Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1534 Three Hundred Years...

Is this the rule fragment...

Witt looked at the irregular white fragment with curiosity in his eyes.

In the words of his unreliable father, after collecting different rule fragments and reaching a certain level, these rule fragments will be combined into rule symbols.

By imprinting the rule symbol on oneself, one can use the power of the law.

So, can he take this path?

Of course!

Because Witt noticed that the rule power condensed by the rule fragments is the normal ice element rule power, not the rule power after being infected by the power of the abyss.

This means that the legendary abyss masters that Witt had seen before were not infected by the abyss, but the soul itself.

However, if you think about it carefully, this is not difficult to understand.

The rule fragments are obviously different from the rules of the information flow state. The rules of the information flow state do not need the power of the rules to maintain, but the rule fragments can condense the power of the rules.

When the fragments of the same origin are combined, they form a certain law.

In short, this is not actually a fragment of the rule. To be more precise, this thing is actually a fragment of the law!

And the most fundamental power of the abyss is actually only the power of the law level.

In short, the rule fragments are actually at the same level as the power of the abyss, so the power of the abyss cannot infect the rule fragments.

Thinking of this, Witt looked at the ice element rule fragment and couldn't help but say something more.

This road seems to be smoother than the law road of the dragon world.

But soon, Witt forced this idea down.


He can't take this road.

The laws of the dragon world are there. If he takes this road of law, it means that as long as he leaves the Olivia continent, the laws he has mastered will no longer apply to the laws of the dragon world.

The consequence of not using it is that you have power, but you can't use it.

Although the law of the Dragon Realm is a little backward, it can be used normally in the Dragon Realm.

Moreover, who can guarantee that the Abyss Legends he will meet in the future will follow this law path? If not, he, who only knows a little about this law path, may not be able to move forward.

"Tsk tsk, good stuff, but it's not suitable for me!"

Muttering, Witt retracted his flying thoughts, and then began to converge his mental power.

The reason for doing this is that Witt has thought of a way to use this Abyss Energy Crystal Core.

Retracting his mental power, Witt grabbed the Abyss Energy Crystal Core back in his mouth.

Then, a golden flame rose from Witt's body, and the flame wrapped the abyss energy crystal core and burned it slowly.

The rule fragments were not infected, so the abyss power in this abyss energy crystal core only had two attachment points, one was the infected rule power that had not been cleaned up, and the other was the residual mental power after the soul collapsed.

The rule fragments can generate rule power by themselves.

Therefore, as long as it is not broken or the source is not damaged, this rule fragment will last for a long time.

And in this process, the existence of the rule fragments does not rely on the residual mental power.

In this way, it is only necessary to remove all the rule power and mental power infected by the abyss power, and this abyss energy crystal core will be purified.

And the abyss energy crystal core without the abyss power is obviously more reassuring for Long to use.

The two guys, Blazing White Divine Flame and Everfreeze Ice, were a little full, and Witt didn't dare to eat them anymore, so this time it was the turn of the Golden Holy Fire.

The swallowing of the ultimate power can ignore the energy level. Of course, the premise is that the high-level ability being swallowed is not in a controlled state.

Three days later, Witt looked at the abyss energy crystal core, which was white and translucent and did not contain any abyss breath, and a smile appeared on his face.

In this way, he can use the rule fragments inside to improve his understanding of water elements.

As for whether the rule fragments of ice elements have any effect...

Haha, the law of the dragon world, ice and water are inseparable, of course there is an effect, and it is surprisingly good. After only a short perception, the power of Witt's blue ice magic has increased a little.

"Father, bless me. There are more Abyss Legends like this, the better!"

Muttering, Witt collected the Abyss Energy Crystal Core and walked out impatiently.

The power of blue ice magic has increased. The best way to celebrate is to find a dragon to experiment. Besides, Leandre must have waited so long that the flowers will wither!

So far, Witt's life has become regular again, with research and fighting as his only two melodies.

Three hundred years of time lasted like morning dew, in just a moment.


With a loud noise, the whole flying island trembled.

Leandre fell to the ground, looking at the mechanical monster opposite him, which got up again, with a strange look on his face.

"Witt, you really made something amazing!"



Don't make fun of me. If I were really amazing, I wouldn't have made something like this."

After he finished speaking, Witt landed beside the giant mechanical dragon. Looking at the giant mechanical dragon, a helpless look appeared on his face.

Three hundred years have passed. At the rule level, except for comprehending another water element dispersal rule, there has been no movement in the speed rule or the strength rule.

In addition, there has been no improvement in alchemy, and it is still stuck in a position that is neither up nor down.

Of course, the realm of alchemy has not been broken through, but his alchemy is stronger.

The Tough Guy 02 beside him is his improved existence.

As for the result of the improvement...

In a short period of time, he can fight against Leandre head-on without losing.

However, the price is...

Witt looked at Tough Guy 02 and some cracks on the surface of the metal body, and frowned.

Just as he imagined more than three hundred years ago, Tough Guy 02 is no longer a mechanical puppet, but an element puppet with blank dragon crystal as the energy core.

However, unlike ordinary elemental puppets, the Endurance 02 has a complete metal dragon body.

Moreover, during the fight between Witt and Leander, there was not no progress in the shaping magic. With the "time" ancient dragon, there naturally existed the "power" and "speed" ancient dragons.

Witt's progress in this aspect was very good. Although he did not comprehend the rules of power and speed, he took the lead in developing the two ancient dragons of "power" and "speed".

Why did the war dragon-shaped magic array improved by Witt allow Witt to have the power that could only be possessed in the legendary stage at the purple crystal stage?

The reason is that some of the ancient dragons in that magic array have already involved the power of the two ancient dragons of "power" and "speed".

And Witt created two magic arrays that had never appeared before based on these two ancient dragons.

Increased strength and increased speed!

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