Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 378 Time Magic: Time Acceleration!

A regular and peaceful life always passes quickly. In this case, time is like smoke and dust, which disappears without a trace before you know it!

The magic lamp in the room has not been lit for many years, not because it is broken, but because this room no longer needs the magic lamp to provide light.

The light emitted from the blazing white lava pool illuminates the entire room.

The temperature in the room is extremely high. Under the high temperature, the air is like glass, distorting the light emitted from the lava pool.

There are alchemical arrays carved with mithril on all four walls, emitting a faint glow.

This is to block the high temperature.

On the side of the entrance, a silver dragon scale is hung on the wall, and in the corner is a small and exquisite mechanical puppet that is barely acceptable, and there is a pile of various sundries next to it.

There is no dust on these things. Obviously, dragons often wipe them.


Just then, a sound of "water splashing" was heard in the room.

Ripples appeared in the lava pool.

Suddenly, a silver-white head that was ferocious and majestic, but not without beauty, poked out from the fiery white lava. In the golden eyes, in addition to the fatigue visible to the naked eye, there was also a deep joy.

Yes, this is Witt!

As for why he was so happy...

"After so many years, I finally have complete control of the fiery white divine flame, and it seems that I can get out!"

Muttering, Witt climbed out of the lava pool. The fiery white lava scratched the dragon scales on his body, but did not leave a trace.

As Witt climbed out of the lava pool, his figure gradually emerged.

This year, he is 104 years old and his body length has exceeded 17 meters.

Don't look at the small number, but in fact, more than ten years have passed, and Witt is still a young dragon.

The reverse scale has not started to grow yet. There is only a silver-white hard spot at the location of the reverse scale. Uh... Actually, it is the reverse scale, but it has not grown out completely.

If calculated according to the growth rate of the young dragon.

In the previous ten years of travel, I don’t know what happened. Witt’s growth rate was four times that of other young dragons. After coming to the Sky City, the growth rate has slowed down a bit, but it is still twice that of other young dragons.

Looking at Witt’s growing size year by year, but the reverse scale has not moved at all, to be honest, other dragons have attributed Witt’s outrageous growth rate to the fact that he has actually left the young dragon stage a long time ago, but he is born without a reverse scale.

However, in the past year, the appearance of the silver scale has broken the defense of other dragons. Witt is not without a reverse scale, he just hasn’t entered the growth period yet.

Witt is a real young dragon!

Witt tapped the small scale on the reverse scale with his claws.

"You should grow faster!"

A year ago, Witt's body's absorption rate of magic elements increased sharply. Wherever he walked, the magic elements within 10 meters around him would be instantly absorbed.

He himself became a walking forbidden magic zone.

So, in this year, he could only hand over all the work to other dragons, uh... well, not just in the past year.

Well, in the past ten years, he had accumulated enough wealth and materials.

As for the magic circle in the store, it was completely dependent on Gedra. Of course, in this case, the identity of a hired magic circle master officially overwhelmed the identity of a clerk.

Witt even had to pay Gedra for materials as a reward.

Being a clerk to the extent that he did, it was also considered unique among scorpions.

Redek once tried to develop Gedra into a supplier like Witt.

After all, under Witt's strict requirements, Gedra's concept has changed. He only draws magic circles that will not go wrong, and the success rate is not low.

But this proposal was rejected by Gedra. He was a clerk for the sake of being a clerk, not for profit. In short, he was not interested.

Redek had no way to deal with this.

As for the potions in the store, Linsda took over in the end.

From magic circles, alchemy, potions, and nothing else, Linsda finally chose potions.

Of course, it was not because of interest.

Although Linsda corrected some minor problems because of Celine, he was still the same Linsda in essence. He still only liked flowers and plants.

But as Witt grew older, his "forbidden magic" ability became stronger and stronger, and it became more and more difficult to refine potions and carve magic circles.

Linsda saw all this.

For Witt, he chose to sacrifice part of his time for tending flowers and plants and began to study potions seriously.

It seems that dragons with natural affinity have a considerable bonus in learning potions. Dinnett has natural affinity, her potions are good, and so is Linsda.

Similar to Linsda is Agner.

He chose magic circles.

But Agner's talent in magic circles is really terrible, and learning is not just as simple as getting twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, the magic circles in the store can only rely on Gedra.

All of the above are what happened in the past ten years.

Of course, there are more things that happened in the past ten years.

Forty years ago, Witt developed mental magic to the extreme of the young dragon stage. He had completely mastered all the elements and all the intermediate magic.

When Vit tried to reach out to high-level magic, he was shocked to find that his spiritual growth had reached its limit. No matter how hard he tried, his spiritual growth would not move forward.

It only stayed at the peak of gold.

There seemed to be a barrier between gold and platinum, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not break this barrier.

Since then, he suddenly understood Antashya's feelings.

He had learned all the magic he could learn, and his spiritual growth had reached the limit of his age. Alchemy, magic circles, and potions were difficult to touch for his own reasons.

He was idle all of a sudden.

When he had nothing to do, he only went shopping, and after coming back, he told the dragons about the gossip he heard and saw.

It was a complete copy of Antashya.

Moreover, Antashya was much better off than him, at least she could still do her favorite alchemy.

A year ago, Witt was even worse off.

The sudden surge in the "Forbidden Magic Zone" made it impossible for him to even go shopping.

All the dragons walked around him. Dragons were magical creatures, and the vacuum zone without energy made them feel very uncomfortable. The disgusted look made Witt deeply hurt.

Witt couldn't go to Celine and the others either.

They were far away, and there was a sense of distance, and they spoke strangely.

When they were close, other dragons were not only uncomfortable, but also couldn't do anything else.

Witt suddenly became a lonely dragon.

He could only shrink in his room every day, waiting for Celine and the others to bring him food, and then continue to feed the Blazing White Divine Flame with his spirit, hoping to be able to completely control this energy...

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