Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1183 Preparations completed, the banquet begins!

Chapter 1183 After preparations, the banquet begins!

To strengthen the magic circle, Witte is an old friend of the rock formations, and there are not just one or two. In order to make the battle more enjoyable, Witte directly arranged hundreds of rock formations.

This makes this arena strong enough to withstand the attacks of any dragon below the legendary level.

As for the shield, of course I would choose the 꽮prime shield. This shield is essentially an alchemical item. It was already made by Witt after he had the idea of ​​building a ring.

As for the effect...

Even Liberty City's Freedom Arena uses this kind of 꽮 element shield.

It is more than enough to protect the safety of the audience under the ring.

After finishing these, the arena is basically completed.

However, it is impossible to have a stage without an audience.

Afterwards, Witte once again borrowed the Earth Element Magic Array to raise a circle of small rock pillars around the arena, arranged irregularly from the inside to the outside, from high to low.

The reason is to allow all the dragons to see the battle clearly in the arena.

The warlike nature of the dragon clan is engraved in their bones.

Even if you don't like fighting dragons, you will occasionally have the idea of ​​having a fierce battle with other dragons deep in your heart.

Werther's arrangement was just to let go of these ideas.

Only when everyone in the family participates can this banquet be more lively.

Soon, Witt completed the construction of the auditorium and flew over the ring. After taking a glance, he nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, the arena is completely finished!

Of course, with such a large-scale building, Werther could not complete it in a short time.

Five days!

It took a full five days.

Of course, Linstar and Antawana would not be depressed for such a long time.

On the second day, they had already packed up their mood and were ready to come here to help.

But Werther was afraid that the two magic circle novices would become more and more helpful, so he sent them back to the Sky City.

After admiring his works again, Werther was happy, but a trace of regret could not help but appear in his heart.

It's a pity that such a nice place will be demolished after this banquet.

The hunting ground is very important to the city with its huge sky. It's okay for them to borrow it for a while, but it won't work if they occupy it for a long time.

What's more, the area they occupy now is close to an entire hunting ground.

Permanently losing a hunting ground just to retain an area for fighting, the Sky City will not allow this kind of thing to happen.

After sighing, Werther turned around and flew towards the kitchen area.

"How are you doing here?"

Hearing a voice coming from behind, Lis turned to look at Witte and said with a smile: "We are ready here, but we haven't prepared enough food yet. What about you?"

Hearing this, Werther nodded.

"The arena is ready, as for the food... let's start first. It's going to be going on for several days, so the food can be shipped in batches.

What's more, by the time the fight starts on the other side of the ring, there is basically no need for food. "

"Then tell the dragon to come over!"

"Easy to say!"


Is it about to start? "

While he was absorbing the natural earthquake, his heart moved, and he realized that the dragon scales in the reverse scale space were broken, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"It's pretty fast!"

As he said this, Tian Zhen stood up and walked outside. He had to call up the mountain.


Hearing the voice coming from beside him, 굜nit turned to look at Celine.

"What's wrong?"

Celine smiled and said: "Witt's side is ready, just in time, we're almost done shopping here, uh...where's Billy?"

굜Nite's face froze, and then he glanced around, and his face suddenly darkened.

"That guy is running around again!"

A look of helplessness appeared on Celine's face, but there was a smile in her eyes.

"Don't be angry, let's look for it together. We can't let Werther wait a little longer."

Hearing this, the dragons dispersed and searched around.

Similar scenes are happening everywhere in the Sky City.

Of course, it's not like Billy disappeared, but the dragon scales shattered and he realized that the banquet was about to begin. After all, except for Billy, the other dragons were still very reliable.

When giant dragons flew from all over the Sky City and flew in the same direction, including some legendary level dragons, the other dragons in the Sky City couldn't help but become restless.

What happened in Sky City?

This question is the most lively topic in Sky City today, and even for a long time to come!

Of course, these have nothing to do with Werther.

After sending the message, it meant that the banquet had begun, and Werther was finally able to relax.


Taking a deep breath, Werther turned his eyes to Lis.

"Okay, the message has been sent out. A dragon will come soon. Have you arranged everything over there? By then, we will all enjoy the banquet in a lively manner. You are the only one who is a dragon. Kuhaha. Busy with that!”

Hearing Witte's teasing, Liss smiled and said: "It has been arranged a long time ago. As long as there are no accidents, there is no need for me to worry about it.

Speaking of which, what are your plans to stay in the Sky City in the future? "

Hearing this, Werther nodded.

"Redek is about to die. How can I leave the Sky City? He has helped me a lot. I must at least give him a ride."

Hearing this, Lis looked at Werther with a strange expression.

I'm afraid only the giant dragon can say such a thing.

One or two thousand years should be used as one or two hundred years.

Of course, these were just thoughts in mind. On the surface, Lis felt that this topic was a bit inappropriate and turned to other things.

Just when Witte and Liss were chatting happily, strong auras came from the city in the sky.

The first ones to arrive, needless to say, must be those legendary level dragons.

Boredia, Jacques, Antasha...

Feeling these auras, a flash of regret flashed in Witte's eyes.

Speaking of which, he was originally planning to invite Legge, but when he went to the Ice and Snow City, he learned that Legge had gone to bed after returning.

He obviously just woke up not long ago, why did he go to sleep!

Of course, his regret was not that Legge couldn't come. His regret was that if Legge also participated, in such an atmosphere, he might be able to learn something about the dark history of Boredia.

What a pity!

But it doesn't matter. There are many dragons who come to meet Boredia. There is still a chance. It just depends on whether he can catch it.

While Witte was thinking, the dragons arrived.

And with the arrival of the giant dragons, the wind dragons in charge of logistics flew towards the main venue carrying trays in groups, and the banquet officially began!

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