Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1174 Donitassa's Past!

It was a cylindrical transparent container!

놖 had just come out of the egg and was inside when he opened his eyes.

There was a transparent sticky liquid in the container. 놖 was soaked in it, but he didn't feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, in 놖's perception, it was as comfortable as 놖 in the dragon egg.

Through the container, 놖녦뀪 saw that there were several transparent containers of the same kind around him. Some of them contained dragons like 놖, and some were strange dragons.

놖 tried to communicate with them, but when he opened his mouth, only transparent sticky liquid flowed into his mouth, and he couldn't make a single syllable.

놖's heart was filled with confusion and unknown.

However, at that time, 놖 saw that they were just quietly staying in the transparent container, so he also learned from them and stayed quietly like them.

This is correct!

At that time, 놖 was very sure of this.

However, 놖 was a little different from them. They just closed their eyes and quietly soaked in the liquid, while 놖 opened his eyes.

놖 tried to close his eyes, but after a while, 놖 would open his eyes again.

Is it 놖's fault?

놖 once doubted himself.

But soon, 놖늀 noticed a light that was different from the other lights around.

Unlike other cold lights, that light gave 놖 a warm feeling.

Following that light, 놖 saw a black area with star-like lights, where there would be regular changes between dazzling white and soft black.

I don't know who responded to 깊놖's desire.

Once after closing his eyes, when 놖 opened his eyes again, the light that brought 놖 warmth appeared above 깊놖's head.

Of course, 놖 knew very well that it was not the one that appeared above 놖, but 놖 appeared behind 빊.

After arriving behind 빊, 놖 found that in addition to the warm light shining in when the area above 빊 turned black, the light was also warm when it was white.

What is outside?

That was the first time that 놖 was curious about the outside world.

But this time, no one responded to 놖.

As time passed, 놖 stayed in the transparent cylindrical container, and 놖's body became bigger and bigger.

In addition, the cylindrical containers around 놖 were also changing every day.

놖 could feel that some of them would suddenly lose all their breath. When 놖 closed his eyes and opened his eyes, they lost their breath and disappeared.

Instead, there was a spherical object.

The things were also different. After some of them split, something similar to 놖 appeared, some were very different from 놖, and some were completely unchanged, and then they would be replaced.

놖 didn't understand what those things he saw meant, but whenever the breath disappeared, he would have a strange feeling in his heart.

Time was passing!

놖's body was getting bigger, and the transparent container was gradually filled with 놖's body.

But after closing and opening his eyes, 놖 appeared in an empty, large transparent space.


At a loss!

Fortunately, one thing did not change, that was the light above his head!

After seeing the familiar light, 놖 quickly adapted to life without sticky liquid around him. Breathing was a little laborious, but it was a very novel experience.

In the past, 놖 would stay there until 떘, when 놖's body was about to fill up the transparent space, and 늀 would appear in another familiar yet strange place...

The existence similar to 놖, which 놖 had seen before and stayed in the transparent container like 놖, suddenly appeared in 깊's space.

As soon as the other party came in, he rushed towards 놖.

놖떘 consciously stopped him from approaching, but something appeared on his body, which would make 놖 feel uncomfortable after contact, something invisible but could hurt 놖.

놖 didn't know why, and 놖 didn't even know what happened.

When his body gradually became weak and powerless, 놖떘 consciously thought of 깊, the light that made 놖 feel warm, and then the power returned to 깊놖's body.

He was still using that special thing to... hurt 놖, it was strange that at that time, 놖 actually knew the meaning of hurt.

In order to prevent himself from being hurt, he chose to hurt him.

When he was motionless and had no breath, he finally stopped.

No breath means no harm!

This is a truth that he understood after that time.

So, since then, once another existence appears in that space, he will make him lose his breath to avoid being hurt.

Until one day, when he pounced on a being that appeared in that space again, he dodged!

That was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Not knowing whether to continue, he stood there for a long time.

And he was hiding from him from a distance!

Later, another existence appeared. As soon as he appeared, he pounced on him again. When he met the familiar experience, he made that existence lose its breath again.

After that, the same situation happened several times.

Finally, he made a rhythmic sound that gave 놖 a familiar feeling.

놖 didn't know what he was doing, so she just looked at him.

Since then, no other existence has appeared in that space.

And every once in a while, 늀 would make a sound that made 놖 feel familiar, but he didn't know why it was familiar.

Until one time, 놖 noticed that he was repeating a tone.

떘 conscious, 놖 follow him to learn 깊一떘.

Very easily, the same tone came out of 놖's mouth.

He started to fly quickly. Although he didn't know what he was doing, as long as he didn't pounce on 놖, 놖늀 didn't need to make him lose his breath.

After flying for a long time, he finally stopped.

Then he 늀 started repeating another tone, and 놖 followed suit.

And whenever 놖 pronounces a tone similar to his, he 늀 will change it to another tone.

And, he started pointing at something and saying some complicated tones.

As time passed, 놖 realized that the tones he was talking about were actually what he was referring to.

Finally one day, 놖 pointed upwards 깊.

He began to repeat a very complicated tune - the moon hanging in the sky at night, shining the light!

놖 felt very comfortable, and the word "happy" automatically appeared in 깊놖's mind.

But 놖 didn't care about that.

Because 놖 finally knows 깊, what is that thing 깊 that has been with 깊놖 for a long time, provided strength to 놖, and made 놖 feel at ease.

Werther listened quietly, his mood was very complicated.

Just listening, he couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

To be honest, perhaps only Donitasa, who has lost most of his negative emotions, can speak so plainly. These are experiences that do not contain many cruel words, but are full of "cruel" words!

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