated her ability to restrain herself.

After hearing Su Mo's words, Xia Mi was about to nod, but suddenly hesitated.

"...Hmph, what does it mean to be dumped? I have no unnecessary purpose!"

She turned her head and said insincerely.

Although Su Mo hit the nail on the head, this kind of question cannot be answered even if it is true.

Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that he didn't want to be dumped by Su Mo, wouldn't it mean that he wanted to be Su Mo's girlfriend, wouldn't it mean that he took the initiative to confess his love?

She doesn't want to be like this. As a master, how can she be manipulated by her relatives?

Seeing Xia Mi behave like this, Su Mo immediately knew that he had guessed correctly.

It was expected that Xia Mi would not take the bait, and Su Mo did not press him, but continued to speak.

"Whether you have any other purpose or not, are you aware of a problem?"

"what is the problem?"

Miss Xia Mi blinked and looked back at him.

"I've been carrying you around since I just finished beating the Dragon King. There's nothing wrong with me. After all, you're not heavy either, but will others think you broke your leg by beating the Dragon King?"

Su Mo raised this possibility.

Even if others are unlikely to think that Xia Mi has a broken leg, they will inevitably think that Xia Mi may be injured.

Defeating the Dragon King without injuries and defeating the Dragon King with injuries are two different concepts.

Especially when Eriki defeated the Dragon King without any injuries, if Natsumi paid the price, she would inevitably be considered inferior to S-level, and her reputation would be greatly compromised.

"That makes sense!"

Realizing this, Xia Mi quickly let go and jumped out of Su Mo's arms.

Well, jumping up and down, very energetic.

One look revealed that there was nothing wrong with her legs, she was just pretending.

After jumping out of Su Mo's arms, as if to show that he was not injured, Xia Mi flew directly to a large golden retriever that had just been salvaged.

Fingel, who had just stepped out of the life raft and was pulled up by the crew, before he could take a breath, immediately saw Xia Mi's figure.


He ran away with a face full of panic, as if he had seen an evil spirit coming to collect debts, and even tried to jump directly from the boat.

You must know that the temperature of the river below has not yet completely dropped. Even if you are as thick-skinned and thick as Fingal, if you accidentally fall into the water instead of the life raft, you may not be able to withstand the temperature of the river.

But he didn't care about this at all at the moment, and it seemed that he had a deep psychological shadow on Xia Mi.

But in the end, he didn't run away.

"Why are you calling me such a petty name? I'm not a devil!"

Xia Mi said dissatisfied.

"...You, you said yes!"

Fingel nodded timidly.

How can you be a devil? All devils will worship you as their teacher!

Looking at the Scythe of Judgment that unfolded in an instant and was placed directly around his neck, Fingel wanted to cry without tears.

How can he enjoy the same treatment as Dragon King Norton, and be pointed at by someone with this level of dragon-slaying armor?

What made people want to cry even more was that when they saw him being pointed at by Xia Mi with a sickle, no one present came to ask about the situation.

For those who are not familiar with Fingel's style, Xia Mi, the strong man who slaughtered the Dragon King, is absolutely trustworthy. If the dragon-slaying hero is right, wouldn't it be Fingel who is wrong?

Some imaginative people even mistakenly believed that Fingel was raped, while Xia Mi, the dragon-slaying hero with a good reputation, was raping him.

And for those who are familiar with Fingel's style... they all nodded in agreement.

With Fingel's style, if the Dragon Clan offered a high price, it would not be a surprise for him to become a traitor.

Not to mention, with his mean attitude, even if he wasn't raped, he still deserved a beating, and it was normal for him to cause trouble.

The helpless Fingel was about to lament that his life was over, when Xia Mi spoke.

"You should know what I want from you, right?"

Upon hearing this, Fingel was slightly startled.

Hey, why doesn’t it sound like you’re seeking revenge?

With Xia Mi's character, if he simply wanted to seek revenge for his previous fabricated news, he would definitely beat him up without saying a word.

But now she doesn't beat herself up directly. In other words, is there a turning point?

Realizing this, Fingel's mind was racing at high speed. Looking at Xia Mi's eager look like a little tiger, and looking at Su Mo's helpless eyes behind her, he realized!

"I know! You came to me to dispel the rumors, right?"

Fingel asked.

"That's right!"

Xia Mi nodded slightly, showing approval in his eyes.

Although this kid is not a big deal, he still has a lot of eyes!

"I understand. I will inform the News Department right now to revise the manuscript to refute the rumor, saying that S-class Su Mo kicked out the princess of the Uesugi family and got married to the dragon-slaying hero Natsumi!"

Fingel immediately patted his chest to show his loyalty.


Su Mo's head was full of questions.

Putting aside the incorrect usage of the word "tying the knot", your way of refuting the rumors is a bit strange, as if you have directly acquiesced that what happened before is true and that you are really a scumbag.

This guy doesn't want to hang out anymore?


Xia Mi was also slightly stuck. The word "tied knot" was a good one, but wasn't the previous part a little wrong?

etc! Not only the first part, Fingel seems to have understood the entire topic wrong.

"It's not... we'll talk about getting married later. What I want to talk about is about slaying the dragon!"

At the mention of this word, the girl secretly glanced at Su Mo and stuttered slightly.

If Su Mo wasn't there, she would definitely add a chicken drumstick to Fingel and let him spread the word like this.

But in the presence of Su Mo, letting Fingel spread the scandal between himself and Su Mo always gave the impression of a primary school student using childish means to occupy the person he likes.

And this looks too much like a confession, so you can't do it in front of Su Mo.

Therefore, even though she obviously thought this measure was good, Miss Xia Mi could only ignore the topic with tears in her eyes and mention her original thoughts.

"What I called Su Mo for help before is not allowed to spread. Did you hear me?"

The girl pretended to be fierce and threatening.

"Oh, that's it, I heard it! Don't worry, I have a tight tongue and won't talk nonsense!"

Fingel breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his professional quality is to make big news, Xia Mi's previous performance is also suitable for making such big news.

But compared to professional quality, life is indeed more important.

He had already offended Xia Mi too much with the previous wave of rumors. If he went against it again this time, even with Norma's protection, he might not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take the initiative to flatter him.

"How could that trivial episode cover up the glory of the dragon-slaying hero!"

"Although I may have made a somewhat unobjective report before, please believe that this time I will go all out to spread your reputation as a dragon slayer throughout the school, and even throughout the world!"

"As the dragon slayer who killed the dragon king Norton, you should have a reputation that rivals or even surpasses the principal!"

Fingel's words were powerful.

The sickle Xia Mi put on his neck made him know exactly what he should do.

It is said that women should not be offended easily. Xia Mi is considered a narrow-minded type among women. Creatures of this level can only be kept at a distance. In a sense, having the opportunity to resolve conflicts is a good thing.

At least he won't have to run around to avoid this big devil like he did in the Norton Project.

After hearing Fingel's compliment, Xia Mi was not deceived.

When facing outsiders, her IQ is still online.

"Are you sure you really think so?"

she asked curiously.

"Sincerely, I really can't be more sincere!"

Fingel said with conviction.

His impassioned tone and specially repeated words may sound trustworthy to others, but Xia Mi is used to Su Mo's similar words and has a high immunity.

"Then I'll be waiting for your news. If the final result is not good, don't blame me for causing trouble for you!"

Xia Mi threatened.

"I know your dormitory number, and I also know your bank card number!"

"Don't worry! With your achievements, you can make the headlines without any hype. With a little work from me, I can quickly raise your reputation. Not to mention dragon slayer, I can even get a more popular title. Help you work it out!”

When talking about his professional field, Fingal suddenly became energetic.

He can even wash briquettes. Xia Mi's achievement is clearly a rough diamond. With this level of raw material, he can boast even more with his eyes closed.

"Really? A more popular title than Dragon Slayer?"

Xia Mi's eyes lit up and he felt a little moved.

"Of course! It's definitely a hundred times louder than my Flame Dragon Slayer!"

Fingel reassured.

"Well, I'll give you a chance!"

Xia Mi took back the sickle with satisfaction.

This mission was successfully completed. Not only did he beat Norton once and finally get out of his anger, but he also solved some rumors. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

All you have to do after that is happily look forward to your own exclusive title!

What's a more popular title than Dragon Slayer?

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