Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 253 I definitely didn’t mean it!

Chapter 253 I definitely didn't do it on purpose!

The dragons surrounded Witt, looking at the unconscious and wounded Kadi, and then looked at Witt, and couldn't help but feel strange. This was not something Witt would do.

Seeing that the dragons were all looking at him, Witt scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"He didn't fight much and couldn't control the speed of his hands, but don't worry, he doesn't look as miserable as he looks, but his injuries are not as serious as he looks, basically just external injuries.

Apply some healing potion and he will recover quickly, but... this guy is much weaker than I thought!

I only use breath and shaping magic."

Avery and Hess just thought that Witt was talking, he didn't use elemental magic, after all, they had never seen Witt use elemental magic, but they had no doubt about Witt's achievements in elemental magic.

After all, the relationship between magic circle and elemental magic is still quite close, and Witt's magic circle... those who understand it will understand it!

But Antawana couldn't help rolling her eyes.

She knew very well that Witt didn't know elemental magic at all. He just said mental magic, and among all the dragons present, only she had tried the power of mental magic.

Uh... no, to be more precise, it should be disgusting.

The feeling of not being able to cast any magic except for the breath, even after ten years, she still remembers it vividly.

So, she never quarreled with Witt.

"By the way, since these are just superficial injuries, then... how could he faint?"

Linsda's words made the dragons stunned for a moment, and then they looked at Witt at the same time, but soon, their eyes turned to Kadi lying on the ground.

When they saw each other's wings move slightly, they immediately understood what was going on.

After a moment of silence, Avery turned his head and looked at the dragons.

"Who brought the healing potion?"

Antawana spread her hands.

"That needs a place to put it!"

Everyone came here empty-handed, where can they find the healing potion?

Avery's face turned bitter when he heard this, and sure enough, he heard Witt say: "Then he will trouble you, Avery, to take care of it!"

Avery wanted to struggle.

"That's Hess!"

Witt narrowed his eyes and then looked at Avery.

"You won't forget what happened last night, right? Thanks to you, my head is still dizzy until now!"

Antawana and Linsda nodded!

Avery laughed dryly twice, looked away a little guilty, but soon, he reacted.

"That's not right. You clearly planned to escape and left us behind. You were wrong to bear Oger's mental attack!"

Antawana and Linsda nodded again!

Witt turned to look at the two dragons.

"Hey, which side are you two on?"

Hearing this, Antawana gave the two dragons a blank look.

"Which side?

Of course we are on our side.

Now think about it, that guy named Oger was provoked by you two guys!"

Witt and Avery looked at each other.

Well, it's true!


Seeing the dragons' eyes shifted to him, Hess scratched his head first, then pointed at Kadi on the ground.

"If we don't go back quickly, he might not be able to pretend. Uh... why did he really faint?"

The dragons looked at Kadi who had really fainted, and then turned their eyes to Hess, their eyes full of amazement, you are worthy of me!


Kadi really fainted because of shame and anger.

The dragons sighed at each other's fragile hearts and decided to go back.

There was no point staying here anyway.

Of course, the dragons were naturally led by Avery.

And Witt was originally going to take over Avery and lead Fla and Aifu.

As a result, because of the battle just now, he successfully changed his image in the minds of the two cubs.

No matter which of the three forms, they were born for fighting, so they looked much more ferocious than Witt's normal state.

And the Witt they knew before, was lying in front of the test bench, lazily controlling the enchantment pen with his mind, yawning while engraving the magic circle.

Who would have thought that this dragon would be so ferocious when he got serious. The dragon just now had almost all its scales shorn off.

In this situation, how dare they let Witt lead.

Especially Fla, he remembered that he had disassembled Witt's elemental puppets a lot.

Thinking that he would have to live with this dragon for the next few days, he felt hopeless about his life as a dragon.

Seeing the performance of the two dragons, Avery couldn't help but laugh at Witt.

But secretly, he threw a look at Witt, meaning to take care of Fla for him.

What a "kind father and filial son"!

Witt thought so, but he had to give up the idea of ​​taking care of the two cubs.

And the two little guys were also very good at choosing. They chose the only mother dragon, Antawana among all the dragons!

Then Antawana took them one by one, and carried them by the tail.

She found that it was really convenient to carry a dragon this way.

As for Agner, who was originally carried by Antawana, he tried to struggle once, and now he was carried by Linsda by the tail.

Agner, hanging upside down, looked at Linsda quietly.

"You are taking revenge!"

Linstad looked at Agner in confusion.

"What revenge?"

Agner didn't say anything else, but he had noticed that Linstad's slightly raised mouth corners, and there was no point in going.

Besides, he had no reason to bother with a child!

To a certain extent, he had listened to Linstad's growth, although he was only in the eggshell.

Linstad, who didn't know that he was a generation shorter for no reason, was still secretly happy in his heart. Finally, it was his turn. Boy, aren't you very arrogant? You won't fall into his hands.

"You go first, I'll pick up these and follow you soon."

Seeing Witt pointing at the blood and broken scales on the ground, the dragons nodded.

Indeed, there are relatively few materials on the dragon's body. These things look a little bad, but if Redek were here, he would be very happy.

Seeing the dragons leave, Witt looked down at the broken scales on the ground. Although they are broken scales, there are still many complete dragon scales. The sound flash dragon is compatible with the elements of earth and wind. Complete dragon scales can be used to carve these two types of magic arrays.

Moreover, because they were forcibly pulled out, the elements contained on the surface are condensed and not dispersed, but automatically absorb the free elements around them. This is a natural magic item.

Uh... semi-natural!

As for those broken dragon scales, they can be processed into powder, which is also the best raw material for some potions.

"I didn't do it on purpose!"

Muttering to himself, Witt happily collected the dragon scales on the ground.

As for the dragon blood, Witt didn't even look at it. When he passed by, he used his body temperature to easily evaporate and burn the dragon blood.

Dragon scales are fine, but if you use Kadi's dragon blood to make potions, you will make enemies!

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