Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1173 What did you just say?

Under Witt's influence, Meyer, who was originally a flying dragon, easily integrated into Avery and the others, even though there was a huge gap in strength between them.

Even when Witt was about to leave, he directly proposed to stay temporarily, saying that he would give some pointers to Avery, who was about to break through to the legendary realm.

Witt certainly supported this.

Avery once forced an excessive amount of medicine for the tribe to increase his own strength. Now, he is about to break through to the legendary realm. To be honest, he is still a little panicked, even though his foundation is very stable.

Even though there are other managers and seniors who teach him from time to time, he is still unsure.

It is also a hurdle for a flying dragon to break through to the legendary realm.

But every flying dragon can successfully cross this hurdle.

The flying dragons that pass by will be seriously injured at best, and in more serious cases, their strength will always remain at the high level of purple crystals. In more serious cases, their dragon souls will even be free.

As for the reason...

Legends borrow rules and use the power of rules, but what are rules?

That is the branch derived from the law.

And the law is the foundation of the entire dragon world, and even higher levels.

Of course, rules can be borrowed easily.

The first time you borrow, it is equivalent to borrowing by force. If you usually understand more and get along well with the rules, the first time you borrow will be very smooth, but if you understand less and get along well with the rules, the rules will naturally be obedient.

And borrowing rules is borrowing with mental power!

Mental power is related to dragon crystal. Once borrowing fails, at least the dragon crystal will be slightly damaged, and the result will be serious.

In more serious cases, the dragon crystal will be left with permanent scars, and there will be no way to contact the power of rules from then on.

The most serious thing is that when forcibly breaking through, the spirit crystal will be directly shattered and the dragon soul will be scattered.

Of course, the last situation is not common.

But the second most serious one is also acceptable to Avery.

So, when he heard that Meier could stay here to guide him to improve his strength, he was very happy.

No one would dislike that there are too many legends to teach him breakthrough experience.



Looking at the door closed again, Witt sighed and shook his head, and then walked towards Antasa.

There was no way, he had to walk the rest of the way by himself.

In front of Antasa's shop, Witt walked in directly, and then saw Antasa and Ilaiya with dark faces.

Witt was a little stunned.

Of course, it was not because of Antasa, but Ilaiya.

After all, Antasa has a very good temper, and it is normal for her to be angry. What is rare is that he actually saw that Ilaiya was also angry.

Hearing the movement from Witt's side, Antasa frowned.


After saying that, when she saw that it was Witt, the words on her lips changed again: "It's you, close the door, and hang up the sign by the way. I really don't feel like opening the door recently."

Witt hung up the sign and closed the door as he said, and then walked towards the counter, while curiously asking: "What happened?

Why do you two look so ugly?"

As he said, Witt's eyes fell on the third dragon, Donitasa, with a questioning look in his eyes.

The only one whose expression did not change much at the scene was Donitasa.


Antasha turned her head to look at Ilaiya first, and when she saw Ilaiya nod, she spoke again: "The student you brought me is an experimental subject!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Antasha in astonishment.

"What did you just say?"

Antasha's eyes flashed with a haze, but she still nodded.

"Yes, you heard it right, Donitasa is an experimental subject who escaped from the laboratory, huh - Dragon Body Alchemy!"

Hearing this, Witt looked at Donitasa again, but her face did not change much, as if they were talking about her.

This is obviously wrong. Now thinking about it, Witt realized that since the first time he met Donitasa, the other party seemed to have never shown too many negative emotions.

Thinking of this, Witt's face also became gloomy.

"So, she is an alchemical creation, so her appearance is very different from ours?"

Hearing this, Antasa was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witt speechlessly.

"When did I say she was an alchemical creation? Her appearance is also natural, and her dragon body is also naturally grown. If this is all made by alchemical creation...

Then that dragon is too powerful. I admire him very much. He can lay dragon eggs alone!"

Hearing this, Witt smiled awkwardly.

"Then her appearance is..."

"A hybrid of a mutated crystal dragon and an elemental dragon."

"Uh... okay!"

As he said this, Witt looked at Donitasa with a strange expression.

"Then the dragon body alchemy you just mentioned is..."

"Dragon body transformation!"

After a pause, Antasa continued: "From my observation of her, I have seen at least two types of dragon body alchemy, one of which is elemental transformation.

To sum it up in one sentence, the elemental lungs she should have had were replaced by a well-known crystal, which made her lose the elemental power and gain a power similar to the stars in your store.

What was it?"

"Star Rule!"

"Yes, it's the power you named.

The second is dragon soul alchemy. Her dragon soul has a missing part. Although she knows why, the other party stripped her blood inheritance.

During this process, the guy carefully stripped away a part of the dragon soul.

This part corresponds to..."

"The generation of negative emotions?"

Hearing this, Antasa glanced at Witt and sneered.

"Is your alchemy also a decoration!"

Witt said helplessly: "You are so angry, and it was me who did it... Is there any other information?"

Antasha heard Witt's words, adjusted her emotions slightly, and then continued: "Dragon soul stripping is more complicated than you think.

Under normal circumstances, there are two types of dragon soul alchemy, one is to add things, and the other is to subtract things.

The former is to verify some conjectures, and the latter is to make combat machines.

Adding things is not mentioned for now. Subtracting things is actually stripping emotions and feelings. If a dragon has no emotions and feelings, it is a living weapon.

However, this stripping is very difficult, and the experimenter may not be a born dragon, but a dragon egg.

If it is a born dragon, stripping emotions and feelings will cause the dragon soul to be injured. If the dragon soul is injured, the light one will become an idiot, and the heavy one will die directly.

Therefore, it must be a dragon egg that has already grown but has not yet gained the ability to perceive the outside world. "

At this point, Antasa looked at Witt and said faintly: "So, you should understand what I just said now, she is an experimental subject!"


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