Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1515 Please, fight with me!

Witt looked at the other party's eyes, and the fighting spirit was like a tide, and he was speechless in his heart.

He had always taken the initiative to touch porcelain, but today he was touched by porcelain.


In his mind, Finger's appearance flashed by, and Witt shook his head.

"I have important things to do, and I am not in the mood to fight with you. Now I just want to take a short break. You should go find other dragons, but then again..."

As he said, Witt looked around with some doubts.

"The most lacking thing in this place should be dragons willing to fight. You should go find them. From your appearance, you should be an outsider. Why do you choose to fish here?"

Although Witt has never seen this kind of dragon in front of him, it does not mean that he knows it.

The dragon in front of him belongs to a relatively rare giant dragon species, named Far War Dragon. Its elemental affinity is the same as that of the gold dragon and the red crystal dragon, and it is also affinities with fire and earth elements.

The word "war" is in the name, which shows the character of this kind of dragon.

Undoubtedly - warlike!

Therefore, Witt was not surprised at all that the dragon in front of him jumped out inexplicably and dragged him to fight inexplicably.

On the other side, after hearing Witt's words, Leandre was silent for a moment, then sighed and flew down from the sky.

"I have challenged all the dragons that can be challenged, and not just once. Every time I go to the territory of other dragons, they start to pretend to sleep.

What can I do? I can only force them to challenge me by snatching the territory.

As a result, they would rather take the territory than fight me.

So, I can only use this method!"

Witt was stunned. He glanced around blankly, and then looked at the dragon opposite with a suspicious face.

So, is there any logical connection between the experience this guy told and fishing here?

If you are nearby, there will be dragons near here!


Who is a good person fishing in his own water tank?

Just when Witt decided not to try to understand the other party's chaotic logic and quickly get away from this inexplicable dragon, as soon as his thoughts came back, he saw a face approaching in front of him.

"Please, fight with me. I haven't fought for two years. Do you know how I have been through these two years?

It's uncomfortable, it's really too uncomfortable!"


Resisting the urge to give the face nearby a claw, Witt was about to refuse, and suddenly, he thought of something.

"You just said that you challenged all the dragons that can be challenged nearby, which means that you are very familiar with the dragons nearby"

Hearing this, Leandre's eyes also lit up.

"That's for sure!

So, the important thing you mentioned is to find a dragon?

If that's the case, as long as you are willing to fight me, you can ask me any questions afterwards, and I will be able to answer them!"


Witt looked at the dragon in front of him and didn't know what to say for a moment.

This guy is so stupid!

He just thought that this guy was a dragon with a head full of muscles, and he could achieve his goal with a little trickery.

"How about it, just like you said, I am very familiar with the dragons around here!"

While Witt was sighing in his heart, Leandre was still tempting Witt silently, with a cunning flash in his eyes.

"Hey, find a place suitable for fighting!"

What else could Witt say, and he didn't agree to this choice.

In such a completely unfamiliar environment, it is still quite difficult to find a dragon, especially the dragons here, who are extremely vigilant against dragons approaching their territory.

Not to mention listening, it's good temper to open it directly.

This is also the reason why Witt is looking for a place to stay. In such an environment, he must ensure that he is always in peak condition.

If you focus on searching and pay attention to your own state, you will be easily stared at by a dragon.

As for why...


Every dragon is a walking treasure. The giant dragons living in the wild are really selective in obtaining treasures. Killing dragons and taking treasures are all in a thought.

On the other side, hearing Witt's words, Leandre immediately exclaimed excitedly.

"Follow me!"

After that, he spread his wings and flew in a northerly direction.

Witt saw this, sighed helplessly, and then followed.

"I'm Leander, a dragon from far away, and I'm glad to meet you."


Witt paused, as if he had thought of something, and his mouth twitched slightly.

"Mutated silver dragon."

"Oh, I see, but generally speaking, a new type of mutant dragon like you should give yourself a new race name, right?"

What a chatterbox!

Witt thought so in his heart, but said casually: "Because it is a mutation caused by power."


The power in you is a power I have never heard of or seen before.

But it doesn't matter, I can feel the strength of that power, although it has not reached the rule level.


I'm looking forward to our battle more and more."


After hearing Leandre's words, Witt had no other reaction other than wanting to speak.

As for Leanderre, he knows the ultimate power...

This is very common, the ultimate power is not bad.

In the case where there is a law that can smoothly reach the peak, the ultimate power has a very useful power. It is a path that will be chosen when there is no other way.

놙There are some dragons who are more knowledgeable or have other special reasons, 꺳 will recognize the ultimate power.


Werther's eyes fell on Leandre's body, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Although Leandre's elemental aura has reached the legendary level, that is, he has the power of elemental rules, in his opinion, it is not very strong.

This means that Leandre's magic is very strong.

But in this case, Werther felt the slightest threat from Leandre's body.

Moreover, you can figure it out if you think about it carefully.

The power represented by the opponent's elemental aura is not enough to allow him to sweep across the surrounding area.

At least, according to Witte's perception, there are nearly 30% dragons in the surrounding area, and in terms of magic, they are stronger than Billy Andre.

Is it some other force?

While Witt was thinking, he observed Leandre, trying to find some clues from the other party.

The dragon is very malleable, and its strong strength is usually reflected in its appearance, and Werther is the representative.

The "stigma" on his chest is not only the ultimate power, but also the attainments in elements. The high bulging muscles represent that he is very powerful.

The strong dragon power is the embodiment of spiritual power.


Witte didn't see any obvious features on Leandre's body, except that his body seemed to be stronger than the average long-distance dragon.

Is it possible that what the other party is good at is also strength?

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