Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1514: Fishing all day, I caught a fish today!


For Witt, engraving the alchemical magic circle was a simple matter.

It took Witt only a few minutes to make three alchemical magic circles.

After finishing the three alchemical magic circles, Witt began to pack up. Things here were done, and he should do another thing.

As for the lost magic of the fire element mentioned earlier...

Witt decided to go to the Fire Secret Realm later. Because of the dragon egg, it has been delayed for more than ten years, and it can't be delayed any longer.

After packing up his things, Witt flew towards the depths of the secret realm.

With the guidance of the water element, he didn't have to worry about going in the wrong direction.

In the past sixteen years, although Witt has focused most of his energy on studying the ancient dragon text of "time", he has also put some of his mental energy into the world.

Witt can at least be sure that if Finger was in the Water Secret Realm when he first came, he must still be there now.

Looking at the mountains approaching in front of him, Witt's eyes showed a hint of complexity.

Finger, I'm coming to you!



With a cold snort, Witt casually killed a Kaslong beast (cat family) that pounced on him, frowned slightly, and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

Under normal circumstances, Kaslong beasts are relatively smart hunters. They will not easily attack large targets, but this Kaslong beast, at the moment of meeting, did not hesitate to attack him.

There is something wrong with this place.

It has been more than a month since I went deep into the Water Secret Realm.

Along the way, Witt also found out the general situation of this secret realm.

Like the Sea of ​​Light, the water element law revealed attracted a large number of water dragons to gather here.

Because they are all solitary dragons, even the water dragons with a gentle personality are in a state of tension here, and most dragons refuse to communicate with other dragons.

Therefore, the territories of the dragons around here are quite scattered.

Because the closer to the area where the water element law is revealed, the richer the water element is, the more suitable it is for the water dragon to practice.

And such places are often fought over by many water dragons.

There is no need to talk about the way of fighting, but there is also a way of fighting.

Therefore, the closer to the area where the water element law is revealed, the stronger the dragon you meet.

Moreover, because they are afraid that their territories will be taken away, these dragons have very strict control over the areas around their territories. If you pass by the territories of these dragons, you will be warned by these dragons immediately.

In the area where Witt is now, the dragons that "occupy the mountain as king" are basically stable at the legendary level.

In terms of dragon types, there are the most ground dragons, the second most ground dragons, and the least flying dragons.

After passing through ten territories, at most one or two are occupied by flying dragons.

After many "warnings", this is a place that Witt finally found to stay.


Witt looked down at the Kaslong beast that he smashed. Now it seems that this is not a place to rest.

Raising his head, Witt carefully observed the situation around him, his nose flaring slightly.

Various smells penetrated his nose, and then automatically transformed into clearer and more specific information, presenting in Witt's mind.

Soon, a cluster of inconspicuous green grass caught Witt's attention.

Mental power surged out, and the grass leaves were pushed aside little by little. After a few breaths, three red flowers with a diameter of several centimeters, which were like sand grains compared to dragons, were turned out by Witt.

Looking at the three small flowers, Witt raised his eyebrows.

"Burning Spirit Flower... This thing shouldn't appear here!"

Burning Spirit Flower is a special magical plant, which is distributed in the Fusel Continent. From the name "Burning Spirit", you can hear what kind of effect it has.

This thing can convert fire element into a special fire poison.

The fire poison will drift around with the fragrance of the flower. It is fine to inhale it for a short time, but long-term absorption...

Burning spirit, burning spirit, the fire poison of the burning spirit flower has the effect of "burning" spiritual intelligence.

The specific manifestation is that if you can't concentrate on thinking, you will overreact to the slightest disturbance, that is, attack.

Just like the Kas dragon beast just now.

The magic plant that was distributed in the Fusel continent appeared in the water secret realm of the Olivia continent. There is no doubt that it was planted deliberately by a dragon.


A trace of doubt flashed in Witt's eyes.

Who would plant this thing around their own territory for no reason!

It is said to burn spiritual intelligence, but this thing can only affect the starting point of dragon beasts at most. For the dragon clan, the biggest impact is that the behavior will be more radical.

It is said to be a layout to prevent being attacked by dragons...

It is a bit far-fetched.

Any simple magic array would be more effective than this thing.

After thinking about it to no avail, Witt didn't think much about it, thinking that it was the hobby of the dragon that arranged these things.

Then, Witt took out a crystal container from the reverse scale space.

The burning soul flower is a good thing. In some potions that can cause abnormal states, the burning soul flower is one of the main materials.

Of course, Witt has already taken these potions.

However, who would complain about not having enough good things!

In his perception, there are quite a few burning spirit flowers around here, which are worth collecting specially.

However, not long after Witt collected them, a strong breath came quickly from a distance, and then a dragon that Witt had never seen before appeared.

The bipedal upright dragon, with a huge body of about 800 meters, looks quite strong, even stronger than most red dragons.

The body is covered with diamond-shaped raised red dragon scales, and the abdomen is beige plate-like dragon scales.

The wings are long and wide, and when opened, they are about twice the length of the body.

The dragon tail is thick and long, with an arrow-shaped keratin structure at the end, which seems to have strong penetrating power.

There are two parallel lines of gold and silver on the left and right sides of the abdomen.

Two bamboo-shaped dragon horns are bent backwards.

A pair of golden eyes stared at Witt, revealing a full surprise.

Especially after seeing the crystal jar on Witt's claws, the expression of surprise was beyond words.

But he shouted.

"Where did the thief come from? How dare you steal my things? I will teach you a lesson today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lai Long saw Witt looking at him speechlessly.


Scratching his head, Lai Long's face was a little embarrassed.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Witt glanced around and looked at the crystal jar on his claws.

"Can you be more obvious with your way of fishing?"


Lai Long looked at Witt in a daze.

"Is that some dragon beast I haven't heard of?"

Witt rolled his eyes.

"It's a trap."

"Oh, so it means a trap, then... no, why are you accusing me? There is no trap at all, I don't care, I must teach you a lesson today!"


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