Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 209 Fight with me?

Chapter 209: A scene?

Core to 꿛, Witte 놌Antavanna 놊 was paralyzed on 깊 this 꿧 by 놅, and was plowed by magic 깊 over and over again on the 놅 land.

Don't look at the last ten minutes or so.

But in these ten minutes, the two of them flew at full strength throughout the whole process, and their spirits were so tense that no one dared to make the slightest mistake.

As long as there is a mistake in coordination, the other side will be attacked like a storm.

Moreover, they were able to master high-level magic at once!

Antavanna was okay, but Werther's wings were trembling due to high-intensity flying.

After a long absence, Werther felt his weakness again.

Turning his head and looking at his consciously trembling wings, Werther suddenly had an idea in his heart.

The magic is very strong, and the upper limit of magic is stronger.

He firmly believes that he can use magic. Of course, this is not only due to blind confidence, but also because Winters encouraged him, but because he knows very well that during the growth process of the physical body, there will eventually be additional needs for the elements. Stop 놅that꽭.

That's right, in Witte's view, the physical body actively absorbs 꽮 element and strengthens itself entirely because his stomach can provide enough 꽮 element, but his body needs it.

This is also the reason why he eats so much.

When his stomach is mature enough to provide enough food, that's when he uses magic.

But, is magic really omnipotent?

꽮Su will be restricted by rules, and rules are surrendered to laws. So what about laws?

If you are faced with a rule that is more proficient than yours, will your rule still work?

If the rule 놊 works, which 놊 or 늀 should be restrained?

It is certain that 놊 can restrain 꿛늀 and capture 깊, but where is the capital for resistance?

Werther can think of only one, and that is the physical body.

"Perhaps focusing entirely on magic is not the best choice!"

Muttering, Werther had one more thought in mind.

Of course, this idea can only be implemented after he leaves the young dragon stage.

Avery handed the core of the puppet to 깊Witt, and then the three dragons rested on the spot.

Fortunately, there is enough food in Witte's dragon scale space.

This allows them to recover faster.

After a good rest, the white fish belly appeared in the east.

Speaking of which, it has only been a whole year since they officially explored the ruins.

But in just a short period of time, things developed to a point that no one expected. The ruins were gone, and they almost disappeared with them.

Speaking of this, the insidious Thorn Shield Dragon appeared in Werther's mind.

He was afraid of an accident, so he put away the rocks he pulled out, but even so, the other party still almost killed them.

While Witte and Antavana were resting, Avery was asked by Witte to search around.

But that guy was extremely cunning, and he already knew where to hide. Moreover, due to the massive fluctuations in elements caused by the forbidden spell, all the surrounding dragon beasts fled.

Not to mention the Spiny Shield Dragon Beast, there were other dragon beasts, and Avery didn't even see them.

Fortunately, the Forbidden Magic Array is a ruin, otherwise, except for some special dragon beasts in this area, all other dragon beasts would have to change places!

Seeing that it was almost bright, Sanlong was not in a hurry to go back, but first went to the location of the ruins.

Taking a look at the yellow sand in the deep valley, Antavana turned to look at Werther.

"The magic array should be destroyed. We need to go down and search for it. We may still find some incomplete arrays. Do you want the mithril above?"

Hearing this, Werther shook his head.

"How can a ruins only have two alchemy puppets? Although the forbidden curse is powerful, the ruins themselves can also resist part of it.

How many puppets are buried under this yellow sand?

It's okay if one or two are intact, we are sure to have a bumper harvest, but if there are many, it will be a big trouble.

One thing more is better than one thing less.

What's more, our harvest has been very small. "

He came here just to see the effects caused by the Quicksand Hell. After all, forbidden spells are common.

Antavana nodded and said nothing more.

Anyway, she has no interest in these things. In comparison, she wants to go back and continue to practice magic and improve her own strength.

Avery 늀 is better to say 깊.

Originally I came here with the intention of helping, but in the end I only gained part of the information on the composite magic array, and also got a platinum high-level mechanical puppet.

These harvests are enough!

After feeling the power of the forbidden spell at close range, the three dragons left.

In the deep valley of more than 5,000 meters long and wide, a whole stretch of sand suddenly formed a whirlpool, and a claw made entirely of soil suddenly poked out, followed by the entire body.

This is a plain puppet!

After coming out, the puppet stood there quietly, waking up from its deep sleep, but it did not see the enemy it was supposed to face, only a piece of yellow sand.

The puppet's eyes flashed, and then a strong suction force erupted from the center of the body. The body dispersed, and the metal parts aggregated into a cube and fell on the yellow sand.

The sand next to it collapsed, burying most of the cube!

The stories here are also buried in the yellow sand, waiting for latecomers to discover them!

Back to the 깊Sikuo놅dragon horn!

The three dragons looked at each other and sighed in relief.

This experience can be said to be quite exciting, and of course, it is also rewarding.

"The information about the composite magic array will be handed over to you after I finish sorting it out. This way you can save a lot of time. As for the transformation of the mechanical puppet, it will take longer. I hope you can understand."

Avery smiled and shook his head.

"I'm anxious, we are going to the Sky City, and we have time. Yes, I left for one night, and I don't know what their situation is like.

A new batch of magic circle materials also need to be collected. I'll go back first! "

After saying that, Avery waved his claws at the two dragons and returned to their camp.

After taking a look, he noticed that they were coming back and flying back from the Thunder Winged Dragon camp to Linstar. Witte turned to look at Antavanna.

"This harvest is wrong, but I know that you have no interest in alchemy materials, so as a reward, you can make any requests you have, and I will try my best to satisfy you."

Hearing this, Antavana's eyes lit up.

"My request is very simple. If you use spiritual magic, I will fight!"


For a moment of silence, Werther looked at Antavanna with a confused look on his face.

"I was thinking about something just now. I didn't hear what you just said clearly. Can you... Hey, Lin Sida is back. I'm going to check on his study progress yesterday. If there's anything else, we'll discuss it later. Talk about it later!”

Hearing this, Antavana glanced at Werther with disdain, then turned and left...

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