Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1321 You have to give me a reason!

Gabriel watched the newly born dragon gradually expand its body, and in the blink of an eye, it was frozen at more than seven meters.


Suddenly, a light blue ball of light appeared on the sunken ugly chest.

The appearance of the ball of light changed the temperament of the whole dragon.

Mysterious, noble, elegant, uh... well, the muscles that bulged like rocks were not solid and elegant.

But there was no doubt that he knew this dragon!

On the other side, without paying attention to Gabriel's look, Witt stretched his body first, and a look of comfort appeared on his face.

Dragons don't like to control their body changes. On the one hand, the body changes, which damages the dignity. On the other hand, the changing body is a constraint on the unchanging power in the body.

Of course, this feeling of restraint is not very serious, otherwise, an adult dragon will not control its body size between 7 meters and 8 meters.

Dragons are a very free and willful race. If something makes him particularly uncomfortable, he will definitely not insist on doing it, even if doing so can bring him great convenience.

Therefore, the restraint after the body changes is closer to being uncomfortable. If you get used to it, it will be much better.

After stretching his body, Witt's eyes fell on Gabriel, who was still staring at him, and then he grinned.

"Isn't your neck sore?"

Witt's words made Gabriel's brain, which had become a paste due to the sudden change, sober up immediately, just as Witt had just asked him.

"Who are you?"

"As you can see, a mutant silver dragon in its prime."

"Of course I know..."

As he spoke, Gabriel couldn't help but stop because of a strong sense of déjà vu, and then he quickly sorted out his thoughts.

"What do you want to do!"

While speaking, Gabriel subconsciously glanced at the door.

But Witt lay down without any intention.

"Looking at your expression, you should have recognized me... It seems that those mechanical puppets are equipped with vision or perception modules.

In addition, I want to remind you that although you are a purple crystal like me, I can easily let you leave this beautiful world, so don't do things that may easily lead to misunderstanding.

When you look at me, you should think that my target is you.

So, cooperate honestly, maybe I will temporarily keep your life because of your "kindness" just now."

Gabriel stood there in silence, and then nodded.

It was considered to be acknowledging Witt's words.

But his heart was shouting wildly, didn't this dragon leave, didn't the other party pass by here, why did he suddenly target him?


Using this shameless tactic that I have never heard of...

By the way, is this something a dragon can do?

On the other side, Witt didn't care what Gabriel was thinking, and stretched his tail in front of him.

"I think you don't mind, take me to visit your territory!"

Gabriel is a fire-winged dragon.

And fire-winged dragons are relatively rare on the Fast Continent.

A common dragon with fire element affinity on the Fast Continent is the lava dragon of the Scorching City.

Both dragons are fire-element-affinity, but the difference between the two dragons is quite large.

The lava dragon is one of the few large-sized dragons, and its size is slightly larger than that of the frost dragon, which is also one of the large-sized dragons. The adult size of the frost dragon is about 20 meters, while the adult size of the lava dragon is about 80 meters.

The fire-winged dragon is a large-sized dragon, and its adult size is about the same as the wind-thunder dragon, about 10 meters.

The reason why the Fire Wing Dragon and the Lava Dragon are put together is that the racial relationship between the Lava Dragon and the Fire Wing Dragon is similar to that between the Undead Dragon and the Bone Dragon.

The Undead Dragon, which is also a skeleton, was first robbed of the name "Bone Dragon" by the Bone Dragon, so it became the Undead Dragon.

The Lava Dragon was robbed of its name by the Fire Wing Dragon and can only be called the Lava Dragon.

Of course, there is no conflict here. For the dragon clan, the name is not very important.

Let's not mention this!

Facing the tail of Witte, Gabriel sighed and then climbed up obediently.

There is no way, he is not as strong as the dragon, he has no choice!

Witte saw Gabriel's cooperation, nodded with satisfaction, and then walked towards the door of the laboratory. When he stood in front of the door, he spoke again.

"I don't need to open the door!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the laboratory opened "automatically", and Gabriel had a dark face throughout the whole process.

Well, this is the only way he can express his dissatisfaction.

He dared not to do anything else.

Walking out of the laboratory, what appeared in front of Witt was a huge underground cave with roots all over the top. The cave was not very big, but it was connected in all directions.

The cave was very dry, with traces of claws on it.

So, these caves were not eroded by water, but were dug out by dragon beasts over the years.

Fungi and plants emitting faint light grew in the inconspicuous corners of the cave.

The light was not enough to illuminate the entire cave, it was a little dim, but it was enough to see the surroundings clearly.

Witt glanced around, then swung his tail in front of him, and turned his head slightly to look at Gabriel on his tail.

"Your mechanical puppets..."

"They won't attack you actively."

"I need a guide."


After a moment of silence, a strange elemental fluctuation came from the cave in the distance, and then a dragon-shaped elemental puppet with a water element as a dragon body appeared in front of Witt.

"It will take you wherever you want to go."

Hearing this, Witt raised his eyebrows, followed the elemental puppet towards a passage, and asked: "Do you know my purpose?"

Gabriel said lightly: "Turning into a young dragon as bait... What else can your goal be."

After a slight pause, Gabriel's eyes fell on the elemental puppet leading the way in front.

"You are targeting me because of these puppets!"

Witt disdained to hide and nodded directly.

"I have met dark alchemists before and studied their alchemy puppets. I know a lot about alchemy puppets.

The breath tracking module has always been a difficult aspect of alchemy puppets.

From what I have seen and heard, only the alchemy puppets of dark alchemists have this module.

So, you have to give me a reason."

As he spoke, Vit's golden eyes glowed like surging liquid gold, full of pressure...

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