Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 257: The internal meeting of the Dragon Gang?


Hearing the shout from behind, a dragon about twelve meters long, milky white in color, with its feet on the ground, put down what it was doing, and then looked in the direction of the sound.

A gentle smile appeared in Yao's golden eyes when he heard the sound.

"Scott, why are you just now...


Why are you like this? Where are the diamonds on your body?

Isn’t that your food reserve? Why are there no grains left? I remember you have only been out for four or five days, and you have already eaten them all? "

Hearing this, big tears fell from Scott's eyes, and he rushed directly into Candice's arms.

“Candace, I’m suffering!

I help you look around for other dragons to join me every day, and forget about being looked at with hostility and disdain. This time... this time he went even further. He forced a message and bought all the diamonds on me!

Not a single one was left!

Look here, three dragon scales have been bought. I don’t want to sell them. It will take a long time to grow! "

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Candice's eyes, but soon, his eyes were filled with helplessness.

"I have said it several times. It is not that troublesome to invite them to join. It is not only beneficial to us, nor is it begging them to join.

There is no need to follow up and investigate, let alone stalking.

If you like it, just join. If you don't like it, it doesn't matter. You don't need to make this matter so complicated.

not to mention……

You said that the dragon scales on your body can blind the dragon's eyes. You didn't do anything to recruit me, and you did some stalking. This time, you were discovered, so it became like this! "

Hearing this, Scott's tears immediately stopped and he looked at Candice with a look of hatred.

"That's why I said, without me, this dragon gang would have to disperse sooner or later. If an organization absorbs all the dragons, it is not far from destruction.

Why am I following them?

It's not just to find out their dragon quality.

What if we recruit a bonehead, kick you and me out, and inherit such a large organization, wouldn't we be helping other dragons fight? "

Hearing this, Candice glanced at Scott speechlessly.

"Including you and me, there are only three dragons in total, and they are so big..."

Seeing Scott's eyes widen, Candice changed the topic, and while packing up the things on the experimental table, asked: "By the way, didn't you say that this time you are interested in a ten-year-old voice?" Semposaurus, how did it become like this?”

Hearing this, Scott's face suddenly turned bitter.

"It's not that Sonic Flash Dragon, it's another weird baby dragon. He should be a silver dragon, about the same size as you..."

"Wait a minute, if it's similar in size to me, shouldn't it be a 꿁뎃 dragon? How could it be a young dragon?"

Scott rolled his eyes.

"That's why I wanted to follow him and find out the details of that guy, but there is no doubt that he is a young dragon without reverse scales. During the battle, I noticed the position of his reverse scales, which was embedded with a special dragon scales.

Although the color is the same, the scale is smaller than the reverse scale of that body type. If you look carefully, you can easily spot it.

Moreover, the most important thing is that his elemental fluctuation level is similar to that of the Sound Flash Dragon, or even lower. His true age should be younger than that of the Sound Flash Dragon.

In addition, he is not a dragon, but is accompanied by three other young dragons. Let me think about it...

There is a sky dragon and an ancient forest dragon. They both look like teenagers, but from an elemental level, the sky dragon should be about the same age as the weird silver dragon.

By the way, they also have a newly born Dark Flame Dragon over there. "

Candace has no doubts about Scott's intelligence capabilities.

Although this guy is always found out, he is still very careful. Ninety-nine percent of the information that comes out of his mouth is correct.

"Four-headed dragon...interesting!"

With that said, Candice rolled her eyes at Scott again.

"To be honest, I don't think it was unfair at all for you to be robbed of diamonds. When you saw a newborn baby dragon, you dared to follow me. If it were me, I would have made you suffer.

Is that Sonic Flash Dragon with them? "

When Scott heard the previous sentence, he lowered his head in embarrassment. He really shouldn't have followed, but he was too curious.

Hearing the following question, he shook his head.

"It's impossible to be sure. The Sound Flash Dragon was put down by the weird silver dragon, and it was crushed in all directions without using the power of the elements.

The strength of that weird silver dragon may not be weaker than yours!

Although it's a little weird to compare a baby dragon to you, he really gave me that feeling.

In addition, his body can change at will.

There are three forms in total, one is a defensive form in which the scales become thicker and larger, and the body becomes extremely strong, a speed form in which the wings become longer and the body becomes slender, and the last one is in which all the scales become like knives. 꿧General offensive form.

What impressed me most was the second one, which was so fast that my eyes couldn’t catch his movements. "

Hearing this, Candice was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Scott with a strange expression.

At this moment, another voice sounded.

"I don't even know whether you are smart or stupid. Take my advice. You should stop doing these little tricks and concentrate on studying your inherited memory.

You can't even think of such obvious features. The three mysterious forms you mentioned are actually a small branch of dragon language magic, called shaping magic.

Sharp, strong, and fast, but...

Although there are only three, if it is really a dragon that is proficient in shaping magic, you deserve to lose!

In the period of young dragons who can only use magic below ten nodes, young dragons who are proficient in shaping magic can walk sideways as long as the age difference is not too big.

Even after adulthood, dragons who are proficient in shaping magic are the kind that are invincible in close combat at the same level.

What's more, according to what you said, he had the body size of a dragon when he was a young dragon.

Let alone young dragons, ordinary dragons are not his opponents. "

Hearing this, Scott turned his head and didn't look at Long.

Of course, it's not that he didn't want to pay attention to the other party, but he was guilty. In fact, he surrendered without fighting.

Of course, he thought he could hide it, but when he saw the origin of this scene, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said: "Scott, you didn't surrender directly!"

Hearing this, Scott, who was poked in the sore spot, immediately yelled.

"You still have the nerve to say that, one of you is not serious, and the other is dead serious. Everything is left to me. Facing such a terrifying guy, what else can I do if I don't surrender?

Is it because he took me back and tortured me all night, and mined me as a diamond mine?

Elmus, don't talk without any pain.

If it were you, you would be no better than me!"

Elmus glanced at Scott and said lightly: "I would rather be captured by him and go back than surrender!"

"Pointless resistance!

That’s why I said, without me, you can’t do anything!”

“Okay, stop arguing, let’s go!”


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