Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1182 Setting up the arena!

Lisven, who was directing a group of wind dragons to be busy, felt something in his heart. He turned around and saw three giant dragons approaching quickly.

"Witt, come here!"


Following a few dull sounds, Werther landed on the grass, and then said: "I have finished notifying you, how is the progress on your side?"

As he spoke, Witte glanced at the group of busy wind dragons.

Several huge rock-made buildings stood not far away, and large groups of wind dragons shuttled between these rock-made buildings, looking extremely busy.

On the other side, hearing Witte's words, Lisven said: "As you can see, the food storage room has been built, and the kitchen for making food has also been completed.

The ingredients are being transported here now, and it should be almost there in a few days.

Speaking of which, what are you going to do with the banquet venue? "

"As for the venue, I don't plan to build it specially. I will just use the open space over there, and then I will build a ring there.

The theme of the banquet is communication.

But the dragon...

You also understand that for giant dragons, fighting is the best form of communication.

Therefore, the arena is the key point! "

Lisven nodded.

"That's true!"

With that said, Lisven turned his head and looked at 깊Witt.

"So, we will also build the arena?"

Witte said with a smile: "It's up to me to do this part. When the food is almost ready on your side, the construction of the arena on my side should be almost completed.

This can save a lot of time. "

Lisven nodded and said: "Okay, then you should work here first, I will go over there to give some instructions, Long Duo, if there is no direction, it will be easy to get into chaos.

During the banquet, we have plenty of time to chat! "

After saying that, Lisven nodded towards Vittor and then hurriedly went.

And Witte also flew towards the area he had previously selected to build the arena.

Linstar and Antavana followed behind Werther. The former asked curiously: "Werter, that wind dragon just now..."

"His name is Lisven. It's normal that you are not familiar with it. That guy Reddock has either entered old age, Lisven is the dragon who succeeded him and became the new leader of Reddock's wind dragon clan.

Before that, he traveled all year round and rarely stayed in the Sky City. I only met him by accident.

How to say...

A wind dragon with strong strength, intelligence, and mobility, and a pretty good personality! "

Well, if you exclude the fact that he loves to hold grudges and likes to trap dragons.

"Redek is already in old age!"

Werther was stunned.

"You don't even know this?"

Linstar and Antavana both shook their heads, their brows furrowed and their eyes full of complexities.

They all know that being able to grow to this point has a lot to do with Redeker, so the dragons in Witte's shop have a good relationship with Redeker.

When they suddenly heard the news, they couldn't help but feel heavy.

Werther knew very well what it would be like to hear the news for the first time, and he also knew very well what Linstar and Antavana were thinking at this time.

"We are giant dragons with a long lifespan. We are destined to send away many dragons with whom we have good relationships. Redek is just the beginning. It is normal to feel sad, but there is no need to be too sad.

Not to mention that Redeker can still live for another year or two, just because he is approaching the end of his life, we should be happy for him.

At least, he didn't die in an accident.

Okay, you guys find a place by yourselves, adjust your mood, and don't look sad when you see Reddick.

Like I just said, he still has one or two years to live!

As for building the arena, leave it to me!

In other words, I had no expectations that you could help me! "

Hearing this, Linstar and Antavana looked at each other, and then nodded towards Vittor.

"We do need a moment!"

After saying that, the two dragons fell towards 떘뀘. Although they knew that there was nothing wrong with Witte's words, when they thought of Redecker, their moods couldn't help but feel depressed.

When Witte saw the two dragons falling away, he shook his head helplessly, and a trace of depression flashed in his eyes.

Don't look at him here comforting this or that.

But what he wanted to send away was not only Redecker, but also Meier, and Meier was a student he had personally taught.

If he is like Boredia, he has lived for more than eight years and is considered an old dragon, but he is still a young dragon less than one year old.


Sighing, Werther shook his head to suppress these emotions.

Anyone can be depressed, but not him!

There are so many dragons behind him looking at him. If he can't be strong, who can be expected to be strong.

No longer thinking about this, Werther flew to a high altitude, and then looked towards 떘뀘.

This banquet venue mainly consists of three areas.

One is the area where the wind dragons prepare food, the other is the main venue for the banquet, and the third is the arena.

According to Witte's vision, these three areas are roughly triangular.

Observing the terrain between 깊 and 떘, roughly estimating the distance between 깊 and 떘, Werther then flew towards a large 꿧 area in 떘뀘.

After reaching the ground, he directly took out a forbidden spell magic circle of the earth element.

After placing the magic circle on the ground, Witt injected the power of the earth element.

Of course, his purpose was not to destroy this area, but to lift his feet off the ground. To do this, he only needed to communicate with the earth element.

The reason for choosing the forbidden spell was simply because the influence range of the forbidden spell was large enough.

As the magic circle was activated, a huge yellow magic circle phantom quickly unfolded, and Witt quickly exerted his mental power to take over the forbidden spell magic circle.

Then, he began to fully activate the magic circle, causing it to spread in all directions.

On the surface, the yellow magic circle was gradually expanding until it covered the area within a radius of 100 kilometers, and Witt stopped.

The expansion range of the magic circle was too wide, which was a considerable burden on Witt's mental power.

After expanding to the distance Witt wanted, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then suddenly exerted force.

The magic circle covering the area of ​​​​a circle flashed with light, and accompanied by a violent earthquake, the area covered by the magic circle instantly rose by 200 meters!

This simple and crude method consumes more elemental power than magic. After the job is done, the magic core on the magic circle is directly drained, and the magic circle loses its effectiveness.

Then, Witt took out a magic circle and began to reinforce the raised area.

Of course, protective magic must be arranged around the ring.

To prevent the magic from flying out of the ring during the battle and injuring the dragons watching...

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