Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 210 Crazy idea!

Is it shameful to play dumb?

In Witt's opinion, as long as it can avoid some unnecessary troubles, it is not shameful!

What's more, he is not crazy, fighting with Antawana without using mental magic.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he can't win.

On the contrary, when he fights with Antawana, let alone not using mental magic, he doesn't even need mental magic, shaping magic or even close combat. Just a zero-degree cold current can defeat Antawana.

The reason why Witt doesn't want to do it is just because it is meaningless and Antawana has bad intentions!

The dragon is very vengeful, even Witt is like this, and Antawana, who was abused by Witt with mental magic, has always kept this matter in mind.

Therefore, Witt can hardly foresee how the battle will develop.

Definitely keep a distance, greet him with all kinds of magic, and when he fights back, she will admit defeat very naively.

How could Witt accept this kind of pure fighting!

Of course, his reasons were not just random.

So, when Linsda ran back happily and was about to ask Witt about their adventure, he was greeted with a check on his learning progress.

Fortunately, he did not slack off. Seeing Witt leave with satisfaction, Linsda breathed a sigh of relief and immediately flew towards the station of the Wind and Thunder Pterosaur.

Compared to here, he felt that there was more freedom there, and Avery would definitely be happy to share their adventures.

Witt glanced at Linsda who was leaving and said nothing.

He felt that he might have been too strict with Linsda before, which was why Linsda was raised like this.

Appropriate relaxation and appropriate discipline are the correct ways to raise dragons!

Witt had no experience raising a dragon for the first time, but he had been raised by Winters and others before, so there would be no problem if he copied it.

First time is new, second time is familiar, just treat it as a trial and error to raise this guy hanging around his neck.

With this idea in mind, Witt walked to his own experimental table.

The research on the puppet core cannot be completed overnight, and Witt is ready for a long battle.

But the materials for refining the liquid magic core cannot wait.

Therefore, Witt plans to make some simple element puppets to help him complete the task of collecting materials.

Witt is still confident that the element puppets with only the collection function can be done.

As for the materials...

Witt directly took out a stone pillar of more than five meters.

That's right, it was the stone pillars outside the ruins that served as the element core.

While studying the magic circle in the ruins, Witt also studied the magic circle on this pillar.

The magic circle thing, once you know it, you know it!

On the surface, the components of a magic circle are carriers, magic solutions, magic cores, etc.

But from the essence, there are only two types of magic circles!

Element nodes and ancient dragons!

The most important of these is not the element nodes, but the ancient dragons.

The element nodes represent magic, and the ancient dragons are the key to interpreting and balancing the magic circle.

Magic itself does not specifically refer to combat magic.

However, whether it is blood inheritance or magic taught in the academy, it is basically combat magic.

Non-combat magic is often used in alchemical items and composite magic circles.

Witte is not omniscient and omnipotent. Most of the magic he knows is combat magic circles, so Witte cannot tell what this magic circle is by the position of the element nodes.

And in the book given to him by the teacher, most of the magic circles involved are combat magic.

Therefore, when exploring the ruins this time, Witt encountered many magic circles that he didn't know about and were not recorded in the book.

However, as I just said, the ancient dragon on the magic circle not only balances the magic circle, but also has the function of interpretation.

In the magic circle industry, there has been a saying that as long as you fully master the ancient dragon, there is no magic circle you don't know.

This sentence shows the important position of the ancient dragon in the magic circle.

Witt did not fully master the ancient dragon, so when facing these unfamiliar magic circles, he would need to spend a lot of time to study.

And the magic circles on the stone pillars were all cracked by Witt.

There are many magic circles on the stone pillars, and the types are complicated. After Witt's careful classification, Witt basically figured out the functions of these magic circles.

Receiving, transmitting, energy storage, reinforcement, magic gathering, etc., constitute a complete magic core!

That's right, it's the magic core!

This stone pillar is not only an element node, but also a magic core.

This huge hidden magic circle is completely supplied with elemental power by these stone pillars.

Therefore, the elemental stone is used as a carrier.

To find a comparison, this stone pillar is equivalent to the elemental puppet.

The elemental stone corresponds to the elemental body of the elemental puppet, and the magic circle on the stone pillar is the puppet core of the elemental puppet.

While the elemental body supplies energy to the puppet core, the puppet core will absorb the surrounding elements to replenish the elemental body.

Correspondingly, while the elemental stone supplies energy to the magic circle, the magic circle will absorb the surrounding elements to replenish the consumption of the elemental stone.

The elemental stone itself is a natural magic item with the ability to absorb and release elements.

That's why it was chosen as the carrier of the magic circle.

However, in this process, the flow of elements will cause irreversible damage to the element stone.

This is why this hidden magic circle finally failed.

The element stone as a carrier gradually had problems, and the magic circle on it began to stop working. As more and more magic circles stopped working, the damage to the element stone became more serious.

This is an inevitable vicious cycle.

In fact, this situation will occur with elemental puppets because the materials used to make the puppet core are magic items.

Witt took off all the mithril that made up the magic circle on the stone pillar.

Then he cut the stone pillar.

Although this piece of earth element stone has been permanently damaged, it cannot be used as the material of the puppet core under normal circumstances.

But in fact, this piece of earth element stone is not completely damaged.

A completely damaged earth element stone is actually an ordinary stone, but ordinary stones do not have element fluctuations.

The elemental puppet that Witte wanted to make did not have such high requirements for the puppet core.

Because Witte did not want it to fight, but to collect purple water chestnut pollen, white fruit and sap of the Clo tree.

The weight of these things, pollen can be ignored, and the weight of the other two is pitiful. As long as a little magic is used, they can be collected.

Of course, these are Witte's ideas. Whether it works or not, it still needs to be made concrete.

Witte's pupils almost shrank into a line. Only in this way can he see the stone on his body, which is only a few centimeters in size.

Of course, this is definitely not cut out by hand, but cut out with mental power.

And Witte is going to use it as the puppet core and carve several magic circles on it. This idea is crazy...

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