Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1320 What is a surprise!

Werther smiled because the mechanical puppet had captured him.

After a while, Werther became angry because he did enter the crypt system and a laboratory, but...

He was the only one in the laboratory!

In the laboratory with soft light, Werther counted down silently, and according to his understanding of the potion, he faintly woke up.

He glanced around blankly, and after seeing the surrounding environment clearly, a flash of panic immediately flashed in his eyes.

Afterwards, Werther looked around cautiously.

As time went by, the panic of being suddenly brought to a strange environment gradually turned into curiosity about the surrounding environment because there was no follow-up.

Of course, there is still some necessary vigilance.

늀In this way, Witte started researching this laboratory openly.

To other dragons, it was just a meaningless look, but to Witte, he analyzed the entire structure of the laboratory step by step.

Soon, this laboratory no longer had any secrets for Werther.

However, precisely because of this, a lingering doubt appeared in Werther's heart.

This is not a laboratory for studying dragon body alchemy.

Don't look at Dragon Body Alchemy, but in fact, this is an extremely advanced alchemy experiment. In addition to the alchemist's own relevant knowledge and superb alchemy skills, external conditions are also an indispensable part.

The external conditions here refer to the supporting facilities of the laboratory.

If it is not advanced enough, just a little bit of elemental fluctuation may cause an experiment to fail.

땤Experimental object of dragon body alchemy놆A living dragon.

Once it fails, it means that we need to find an experimental product again. In the current environment of the dragon world, it is really hard to find a suitable experimental product.

Therefore, this also forces the dark alchemist to constantly improve the experimental environment to prevent the hard-earned experimental materials from being wasted due to these external factors.

땤The laboratory in front of me is not even as good as the one in his store in Sky City.

Not to mention the alchemy of the dragon body, even the engraving of a magic circle by 늀놆 will be affected to some extent.

Such a laboratory is obviously not suitable for his current status.

Has it been exposed?

With this thought in his mind, Witte tried to escape from this laboratory with the magic that matched his status.

Of course, as expected, there was no progress.

In this way, Werther lived in this laboratory.

The existence of time magic gave him a clear understanding of the passage of time.

Almost every day, he would consume the power of the elements that fit his identity, stare at a place and try hard to break open the laboratory.

The elements are almost consumed, so I need to sleep to recover them.

땤At this time, 늀There will be a mechanical puppet opening the door of the laboratory and bringing him plenty of food.

Of course, this was all seen by Werther.

In the blink of an eye, several months passed.

In Witte's opinion, the young dragon was not in line with the other party's research direction.

The other party was planning to raise him like this until he was a young dragon or a young dragon, and then conduct dragon body alchemy experiments, but this dark alchemist suddenly appeared in front of him...

"It's all a waste of effort, you can't get through this place!"

A strange voice suddenly sounded, and Werther looked at the door of the laboratory with a "wary" look, but there was a hint of confusion deep in his eyes.

Standing at the laboratory door that had just been opened was a fire-winged flying dragon, looking at Werther with a smile on his face.

This is one of the reasons why Witte is puzzled.

You said it's okay if you appear directly in front of me. Although the sense of success will be a little bit, this is considered normal.

But what does the smile on your face mean?

"Who are you?"

There were doubts in his heart, but Witte did not show his true form immediately and suppressed the other party directly. He asked with vigilance.


As you can see, the controller here is a fire-winged flying dragon.

If you have blood heritage, you should be familiar with my race.

By the way, my name is Gabriel. "

"Of course...of course I know about the Fire Winged Dragon."

As he said that, Werther still looked at the other party warily.

"I mean, what do you do? Why did you bring me here?"

After hearing what Werther said, Gabriel ignored Werther's vigilance, closed the door of the laboratory, and walked towards the corner of the laboratory, where there was an experimental bench.

While inspecting the experimental table, he said: "Put away your vigilance. There is no need. I have no ill intentions towards you. The only reason why I brought you in is because it is too dangerous outside."

There was a strange look in Werther's eyes.


"Oh, it's dangerous. You may not know what's going on in this continent where you were born."

Werther thought about it and nodded.

"What you are talking about is a bit far away for me. Even the forest outside has to be lived with caution. The mainland... is completely meaningless."

Upon hearing this, Gabriel glanced at Werther appreciatively.

"You are very smart. Although limited by your knowledge, what you say is a bit naive, but you are worthy of the 놆꾫龙...

The mainland is indeed meaningless to you.

However, if the situation on the mainland is too bad, without the protection of an adult dragon, you will sooner or later become the experimental material of the dark alchemist.

꾫龙 Experimental Materials...

In the world of dark alchemists, it is the most advanced material. "

Hearing this, Werther's expression changed, and he looked at Gabriel more warily.

However, he couldn't help but lament in his heart.

Well, I miscalculated this time. The dragon in front of me doesn't seem to be a dark alchemist, um... but I'm not sure yet.

After all, this is just one of the other party's laboratories.

늀While Werther was thinking, Gabriel looked at Werther in surprise.

"Your reaction...do you know the Dark Alchemist?"

"I don't know, but using dragons as materials..."


Hearing Werther's words, Gabriel laughed, and then looked at Werther's eyes with even more admiration.

"Your reaction is very fast, but relax, I am not a dark alchemist, uh... of course, even if I say this, you will definitely not believe it.

If it’s not specific, then you need to see it with your own eyes later.

In short, you can stay here for now!

The door of this laboratory will be open to you from now on. As long as you don't leave this world, there is basically no danger.

I still have an experiment to do over there, so I'm leaving first.

To be honest, if the experimental platform doesn't explode, I won't be planning to see you in a short time.

After all, the way I got you here will definitely cause you dissatisfaction. "

As he spoke, Gabriel put away the test bench in front of him.

When he was about to leave, he accidentally looked at Werther. This glance made his whole body freeze.

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