Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 254 The sneaky stalker!

After packing up, Witt was ready to leave, but accidentally, he found a sneaky figure.

After thinking about it, Witt pretended not to see anything. After packing up, he flew towards home.

But Witt didn't really care about anything.

In the Sky City, dragons are not allowed to use mental power to explore the surroundings at will.

Witt used to understand this point quite well. After all, no dragon wants to be peeped at by other dragons.

But now, he is a little annoyed by this rule. He knows that there is a dragon following him, but he can't use mental power to explore the other party's situation.

After being followed by the other party for a distance, Witt was annoyed by the other party.

It happened that they came to a dragon-free residential area on this street. Witt took the opportunity of a high-rise building to use the velociraptor form directly and disappeared in the original place.

Not long after Witt left, a dragon flew over sneakily.

Probably to cover his tracks, the wings behind him were slightly spread out. He relied on magic to fly. In this sky city full of magic fluctuations, the magic fluctuations of flying were inconspicuous.

Obviously, this dragon has quite good tracking experience.

But unfortunately, he ran into Witt this time.

When he turned around the building and saw the empty front, he felt something was wrong. When he was about to turn around and escape, he froze in his place.

He saw Witt, who was extremely slender with his huge wings flapping, hovering quietly behind him.

The wings were so big, but when they flapped, there was no sound at all.

Seeing Witt in this form, the tracker who had seen the previous battle immediately gave up the idea of ​​escaping.

He could not escape at a speed that his eyes could not catch up with.

Looking at Witt's unfriendly eyes, he laughed dryly.

"Haha, what a coincidence, I was just about to ask for directions, brother, do you know where this is?"

On the other side, Witt was looking at the dragon opposite.

Overall, it is very similar to the crystal dragon, but there are some differences. The protruding teeth on his upper and lower jaws are different from those of normal dragons, emitting a diamond luster.

The crystal on his body is also colorless, and crystal dragons do not have this color.

This is a diamond dragon!

It is not related to the crystal dragon, but the bloodline is quite close, but they belong to a different species of dragon.

Moreover, the diamond dragon has a characteristic that the diamond on its body will glow with the fluctuation of emotions. As for the one in front of him, the light on his body is almost flashing with a sense of rhythm!

In addition, just like the crystal on the crystal dragon is not an ordinary crystal, the diamond on the diamond dragon is not an ordinary diamond. Whether it is hardness or luster, it is much stronger than the diamond in nature.

The dragon scales on his body are translucent diamonds. When the sun shines on them, the reflected light has different colors, so the whole dragon has a shiny feeling.

To be honest, when he saw this diamond dragon, Witt thought maliciously that fortunately the gold coins he liked were not diamonds, otherwise...

Thinking so in his heart, after hearing the other party's words, Witt pointed to the dragonless sky below, and then he flew towards that direction.

He was not afraid that the other party would not follow.

The Sky City does not allow dragons to fight with dragons casually, but it still allows invitations to fight.

Of course, invitations to fight can be refused, but no dragon will do such a shameless thing unless the gap between the two sides is too obvious.

Witt is not afraid that the other party will shamelessly refuse the invitation to fight.

Anyway, the Sky City prohibits fighting, so I like to walk around your house. I can be considered to walk around more frequently, but the administrator of the Sky City can't say anything.

As for the dragon, it's normal for it to howl in front of your house when it's in the middle of the night. Anyway, everyone can understand the dragon's weird personality (if they don't understand, they will go to your house to howl)!

There are many ways, and the Sky City doesn't control everything.

In fact, the other party is much more tactful than Witt imagined.

Although the diamonds on his body are about to flash out of the sky, he still follows Witt obediently and flies down.

At the moment of landing, Witt's appearance changed again, putting away the speed dragon form and showing the sword dragon form.

"What's your name?"

Seeing Witt's change, the tracker's eyes flashed, and the fear in his eyes became stronger. This guy is stronger than he showed in the battle just now.

What's more, the other party didn't use elemental magic the whole time.

Thinking this in his heart, he showed a look of fear on his face.

"Me? I'm Scott, what are you going to do? I'm just going to ask for directions."

Witt looked at Scott and grinned.

"Your diamonds are good. I used to have a crystal dragon companion. I know where the crystals on his body can grow faster if they are cut off!

In addition, your scales are very beautiful. They can be used as decorations for magic lamps. I think the effect will be quite good.

Don't worry, my scale-pulling skills are just as good!"

As he spoke, Witt walked towards Scott.

Seeing this, Scott retreated and said, "This is the Sky City. Except for the ring, fighting is not allowed. You can't mess around."

Witt shook his head.

"If you don't resist, how can you fight!

Believe me, in front of me, if I want, you can't cast a single spell.

As for the breath... the dragon has a weird personality. When he's in a bad mood, he breathes out into the air without a dragon to vent his anger. It's barely acceptable.

As for how to respond to the manager's inquiries... let me think... I got it. My brother and I had a little quarrel and he doesn't want to go home no matter what. I can take him back by force.

Do you think this reason is good? "

Scott is about nine meters long, and he is not too old, over eighty, but compared with Witt, he is much taller, not to mention the tail.

Looking at the dragon scales on Witt's body that were shining with cold light, Scott almost cried. There was never a problem before, why did he run into such an unreasonable dragon this time.

Watching Witt's eyes looking at him became more and more dangerous.

He had no doubt that the other party would really treat him as a brother who ran away from home, forcibly take him back, and then pluck scales and pick diamonds.

It's scary to think about it!


"Okay, I admit that I followed you on purpose!"

Witt stopped, then stared at the other party quietly, and there was no emotion in his eyes.


"Don't get me wrong, I've said it in advance, I have no ill intentions.

As for the reason...You are a young dragon, and the ones following you are also young dragons. I haven't seen you, I think you just settled down in the Sky City!

As a young dragon, life will be very difficult. I was going to persuade you to join us!"


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