Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1075 The Art of Persuasion!

Chapter 1075 The Art of Persuasion!

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The cold voice revealed a hint of inexplicable meaning.

To Werther's ears, it was like the sudden sound of thunder, filled with a sense of oppression.

Turning to look at Violet, Witte sighed inwardly. As a teacher, he was not very qualified. At most, he taught Violet for a while when she was a young dragon.

After that, 늀 simply carried this name.

But today!

As Teacher Villette, Werther had to say some things!

Thinking this in his heart, Werther looked at Anne and suppressed Violet's worried gaze, and said in a deep voice: "Calm down first, this is not what I want to say, it's me who is Boredia." Say 놅!”


Just for a moment, the room became quiet.

Anne looked at Werther blankly, while Violet looked at her teacher with a speechless expression.

Good guy, this pot was thrown away, I was really caught off guard.

Because the news was so sudden, Anne looked at Werther with interest after being stunned for a moment.

"Oh, really?"

Witte said of course: "Of course it is. Didn't I travel for a while not long ago? Because I was so unlucky, I always met abyss believers. Boredia gave me one of his dragons. scale.

When something happens, you can help him.

Fifty years ago, with the support of our plan, Boredia, we captured an abyss legend together.

He wants to interrogate the legend of the abyss, and I want to start returning here.

After learning that I was going to return to the Sky City, Boredia told me about it.

He gave me time to talk and give you some advice.

There is nothing wrong with caring about and protecting Violet, but overprotection restricts Violet's freedom.

Regarding this matter, I just hold a relative view.

If he hadn't given me some gold coins, I wouldn't have agreed to this matter at all. After all, this is your family matter.

As Teacher Violet, I am directly involved in this matter, so I am a little too lenient.

But it is undeniable that I do feel that Boredia is right in this matter.

I know you are afraid that Violet will be in danger.

Am I not afraid?

When Violet was still in the dragon egg, one of you entered a short period of weakness because of Violet, and the other needed to sleep to restore strength in order to protect the City in the Sky.

I personally took care of her, and I personally brought her out of infancy.

I care about Violet just as much, and I am equally afraid that her life will be in danger.

But, she is a dragon!

A 녤늀 should be free, domineering and unparalleled 놅 dragon rampant in the sky.

Maybe some dragons like a comfortable and peaceful life, but more giant dragons desire a life as fierce as fire and a fighting life. "

Having said that, Werther looked at Anne's thoughtful expression and couldn't help but praise his own wit.

Sure enough, this kind of thing should drag Boredia into the water!

Of course, it's not because Anne valued Boredia's opinion. If she valued Boredia's opinion, Violet would not be bound to the Sky City forever.

However, with Boredia here, Anne can easily transfer Anne's anger to Boredia.

In this way, Anne will seriously think about what he just said.

No, the effect is quite good!

늀It's hard for Boredia. Maybe next time you come here, you will suffer a little physical pain.

After all, even if Annie approved his answer, this change of attitude would still make Annie grumpy, and a pile of anger would accumulate in her heart.

It's not appropriate to vent to him, so I can only vent to a certain dragon, which caused the current series of things.

By then, it won’t matter whether Boredia said 놅 or not!

Even after Boredia was beaten, he would not know why, and would only look for other reasons from himself.

And what will happen to him will cause Anne to be dissatisfied? Will things still happen?

As for Anne…

It is impossible to tell Boredia what happened today, she also wants to save face!

I am indeed a genius!

Looking at Anne who was interested, Werther's face was serious, but his heart was full of joy.

However, Werther doesn't want to stay here too long.


A pearl suddenly appeared on Werther's paw, and Anne's eyes were instantly attracted to it.

"While traveling, I accidentally discovered a laboratory. The owner of the laboratory seemed to be studying this pearl with the aura of a four-headed dragon.

However, he was not very lucky. There were a lot of traces of fighting in that laboratory.

When I entered, the laboratory had become dilapidated under the influence of time. Everything inside had rotted away, except for this pearl that fell in the corner. "

Anne's eyes suddenly moved to Werther, and after giving him a meaningful look, she turned to Pearl.

"Only this one?"

Werther smiled and nodded.

"This time, as we travel, and the dragons from the Dragon Gang, we should not encounter any danger that could endanger our lives. The Ice and Snow City is very beautiful, and I want to take Violet to see it!

Moreover, she has never seen the abyss, which is a big problem.

It just so happens that our research involves fallen dragon beasts.

As a teacher, I want to take her to see it. "

Hearing this, Annie nodded.


Hearing this, Werther grinned, and then threw the pearl directly towards Anne.

"Candace and the others are still waiting for us..."

"Go and be safe!"

Werther nodded, then said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will bring Villette back safely."

After saying that, Werther gave Violet a look, then turned and walked towards the door.

After completely staying away from Annie's residence, Werther breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Violet's voice suddenly sounded faintly in his ears.

"Be the first to put forward an opinion to ignite emotions, then establish a point to vent negative emotions, then elaborate on your own opinion, and finally use gifts to bribe...

Teacher, you really taught me a good lesson! "

Hearing this, Werther glanced at Violet, and then smiled proudly.

"That's right, otherwise how could I be your teacher?

Let’s learn a little bit, this 늀뇽 art of persuasion, face the non-땢놅 dragon, use non-땢놅 persuasion methods...

Unfortunately, this template cannot be applied. If you want to learn the language, you have to stay with me, listen more, read more, and understand more! "

Verlett nodded, and then said meaningfully: "I will definitely keep the teacher's words in mind, but have you ever thought that I can reveal this matter to a certain dragon without any psychological burden? ?”


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