Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 384 Go out and hide for a while!

Chapter 384 Go hide for a while!

"You're here!"

Seeing the silver-white figure flying in, Antasha's eyes lit up first, and she shouted with surprise on her face.

However, when she saw the dim lines on Werther's chest, her face froze, her eyes instantly dimmed, and she said feebly...


Werther rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Why don't you show it so obviously?"

With that said, Werther smiled at Ilaya next to Antasha.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Ilea smiled and nodded.

"Actually, it's only been a year since you destroyed a batch of Boredia potion."

Hearing that this was obviously a joke, Werther only had a flash of embarrassment in his eyes, not much surprise.

In the past fifty years, Ilaya's change can be said to be the most obvious. Her personality has become brighter and cheerfuler. In these fifty years, she has never fallen asleep again.

Werther could often feel Elijah's gaze, just gaze.

To 뀘, it seems that 놛 is regarded as a substitute, not a substitute, and he silently watches 놛놅 grow.

To be honest, Witt doesn't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

At least for now, Ilaya is in pretty good shape.

"Speaking of Boredia, I was tricked again just now, but I have to go away for a while in the past few days."

"I don't care where you go, I just want to see the lines on your body light up!"

Antasha said quietly.

As if he didn't hear what she said, Werther continued: "If you come to ask, just say that you are going to find Celine and the others."

Antasha's eyes lit up again!

"Give me a look."

Witte looked sideways at Antasha. Although he was no longer obsessed with her for a day or two, he was really helpless if he did not change his attitude from the beginning.

"Just one look!"

Saying that, before Antasha could nod, the lines on Werther's body lit up, well...it was just a flash.

Seeing this, Antasha looked at Werther with an increasingly dangerous look.

"To be honest, I kind of want to make dragon body alchemy now."

Werther was curious.

"Why, you finally couldn't help it and want to make a dragon that is exactly the same as 놖?"

Antasha grinned.

"There is a technology in dragon body alchemy, called dragon soul alchemy, which can extract the dragon soul from the dragon crystal and obliterate the consciousness, but retain the almost complete dragon soul.

To create an 'alchemy work' in this way, you only need to write the corresponding idea, and you can let it continue to complete the written idea. "

Werther's face froze.

"Calculate the time, things should be almost finished at Boredia, so I have to run away early. See you when you have time!"

Say it, Werther hurriedly ran outside.

As expected, Antasha has studied dragon body alchemy.

After hearing these words, a normal dragon would most likely regard Antasha's words as crazy words, but Witte knew that this dragon soul alchemy was real.

In the experimental notes that I saw in the Alchemy Laboratory of Ya Ke Frey before, Dragon Soul Alchemy is the prerequisite for Ya Ke Frey to do Dragon Body Alchemy.

Because this way we can get a batch of experimental materials that are unconscious and will not resist.


Flying into the alchemy shop, Witte had some doubts in his eyes.

Is there only one kind of dragon soul alchemy?

Why do I feel that the step described by Antasha is almost exactly the same as the experimental process of Yaqfrey.

Shaking his head, Werther suppressed this thought in his heart.

Antasha has most likely seen this type of dragon soul alchemy somewhere.

Whether it is magic circles or potions, or magic and alchemy, they all require knowledge reserves. In the process of learning and research, it is inevitable that you will see similar records in Qianlong's research notes.

Antasha probably has never done dragon body alchemy... right!

"Have you ever been exposed to dragon body alchemy?"

Ilaya watched Werther leave, then turned to look at Antasha with a serious face.

Hearing this, Antasha was stunned for a moment, then rolled her eyes and waved her head.

"How can it be, it's just a scare. As for Dragon Soul Alchemy, I saw it in Metnulos's alchemy notes, and he criticized this kind of alchemy in his notes.

He calls it "an act that destroys the dragon's nature more than a dragon eating a dragon, and is the greatest blasphemy against freedom." I don't know who thought of this kind of alchemy. "

Speaking, Antasha sneered.

"In my opinion, Dragon Body Alchemy is defined as a taboo simply because of those fools who, in the name of Dragon Body Alchemy, wantonly trample on the freedom that the Dragon Clan longs for and pursues.

Rather than the so-called cruel means.

To be cruel, the act of wantonly depriving the dragon of its life is even more cruel.

Dragon body alchemy shouldn't be like this.

Real dragon body alchemy should be about performing noble actions in pursuit of freedom. Uh...why are you looking at me like that? "

Ilea sighed and looked away.

"I feel like you will take the path of dragon body alchemy at any time... although what you said does make sense."

Hearing this, Antasha lay lazily on the counter.

"Don't worry, I won't follow the path of dragon body alchemy. I have talents and talents. I just need to follow the pace of time and go step by step. I will be able to surpass you. Why bother to transform myself.

Maybe, one day in the future, when 놖놅's lifespan is approaching and 놖 still wants to live, he will consider dragon body alchemy.

But no matter what, I will not deprive myself of my life in order to let myself live. "

Ilaya looked at Antasha blankly.

"Actually, in 놖's opinion, you have surpassed 놖!"

Antasha chuckled.

"What, are you feeling pressure?

Then do you remember the scene where you were taught alchemy to make a dragon when you first came to the Sky City?

Come on, say '놖놅 alchemy is rubbish'.

In this way, the grudges between us will be gone, and the knot in our hearts will be undone! "

Ilaya was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head and said: "Sure enough, I saw it wrong, you are still far away!"

Antasha curled her lips, and then lay down again.

Witt came from the store and explained some things. He glanced at the pharmacy in the distance, hesitated for a moment, and then flew towards the depths of the street.

놛I don’t have the courage to fly past Boredia 놅pharmacy at the moment.

Let's go around and go to the central area of ​​Sky City from the fifth block next to it.

After Linstar took over the potion, Witte could take a trip at any time.

Of course, when running away, there is no need to bring a "wallet".

There are still a lot of days left in the library. You can go directly to Lei for meals. What else do you need to bring with you as a "wallet"!

Thinking like this, Witte hummed a relaxing tune composed in ancient dragon language, and the accelerating magic circle in front of him flashed away, disappearing together and turning into a velociraptor form, Witte.

When it comes to running away, of course the faster the better!

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