Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 379 Changes!

Kung Fu has its own heart!

After fifty 뎃, the blazing white divine flame was finally controlled by Witte, and his mental power can directly control the blazing white divine flame to avoid any harm.

Of course, Werther has not forgotten that the blazing white divine flame in his body is now called Zihuo by his father.

If you want to get the complete Blazing White Divine Flame, you will most likely have to wait for the Legend 놙땣.

Of course, what makes Werther happy the most is that his forbidden magic realm is gone. However, what makes him uneasy is that he can now fully feel the existence of external elements.

It's as if the body has entered a stage of accumulation.

When this stage is passed, it is likely that he will be able to use magic!

놙It is Werther who knows that this stage will last for a long time.

Fortunately, my body is shielded from the perception of elements, so there is no problem in absorbing them. Fortunately, now I can absorb both water and fire elements.

Moreover, both elements strengthen the physical body, and they are directly purified and refined into the dragon crystal.

But the reality is that the dragon crystal is also full!

Witte is currently stuck at the Bronze Peak, but he has to wait until the reverse scale space is opened before he can officially break through to Silver.

Thinking of this, Witte couldn't help but knock the small scale again.

I hope this thing will grow up as soon as possible.

But unfortunately, he has not yet mastered the law of time and made it grow as quickly as possible.

Uh...it seems that I can do it even if I have control over it.

Shaking his head to get rid of the complicated thoughts in his mind, Werther turned his head and glanced at the open space to the right of the door.

Celine moved out.

His room was too hot. Celine felt a little tired of the heat, so she moved in with Antavanna.

"I also know what everyone is doing!"

With that said, Werther walked towards the outside of the room.

Since I haven’t been out for a while, I think the changes will be too big.

Just when Werther was thinking this, as soon as he opened the door, a row of small alchemy puppets jumped out in front of him. They also carried metal cans with pollen containing elemental scents inside.

That’s the pollen of the purple water chestnut flower!

Speaking of purple water chestnuts, thanks to Linstar's efforts, this magical plant was almost planted around Werther's room. Every time it bloomed, it attracted a large number of dragons to watch.

As for these puppets, they were the Puppet Legion No. 1 made by Witte before the 10th, specifically to collect purple water chestnut flower pollen.

No. 괗 is for collecting white fruit, which is bigger.

Number three collects the sap of the Crow tree.

After that trip to the alchemy ruins, Witte upgraded all three puppet legions, together with the newly made No. 4 legion responsible for mowing the lawn, the No. 5 legion responsible for spreading pollen, and the newly made No. 4 legion responsible for watering and fertilizing. The regiment was all given to Linstar.

By the way, the No. 7 legion responsible for cleaning up Witte Linstad's room and guarding other places was also handed over to Linstad.

Anyway, he is already responsible for one, it doesn’t matter if there is one more.

By the way!

In the "Operation Linstar Tail Battle", Werther and the others had never won another battle except for the first victory. The bald-tailed Linstar became the "unsound".

"Is it now the time when purple water chestnut flowers bloom again!"

As he said this, a flash of emotion flashed in Werther's eyes.

꽭 Castle in the Sky has two seasons: Wind and Thunder, which are very different, but within each season, it is a bit difficult to distinguish the specific time.

But Zilinghua made the change of time more obvious.

There are eight species of purple water chestnuts.

One kind of purple water chestnut flower blooms during the thunder season, which is the purple water chestnut flower with thunder attribute. At the beginning of the first month of the wind season, the wind property purple water chestnut flower blooms. After that, every other month, a kind of purple water chestnut flower blooms. In the wind season, In the last month of the year, the wind-attributed purple water chestnut flowers bloom again.

Of course, this judgment is not standard. After all, the flowering time of purple water chestnuts is not necessarily accurate.

But in this way, it is indeed enough to roughly understand the changes in time.

As for the purple water chestnut flower blooming in Witte's mouth, it refers to the beginning of a month. At this time, there is pollen that can be collected.

For example, the No. 1 Puppet Legion that just passed by collected most of the black purple water chestnut pollen, which means that it is the beginning of the penultimate month of the wind season.

Watching the No. 1 Puppet Legion leave, Witte walked toward the opposite laboratory.

녈Opening the door and seeing two figures busy in the laboratory, Witte's eyes felt relieved.

"Hey, Linstar and Agnar are both busy!"

Hearing this, the two dragons who were preparing the materials suddenly stiffened. Then the two dragons turned their heads at the same time and said in unison: "Don't come over here!"

Hearing this, the smile on Witte's face froze, and then he sighed helplessly.


Don't worry, my body has stopped absorbing the power of elements.

By the way, do you feel it? "

Hearing this, Linstar Agnar measured Werther suspiciously, and then looked at each other.

"I really absorbed it!"*2

As he said that, a flash of embarrassment flashed in the eyes of the two dragons.

"Sorry, I didn't even notice."

Agnar continued: "Are you out of childhood?"



The two dragons were silent.

In fifty years, both dragons have grown slightly.

Linsida is ten years old and is over eight meters long, while Agnar is just fifty years old and is a little over seven meters long.

Both dragons are of normal size for young dragons.

But when they stood in front of Witt, uh... when they spoke, they had to raise their heads high as usual.

"Your reverse scales are growing a little slowly, isn't it? It's been a month, and it hasn't grown out completely yet?"

You know, Celine and Antawana have already left the juvenile stage, and when they were growing reverse scales, they grew out in five days.

Witt spread his hands helplessly.

"I can't do anything about it, it just grows!"

Linstad sneered.

"If you delay for another ten or eight days, Celine's size will soon catch up with you!"

You know, after the rapid growth period of two dragons, the period before leaving the juvenile stage is the slowest growth period among all dragons.

Once leaving the juvenile stage, the growth rate directly increases by about eight times.

The growth rate of Witt in the early stage is slow, about twice that of other young dragons.

The difference between eight times and two times is quite large.

For example, Witt grew about five meters in fifty years, but Xingchen in the early stage directly soared 10 meters. Now it is about 31 meters in size, successfully becoming the largest dragon in the store.

The first is Gedra, with a body length of 33 meters!


"There is no way to surpass it, who knows how long it will take to grow!"

As he said, Witt looked at Agner, who looked tired, with a little more emotion in his eyes.

"I have recovered now, you can learn the magic circle with difficulty."

Agner smiled and shook his head.

"I have learned to this point, how can I give up!"

As he said, a hint of stubbornness flashed in his eyes.

The dragon is proud. The more things he has accomplished, the more he wants to do them. Now Agner is already helping Witt.

Witt looked at Agner and sighed helplessly.

When he first came out, Agner's performance in magic circles was quite bad.

But after he really started to learn magic circles, it was okay at the beginning. After a long time, Agner's real magic circle talent was exposed.

How to say it, comparable to Linsda!

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