Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1076 The Strongest Backstab!

After hearing what Violet said, Werther's expression suddenly changed.

"No, what's the matter without any psychological burden?

I am your teacher, and I just helped you win your freedom. How can you say such a thing! "

Hearing this, Violet smiled.

"Teacher, don't be so nervous!

I didn't say that I would definitely publicize this matter.

You still don’t understand me, but I can learn from you, I can watch you grow up, and now my personality is eight points like yours!

It’s not like you don’t even understand your own character, right? "

Werther looked at Violet speechless.

"I don't understand myself too well, so I can't trust you, but..."

As he said that, Werther rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You seem to be very afraid of your mother!"

Violet's face froze, and then she looked away consciously.

"What's the point of fear? That's respect. No…Teacher, you're not planning any bad ideas again!"

Werther glanced at Violet.

"No, you made a bad idea first. Speaking of which, you haven't said the reason yet. Since you just said that, you should want to get something from me!"

"As expected of Teacher 놆, your thinking is clear!"

Witte rolled his eyes and said while flying towards the Dragon Gang: "Don't do this, I am more familiar with this than you, don't try to fool around, just be honest with me.

Otherwise, I just need to make this trip to the City of Ice and Snow, and after I come back, describe it in a little more detail. At least, before Amethyst, you can't even think about leaving the City in the Sky.

What I said...

You might as well give your mother a few more pearls, or she won't want to see me in the future. "

Hearing this, Violet's face turned bitter.

"Well, please don't...actually, I don't have any bad intentions. How old do you think I am today?"

"If I remember correctly, I am eight hundred and twenty-five years old. What?"


Violet looked sad and said pitifully: "Have you ever seen an 852-year-old giant dragon? There is nothing worth collecting in the reverse dimension?"

Hearing this, Werther suddenly understood.

"You want to extort some treasure from me?"

Hearing this, Violet turned away her head in embarrassment, and then whispered: "What's blackmail...Teacher, don't say it so unpleasantly."

You know the operating principles of some chambers of commerce: buy at a low price, sell at a higher price, and earn some money.

You have secretly entered my mind. I won’t tell you. I will charge you a small storage fee...

Very reasonable! "

Werther was speechless and looked at Violet.

"You are so eager to learn. The word 'redefining' means you are playing with it. It's clear that as for the storage fee, you can just pay the sealing fee!"



Violet said quickly: "Of course that's not possible, then why not blackmail? Let's not talk about that. In short, you just watch yourself learn, and your life is so miserable?"

Hearing this, Werther turned his head and stared at Violet for a moment, then nodded.

"With such a big dragon, it really doesn't make sense that there are no collectibles. After all, what kind of treasures do you like? Teacher, I traveled all over the country, not only collecting various kinds of garbage, but also collecting some.

I can give you a little 껩 no 놆. "

Upon hearing this, Violet's eyes suddenly lit up.

"That's great, I know you are the most generous teacher, I don't want much, just give me a few hundred gold coins!"


"Teacher, why don't you speak?"

Werther regretfully shook his head.

"You are so unlucky. You didn't choose from so many things, so why did you choose gold coins? Your teacher and I really don't have even one gold coin."


Violet suddenly felt like a rubber ball, with no energy!

When Witte saw this, he calmly began to draw the pie.

"But don't worry, since you mentioned 깊, I will definitely keep an eye on that teacher. I haven't run into him before, and I don't mean I won't run into him in the future. Don't worry, I will definitely keep it for you if I run into him!"

After hearing this, Violet felt much better.

Seeing this, Werther sneered in his heart.


However, he didn't notice that Violet looked at him with a strange look in her eyes.

I have everything except gold coins...

Is Violet stupid?

How is that possible!

She immediately thought that she, a cheap teacher, liked treasures, and there was a high probability of gold coins.

So, the question is, with how cunning the teacher is, can her father really rely on force to make the teacher do something obediently?

Of course it’s impossible!


Her father must have something to use to hold the teacher, no doubt, gold coins!

Thinking of this, Verritt immediately made a decision.

She must not let Werther discover that he likes gold coins!

On the other side, Werther really didn't expect that Verritt had already guessed that there were a large number of gold coins in Boredia, or to be more precise, Werther was trying his best to avoid thinking about this result, which was comparable to the destruction of the world.

By the way, didn’t Violet tell him before that she liked treasures?

Have you ever said that?

There are so many things stored in his head that he has no memory of them.

However, this is not important. What is important is that you must not expose your love for gold coins in front of Violet!

Thinking of these, they each had ghosts in their hearts. They looked at each other, one with love in his eyes, and the other with admiration in his eyes. From now on, they will each be a good teacher and eager to learn!

"Solve it?"

Candice led the dragons and stood outside the Dragon Gang store. When she saw Violet flying over behind Witte, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes.

As a consul, although he has not participated in a few consul meetings, he has already seen how difficult Anne can be in the few times he has attended.

Werther was actually able to get Anne.

Moreover, it is also about Violet.

How could he not be surprised.

Hearing Candice's words, Witte chuckled.

"Move it with emotion, understand it with reason, and treat it with courtesy...it's actually not difficult to solve it."

Candice glanced at 깊Witt, and then said: "Now that the matter has been resolved, let's get started. Yes, I remember you said before that you wanted to go to the Ice and Snow City.

In this case, you should have some understanding of the Ice and Snow City! "

Hearing this, Werther thought about it.

"There is some explanation, but not much. What do you want to know?"

Candice thought about it, and then said: "I need a dragon who is familiar with the terrain around the Ice and Snow City."

Upon hearing this, Werther immediately smiled and said, "That's easy to say!"

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