Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 471 Disadvantages of Mental Magic!

Seeing Witt's body suddenly change drastically, Ali's pupils shrank involuntarily.

Shaping magic?

Sure enough, the next moment, after finally getting close to each other, the distance between them was pulled away again.

Not only that, Ali also heard that Witt began to chant a magic that he was very familiar with, the tearing claws he was using at this time!

Water, water, wind, are these elements compatible?

Just when Ali did not give up and continued to chase Witt, his face suddenly changed.

The opponent's dragon claws did not have tearing claws.

But, the tearing claws on his dragon claws suddenly spread out.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Ali couldn't help asking, and at the same time, his figure stopped, looking at his claws in astonishment.

Witt also stopped immediately and looked at Ali from a distance.

"Spiritual magic!"

Spiritual magic?

Although Ali didn't understand what it was, it seemed like a kind of magic that could force his magic to fail, even though he had never heard of it.

"Well, let's go back and ask!"

Muttered, and then, Ali looked up at Witt.

"Thank you, then, let's continue our fight!"

Although Ali was very grateful to Witt for answering his questions, the fight continued.

It would be a pity if he didn't fight a good battle with such a strong dragon.

As for how to defeat Witt when the opponent had the power to make his magic invalid, he had his own way.

With this idea in mind, Ali looked at Witt.

The moment the two sides looked at each other, they opened their mouths, and there was another collision between the zero-degree cold current and the storm tearing, and again, Ali won!

It's true that Witt didn't want to use the permafrost.

But he couldn't control the power of the permafrost yet, and he was afraid that he would freeze the dragon silly all of a sudden.

As for the blazing white breath...

He couldn't control the power, but if he injured the dragon, he would have to be responsible for the other party's post-war treatment.

Of course, the most serious injury is not necessary!

Thinking this in his heart, Witt dodged the breath that tore through the zero-degree cold current.

At the same time, he began to chant again.

A series of water ropes once again sprang out from the ground below and strangled Ali in the air.

On the other side, while Witt was chanting the spell, Ali also began to chant.

When the water ropes strangled Ali, a series of dark green wind blades suddenly appeared from all directions and shot towards Witt.

While Witt's eyes showed a look of surprise, his slender wings flapped violently.

The speed of the velociraptor is quite terrifying. Although it is not enough to close the gap with Ali's flying speed, it is no less than Ali's flying speed under the blessing of elemental power.

Don't underestimate this wave of closing. The wind element dragon itself is a dragon that is extremely good at speed. Under the same realm, it is very likely that the dragon can keep up with them.

This shows how fast the velociraptor is.

After all, shaping magic is a unique magic used by dragons that do not know elemental magic to catch up with dragons that know elemental magic.

After avoiding the area wrapped by the wind blade, Witt looked at Ali with strange eyes.

Sure enough, don't underestimate any dragon!

Wind element, sixteen-node middle magic, wind blade!

The opponent obviously didn't understand mental magic, but made the most reasonable response at the first time.

No dragon can use two kinds of magic at the same time, unless you have two heads, and both have the power of independent thinking but telepathy...

Well, the dragon can't do it, and the opponent has a head.

But Witt doesn't!

So, he needs to chant the spell at the same time when he uses magic, so that Witt's mental magic loses its original effect.

Moreover, Ali is very clear about the gap between him and him, so the opponent did not greedily chant high-level magic, but changed to medium-level magic.

In this way, the speed of chanting spells is the same as Witt.

Moreover, Witt does not ignore these magics.

For the same high-level magic, the power of the high-level silver is much stronger than that of the lower-level silver.

It's no problem to be hit once or twice, but if it happens too many times, the defense will be broken.

The other party thought of this when he used mental magic once. It can be said that Ali has a considerable understanding of it.

The other party is not like Antawana, who has been training very hard to improve the power of magic, but like Celine, who studies magic and analyzes the principles of magic.

Of course, there is no difference between the two, but only different understandings of magic.

In battle, the former is powerful and the latter is flexible.

Thinking of this, Witt's brows frowned.

It can be said that the other party has grasped a weakness of mental magic, that is, it will be the latter!

Moreover, if he does not use magic, Ali will probably be happier, because in addition to magic, all the means that can hurt Ali have been sealed by him.

Glancing around, Witt finally chose to continue using magic.

This is the first battle.

If 놚놆 uses that, I'm afraid no dragon will be willing to challenge him again.

This goes against his original intention of being here.

Then let's have a grand fight!

It happened so fast!

When Witt had this idea, Ali had just gotten rid of the turbulent stranglehold.

But he didn't speak, and rushed towards Witt with his head covered.

He knew very well that the two sides were very different in age and size, and that if the other party had no special means, he would rely on high-level magic to hurt him.

He was indeed not as good as Witt in high-level magic, but if the chanting speed of mid-level magic was not as fast as Witt's high-level magic, then he would have no chance to fight!

That would be really embarrassing.

In addition, even if he didn't use high-level magic, he could breathe!

As soon as Witt opened his mouth, Ali immediately sprayed a breath.

Witt used the same trick again, first using the zero-degree cold current to slow down the speed of the storm tearing, and then quickly left the original position.

After the breath collided, the powerful elemental turbulence caused a lot of trouble for Witt's flight.

In order to prevent the opponent from continuing to chase, Witt had to chant high-level magic to force Ali to give up the pursuit.

But this was exactly what Ali wanted.

While Witt chanted high-level magic, he chanted middle-level magic again.

And this time, he even chanted twice.

Wind element, ten-node middle-level magic, storm!

Ten-node middle-level magic will definitely not cause any harm to Witt, but this middle-level magic is a bit special. Just like its name, the effect is to attract a storm!

And with the arrival of the storm, there will be a stronger wind element...

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