Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 439 Celine's troubles!

Walking out of the training room, Celine's eyes revealed a trace of confusion.

She is very strong, there is no doubt about it!

Otherwise, when he fought with Closier before, it wouldn't have been a back-and-forth fight. He couldn't defeat the opponent for a while, so he asked Gedra to help.

Celine has always believed that she can use magic in front of Werther.

Because she is no stranger to spiritual magic.

Winters did not avoid them when she taught Werther spiritual magic, and she always believed that Werther could learn this kind of magic well.

Therefore, she has been working hard to be able to use magic in front of Werther without being affected, and the only way to use magic in front of Werther is to cast spells faster than Werther.

But in theory, this approach doesn't work.

Spiritual magic itself is born out of elemental magic and is the first half of elemental magic. Spiritual magic, which abandons the process of gathering external elements, is naturally much faster than elemental magic.

In this case, the comparison is the degree of hard work, but Witt also worked hard in this aspect.

After all, in addition to the broad knowledge of spiritual magic, the most basic thing is the speed of incantation. If you don't practice the speed of incantation, there is no point in knowing what magic to use!

Therefore, Witte's incantation speed is also extremely fast.

In this regard, Celine has no other way. She can practice hard and keep practicing hard.

She couldn't just run up to Werther and say that he was too fast and should go slower. Let's not talk about whether Werther agreed or not. Even if he agreed, wouldn't that be just letting him go?

Victory won by another dragon's release of water has no meaning!

This was before!

Now, Vert can use magic.

And with Witte's knowledge reserve and the speed of chanting spells, it can be said that Witte's elemental magic went from zero to surpassing them in one step.

With accumulated experience, Werther's strength has doubled!

In addition to this, there is also Werther's breath and body...

The more she thought about it, the uglier her face became.

She has begun to doubt, can she really keep up with Werther?

In the past, she could still see her back, and at least there was a target to chase, but now, Werther suddenly ran to a place where she couldn't see him.

Celine is confused!

Arriving in front of Werther's room in a daze, Celine raised her head blankly and looked at the stone door in front of her.

Why did she come to Werther?

That’s right!

It was to ask for help from Werther.

After hesitating for a moment, Celine took a deep breath and then pushed the stone door open...

Looking at the door that suddenly opened, Celine, who was standing at the door, happily put away her things. Werther, who put them away, was frightened.

Then he quickly put the things on his claws into the reverse scale space.

"Ahem, Celine, what's the matter?"

Seeing Celine's weird look at him, Witte quickly added: "I'm not excited because of the reverse scale space, I'm just testing the reverse scale space!"

Celine slapped her forehead!

You are really useless, you can't even compare to such a childish guy.

뀞꿗Thinking like this, Celine said: "놖I have something to ask you!"

With that said, she walked into the room and closed the door. At the same time, she used soundproof magic (small magic, not even elemental magic) to cover the door.

Seeing this, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but ask: "What are you..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Celine.

"Shut up and listen to 놖!"

After saying that, Celine also felt that she had gone too far, lowered her head, walked to Werther's side and lay down, and whispered: "놖Actually, I came to you for help.

I don’t know why, but since you just left the young dragon stage, you always make mistakes when you come back to practice magic.

Even with the magic spells that I am most familiar with, I sometimes pronounce the wrong spells.

놖I don’t know why.

You can practice twice as much, but the more you practice, the more problems you will have, and the chance of magic release failure will increase.


놖Don’t know what to do! "

As she said this, Celine's mood dropped visibly.

Seeing this, Witte's head shook and he grinned, "Very good, spiritual master Witte is online again!"

뀞꿗If you think like this, you definitely can't show it on your face.

In addition, Celine looks really distressed.

After thinking about it, Witte said: "Can you use the magic that you have failed the most?"

Celine nodded, still lowering her head, and recited a series of spells quickly and unhappily. Before Werther could react, a lightsaber dozens of meters in size hit him heavily from the sky.


After a scream, Werther touched the broken dragon scales on his back and looked at the overwhelmed Celine speechlessly.

"You definitely did this on purpose!"

Fifty-four-node high-level magic—Holy Sword of Light!

Not to mention that you are a low-level silver dragon practicing high-level magic that can only be mastered by the gold level. Considering that you can recite spells faster than anyone else, it is outrageous to be able to release this magic.

How many days and nights of practice does it take to reach this level!

The point is...

"Why are you using magic on 놖!"

Celine scratched her head in embarrassment.

"It's strange, I put it in front of me very reluctantly..."

Saying that, Celine's eyes suddenly lit up.


Before Celine could finish speaking, Werther immediately refused: "Don't even think about it, it's impossible for me to use it as a target for you to practice magic!"

Hearing this, Celine's eyes flashed with disappointment.

What a pity!

She had a hunch that if Werther was willing to be her target, she could easily master even high-level magic.

"Then do you see what the problem with 놖 is?"

Werther nodded.

"Of course I can see it. You were just looking for trouble when you had nothing to do, and then you got yourself involved!"


Werther looked at Celine's increasingly dangerous eyes and said quickly: "Don't show your claws, listen first, you just put too much pressure on me.

In fact, there is no need to do this. Your strength is very strong, far superior to other dragons of the same age group.

If Billy were here, I'm afraid he would be beaten to the point of confusion by you! "

Celine rolled her eyes.

"It's not that you underestimate him, even Agnar can fight him back and forth. Why don't you choose a better comparison partner?"

After a pause, Celine sighed.

"But you're right, maybe he is too anxious.

But considering your strength, I think we can't be in a hurry. If we're not in a hurry, I'm afraid we won't even be qualified to help you. "

Werther was stunned for a moment, and then was silent for a moment.

"We are different!"

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