Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1388 The title lady is here to show her presence!

"I'll find you!"

It seemed that Witt's laughter irritated Egbert on the other side. After a long silence, he spoke again.

His voice was very calm, but anyone could hear the raging anger in that calmness.

Hearing this, Witt showed a strange smile on his face.

"Did you?

Then I'm so scared!

I just don't know when you will come to find me...

By the way, how was your injury last time? To be honest, I didn't expect that you, a legend, would be injured by a small purple crystal like me.


You know how sorry I felt afterwards.

Here, I just contacted you and I immediately cared about you.

In addition, I will give you another friendly message. I am going to the Endless Sea in the north, which is more suitable for me to practice. If you want to find me...

See you in the Endless Sea!

By the way, my name is Witt, but don't forget my name!"

After that, Witt turned his head and flew to the west. As for whether he was going to the west or the north...

Let Egbert figure it out for himself!

On the side of Egbert, the elemental body watched Witt leave with sinister eyes, without saying a word, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

Until Witt's figure completely disappeared, Egbert's voice sounded again.

"Did you hear..."

After the voice fell, another voice suddenly sounded.

"He is very cunning..."


Witt ignored the elemental clone that had already flown away, and stood quietly on a broken boulder, watching the elemental body slowly dissipate.

"Very cunning..."

Whitt frowned as he murmured.

Witt never thought that Egbert would find a helper, and this helper seemed to know him.

Witt did not leave just now.

Only a water elemental clone left.

In order to hide it from the other party, Vitt spent a lot of money and created an ordinary elemental clone to cast the Mirror Flower and Water Moon, which is a forbidden spell with ninety-three nodes.

No matter how carefully the other party observes, if he only uses an alchemical magic circle, he will not be able to see through this magic.

However, this harvest is a bit unexpected.

He seems to have tricked out a big fish.

We only know where this big fish comes from.

The Abyss also has a dark alchemist...

As for the latter, he has only fought with a dark alchemist, and sent killers and dark puppets to attack Fus and his famous frost pterosaur.

As for the former...

Well, it seems that there are still many strong men in the abyss who will target him. For a moment, he doesn't know who to suspect first.

But no matter what, he now has one more opponent.

The abyss knows more about him. As for that frost pterosaur...

Thinking of that dragon, Witt's brows wrinkled up. The dragon's own strength is not enough to be feared. It is not even a legend, but that guy knows some space methods.

But soon, Witt's brows relaxed a little.

According to Egbert's cautiousness, the other party will not trust any collaborator, and naturally will not bring them to his laboratory.

In other words, that guy should be in that laboratory now.

This is a rare opportunity!

As for his helpers, with insufficient information, they can only be more cautious like today and take one step at a time.

Thinking of this, Witt retracted his gaze, then hid his body and flew towards the west.

He had to do the whole show. In addition, the monitoring methods left by Egbert here must be destroyed. Doing so not only fits the impression he left on Egbert, but also can protect Skechers in the folded space.

Soon, Witt arrived at the position he had thought of in advance, and then he began to chant in a low voice. As he chanted, a huge magic circle appeared in the sky.

The magic circle only covered the mountains on the other side, and even a small part of the Buried Snow Gorge was included.

After the magic circle was completely formed, a terrifying cold air instantly raged in the area. In just a moment, the mountain range that was almost destroyed was replaced by an iceberg.

That's right, ice burial!

Witt was too lazy to find out Egbert's arrangements one by one, so he just covered everything directly. This level of attack could not be withstood by the legendary alchemy magic circle.

Standing on the edge of the iceberg, Witt's eyes flashed with joy.

The breakthrough of mental power made him more powerful in controlling the lost magic of ice burial. In this way, he no longer worried about being hurt by his own magic.

After finishing the work, Witt took a last look at the Burial Snow Gorge, then turned his head and flew south.

He was going to find Egbert's laboratory.

As for the method...

Of course, reasoning and luck!

As I said before, Egbert is a legend anyway, and his speed must be faster than Witt.

But how fast is it? We need to refer to the first battle between Witt and Egbert.

When the snow burial was fired, Egbert did not dodge it. Before the snow burial, Egbert was at the location where Witt set up the magic circle trap, and Witt hid far away.

The range of the snow burial is roughly a huge circle, and Egbert is closer to the center.

During this period, whether it is Witt's sudden attack or the delay of the air-breaking thorn, it will slow down the opponent's reaction, but it will not be much slower, and the difference may be more than one second.

It can be completely regarded as Witt and the opponent reacting at the same time.

From the position of both parties affected by the snow burial and the initial position of both parties before the snow burial began, in the same time, Egbert flew almost twice as far as Witt.

In other words, in the case of full-speed flight, Egbert's speed is twice that of Witt.

When Egbert is in a hurry, he must be flying at full speed.

Under normal circumstances, the speed of a dragon is only about half of the full-speed flight, which means that even if it is in a hurry, Egbert's speed cannot catch up with Witt's full-speed flight.

However, at that time, Egbert should have been in a state of anger, and the other party's flying speed should be faster than usual.

In addition, Egbert is a water element dragon. Now it is daytime, and the temperature is the temperature that Egbert likes. Considering that the destination is the Buried Snow Gorge, the other party will fly faster.

Taking all factors into consideration, Egbert's speed is more than 1.5 times that of Witt's full-power flight.

If Egbert's travel time is about two months, Witt's full-power flight will take three months.

But Witt must have flown at full power to travel.

In the Olivia continent, a lot of extra physical strength is consumed just to shorten the travel time. This is a manifestation of wisdom, so Witt must have traveled often.

In this way, it takes Witt about six months to travel for Egbert's two-month journey.


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