Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 470: Witt's Magic!

When Ali realized that Witte's mental power was stronger than his, his face suddenly became serious.

The strength of mental power largely determines the strength of magic.

In this way, he had to pay attention to Witte's magic.

Thinking of this, Ali's wings shook, and the blue wind element power suddenly gathered at the wings, and then he rushed towards Witte.

At this time, Ali's lips moved rapidly, accompanied by a dark and ancient tone, a large amount of wind elements gathered at his claws, turning into two huge blue wind claws.

Wind element, 55-node high-level magic, tearing claws!

On the other side, when Ali moved, Witte began to chant the spell with excitement.

At the same time, his strong limbs stomped on the ground, and the red light representing the fire element instantly enveloped his body, and the "big night light" on his chest turned from light blue to dazzling white.

Fire element, 40-node high-level magic, fire element blessing!

As the fire element blessing was added to his body, Witt suddenly felt that the fire elements around him became more active.

The activeness of the elements means that the power of fire element magic has increased!

After the fire element blessing was completed, Witt's spell did not stop, and this time, a huge red fireball gathered on Witt's chest.

The terrifying high temperature scorched the surrounding air and twisted it.

The violent energy contained in the fireball made the dragons watching in the spectator seats uproar!

The nearly 10-meter-long body of Witt and the 40-meter-long body of Ali made the dragons who didn't know Witt's strength directly give the title of winner to the latter.

But now, judging from the fluctuations of the elements, the magic power of both sides is almost the same.

In particular, we clearly saw that Witt used two high-level magics in the time it took Ali to use one magic!

High-level magic itself is practiced by dragons at the platinum level.

Ali is not far from platinum, and it is normal for him to be proficient in high-level magic, but it is too outrageous for you, a dragon who has obviously just left the young dragon stage, to be so familiar with high-level magic!

On the other side, Ali's face only became more solemn, and he didn't show too much surprise.

But you know that Witte's mental power is far superior to yours. It would be a lie to say that his attainments in magic are not as good as yours.

As for the magic used by Witte, you certainly know it.

Fire element, 45-node high-level magic, bursting fireball!

But now, the opponent's 45-node magic, under the protection of such high-level magic fire element, is no less powerful than your tearing claw.

When Ali had this idea in his mind, he had already rushed to Witte, and Witte's bursting fireball had already taken shape and smashed towards Ali.

This was a violent explosion in both directions!

When Witte threw the bursting fireball, he had already raised his body and avoided all the elemental turbulence caused by the collision of magic between the two sides.

Just as Witt was looking at the red and blue elemental turbulence in front of him, a more violent dark blue hurricane suddenly tore the elemental turbulence apart and attacked Witt.

Wind element, high-level magic of ten nodes, tearing storm!

When Witt saw the tearing storm sweeping towards him, he quickly chanted a spell.

At the same time, a red storm formed in front of Witt.

Fire element, high-level magic of fifty nodes, scorching storm.

But the scorching storm was still as powerful as the tearing storm under the blessing of the fire element.

The two powerful hurricanes collided with each other, producing a more powerful elemental turbulence, and this time, even Witt didn't have time to dodge.

Witt, who was rushed out, had no time to stabilize his body. A huge figure that was completely different from before appeared silently in Witt's reverse flight path.

Needless to say, the elemental form of the wind dragon!

The elemental dragon in the elemental form is much stronger than a high-level magic for the corresponding affinity element.

Facing Witt who was flying backwards, Ali exhaled directly-Storm Tear!

The dark blue storm was like a vortex that came sideways, strangling Witt.

In this regard, Witt did not dare to be careless, and turned around and sent a zero-degree cold current.

But the power of the dragon's breath depends on practice on the one hand, and growth on the other hand.

Witt, who did not use the power of permafrost, was easily shattered by Ali's storm tear.

But Witt himself was knocked away again by the elemental turbulence generated by the collision of the breath.

With strong physical fitness, Witt stabilized his body.

And the "big night light" on the chest became light blue at some point.

Then, from the ground in front of Ali, ten ropes made of water suddenly sprang out, and the ropes shot directly towards Ali.

Water element, ten nodes of high-level magic, turbulent strangulation!

This is not just a restraint.

Facing the fast-moving turbulent strangulation, Ali only had time to raise his claws, which were still attached with the tearing claws, and grab those water ropes.

But he only grabbed about one-third of it and was bound by the remaining water ropes.

After that, those water ropes began to rotate rapidly, and the terrifying force enveloped Aili's whole body, as if it was going to cut him into several pieces.

But at this moment, Aili's body suddenly erupted with a strong wind element. The impact was so strong that it even dispersed the water rope.

And 놛껩 took advantage of this opportunity to break away from the water rope, and then rushed towards Werther again.

Werther's magic is stronger than 놛.

In addition to the seamless connection of the dual elements of water and fire, although Eli didn't want to admit it, the fact was that if he wanted to defeat Werther with magic, there was only one way!

Deplete Werther's elemental reserves!

But 놛 knows better that Werther is much younger than 놛. If 놆 wins in this way, then this battle will have no meaning for 놛.

So, in this case, the only way to quickly defeat Werther is close combat!

The difference in body types is there!

Eli knew this, and Werther was no exception.

Therefore, when Eli tried to get closer, a gray-white magic circle appeared around Werther.

When the magic circle shattered, Witte's strong body was replaced by slenderness.

And the strength in exchange for unparalleled speed!

At this time, Werther could see that after experiencing a magical confrontation, Eli was no longer willing to continue competing with him in magic.

In this case, there is no need for 놛껩 to struggle with magic 껗 anymore.

Thinking of this, the corners of Werther's mouth raised slightly.

Meet your nightmare!

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