Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1389 Central Area!

"Six months..."

Whitt thought as he flew south.

If we count from the attacked dragon's nest where he met Skechers, it will take six months to fly southwest to the central area of ​​Olivia.

It took four months to reach the Buried Snow Gorge.

So, the time difference from the Buried Snow Gorge to the central area of ​​Olivia is more than three months.

Of course, the so-called central area is not a fixed point, but a large area, and Olivia is not a standard circle.

Naturally, there is no such thing as the central point of the continent.

Therefore, what Witt called reaching the central area of ​​the continent is just reaching the edge of the central area.

In fact, strictly speaking, the Buried Snow Gorge is already relatively close to the central area of ​​Olivia. After all, the so-called central area of ​​the continent is not a location, but a domain state.

In the Olivia continent, the closer to the central area, the greater the difference in the content of the two elements of water and fire, the greater the impact of climate on the elements, and the worse the climatic conditions.

This makes the dragon nests built on the Olivia continent basically located on the edge of the continent.

And without the dragon nest, this wild area where a large number of dragon beasts live has become a paradise for wild dragons, and wild dragons act according to their preferences, adhering to the concept of the strong being respected, and have no concept of rules at all.

Therefore, dark alchemists gradually gathered here.

Of course, these are not talking about the Dark City. Strictly speaking, there are still rules in the Dark City.

And the Dark City is only a part of the central area of ​​the Olivia continent.

What Witt went to was not the Dark City, but a real, extremely chaotic area.

Don't mention these.

Witt stayed in the Buried Snow Gorge for a long time, and the only dragons he saw were the three familiar dragons, so that place actually belongs to the edge of the central wilderness area of ​​the Olivia continent.

And flying south for more than three months, it is inevitable to enter the central wilderness area.

According to this point of view, if we go south for another three months, we will basically go deep into the central wilderness area.

Of course, since we know which direction Egbert came to the Buried Snow Gorge from, we take the Buried Snow Gorge as the center and the six-month journey as the radius...

Of course, Witt's target is not the entire area within this range, but the arc where the edge of this circular area intersects with the central wilderness area.

Egbert's laboratory is roughly around this arc.

However, the area where this arc is located is still quite large. With Witt's strength, if he wants to search this area, it will take at least two or three years without any accidents.

It doesn't sound like a long time. Egbert's alchemical experiment can't be completed in such a short time. However, if it takes two or three years, the probability of new changes is still very high.

"If you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools..."

Whitt's eyes suddenly lit up while muttering.

"Alchemical puppet!"


A hot wind blew, and the air near the surface fluctuated like waves.

The charred big wall was full of gullies, and the branches of trees that were still emitting green smoke and not completely burned fell on the wall full of ashes with a click as the hot wind hit.

The flying sparks, riding the hot wind, rolled and flew in the direction where the wind left, and then realized their own value.

However, there was nothing around that could burn.

The dots of light finally extinguished during the journey and turned into black ash drifting with the wind.

The sun in the sky is still wantonly swaying its enthusiasm. In the distance, the black sun has also been suppressed, but it is still persistent, spreading the purple light everywhere.

The purple glow has no temperature, which is completely different from the arrogant scene when it first came. Now it has no sense of existence.

The creatures living in the world have gradually forgotten the purple light on their bodies.

It looks so harmless.

The high temperature that cannot be avoided and the charred soil seem to be lifeless, but in fact, if you look closely, there are still dragon beasts wearing scales, looking for something in the dark ashes.


The sudden loud noise caused the dragon beasts that were looking for food to flee in all directions, and at the same time, it also gave this dead silence a brief vitality.

Witt looked at the dragon beasts running away and laughed unscrupulously.

That's right, he made that sound just now, and he did it on purpose.

Seeing the dragon beasts hiding in the surrounding gullies and disappearing from his field of vision, Witt quickly took out a number of exquisite metal cubes.

It has been half a month since he came to this place, and seven months have passed since he left the Buried Snow Gorge.

Excluding the time consumed by accidents along the way, the area where Witt is now is the southernmost end of the arc he will search next.

Witt also followed the original plan and did not search the selected area directly. Instead, he spent half a month rubbing out a puppet army by hand - the Explorer Army!

And everything he just did was to test the specific functions of the Explorer Army.

After all the Explorer Army was taken out and stacked together, the area occupied was larger than Witt's huge body.

When Witt took out a crystal and injected the element to start it, accompanied by a series of metal friction sounds, a large number of alchemical puppets directly covered the area above Witt's head.

Witt looked at this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

Three thousand six hundred elemental puppets, the search range of a single elemental puppet, centered on the crystal under Witt's claws, covers an area of ​​700,000 meters in radius.

This is a real puppet army!

Of course, if it was in the past, Witt would have sold himself to create so many elemental puppets.

You know, this is an elemental puppet!

The quantity of elemental puppets all comes from natural magic items.

This thing, you get what you pay for, and you get what you pay for. The higher the level of the natural magic item, the stronger the elemental puppet made.

In other words, the level of the natural magic item is the upper limit of the elemental puppet, and the technology is the lower limit.

If the puppet core material is good enough, you are a legendary alchemist.

So, under normal circumstances, mechanical puppets are the most common alchemy puppets, just like the ruins that Witte explored in the Buried Snow Gorge, all the puppets he encountered were mechanical puppets.

So, from this, we can see how generous Witte's elemental puppet army is.

Under normal circumstances, Witte would not even dare to think about it.

But who can blame the dark alchemists in the Olivia continent for being generous enough!

The entire collection of two dark alchemists, plus an advanced alchemy laboratory of Egbert, 3,600 elemental puppets, for Witte now, it's just a drop in the bucket!

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