Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 611 Nowhere will welcome us!

In a desert environment, the amount of water itself is a big problem.

Even though Hemerland has a natural terrain advantage, it has only preserved some water.

Moreover, the ecology here is still quite fragile.

If there is a problem with these trees, it is only a matter of time before this oasis declines.

This is why, even though there is a legendary high-level existence, facing a giant dragon of the golden middle level that broke into the oasis, no dragon dared to really touch him.

Therefore, gathering water elements and forming rivers is the lowest level, and overdrawing the oasis's future behavior is really damaging the dragon and benefiting oneself.

Moreover, the consequences of this overdraft will appear in just a few decades.

If there are a few bad weathers suddenly, the time may be shorter.

Of course, it does not mean that this canyon oasis is completely unprotected and relies entirely on natural development. If that were the case, this oasis would not have existed for a long time.

In addition to the natural formation capital, the later maintenance is the reason why the oasis can be maintained for a long time.

But the groundwater in the desert is like the weather on the sea, which changes at any time.

Therefore, after Witt proposed to get a new water source, the old dragon was so happy.

They also want to prevent trouble before it happens, but they have no ability!

This is the norm.

Don’t look at the dragons that Witt knows in the Sky City. They are either pharmacists, alchemists, or magic circles. In fact, they are just social circles.

Magic circles, potions, and alchemy have always been accessories of magic. The amount of knowledge contained in these three paths is no less than that of magic.

There are countless dragons who can really go on this path.

The magic circle is one of the few among the countless.

The magic circle is much more difficult than the other two. The dragon language alone has dissuaded a large number of dragons.

Even if there is a magic circle in this dragon's nest, at most it can ensure that water elements will not be lost in large quantities, and create a water source without side effects...


Take out the alchemy pen, dragon scales, large pieces of mithril, etc., these materials for engraving alchemy magic circles.

Witt thought about it for a while, and then started to create.

Yes, it is creation!

Witt wants to make something, maybe other dragons have done it before, but Witt has never seen it.

After all, he was born in Desidero Dragon, and he grew up in the Sky City. In these two places, Witt has never seen water shortage.

If you can sell the water magic circle in a place with water shortage, it means that the sun has risen from the west. You are dreaming!

In terms of alchemy, Witt's creative ability is slightly insufficient.

Especially compared with alchemy geniuses like Candice and Billy.

However, in terms of magic circle, Witt believes that he is inferior to most of the dragons in the world who make magic circles.

This is arrogance, not self-confidence!

When Witt started to create the magic circle, everything in the outside world had nothing to do with him.

So, he didn't know that Winters fell asleep on it when he opened the first page.

Time flies by!

There seemed to be a wind outside the canyon, and fine sand flowed down from the top of the rock, forming a sand waterfall. The subtle, sleep-inducing rustling sound, combined with her talent for falling asleep when she saw a book, plus it was night.

Winters slept so comfortably.

When she woke up again, it was still pitch black around her.

After taking a look at the open book, Winters shook her head slightly, then squatted on the book in a daze, her tail swaying slightly behind her, and her scales rubbing against the metal pages, making a sound that was not very harsh.

Her golden eyes stared blankly outside. Since the tall trees could block the scorching sun, the moonlight was even more so.

But Winters still looked in that direction.

Perhaps, that was Desidero.

So, is Winters very persistent about going back to Desidero?

Not necessarily!

There is only one dragon in her batch. The previous batch is about to leave the young dragon stage, and the next batch is still in the egg.

The teachers in the academy are all old dragons, who are interested in everything. What they think about most every day is how to take a nap, so after recognizing the teacher, all her courses are taught by the teacher.

Now, the teacher is asleep, and there is no dragon in the whole Desidero who can speak.

This is also one of the reasons why she can run out alone.

Without her care about the dragon, no one cares about her dragon, so she will naturally act more recklessly.

Of course, the dragon's nest must go back, and the teacher is still in the dragon's nest!

There is no such rush in time.

Thinking of this, Winters turned his head and looked at the only light source in this area.

The light blue light cast a strong black outline.

"Starry Sky Dragon... Is there really such a dragon?"

Muttering, Winters looked down at the book under her - "Encyclopedia of Dragons"!

After thinking about it, she began to search purposefully. Unfortunately, she did not find any information related to the Starry Sky Dragon (Witt's deleted version).

Seeing this, Winters' eyes flashed with helplessness.

"Sure enough, it's fake again!"

With a light sigh, Winters flew towards Witt.

As soon as she landed on the test bench, Winters saw the dense words on the dragon scales in front of Witt. Fortunately, she looked away quickly and was almost hypnotized again.


At this moment, Werther let out a long breath, and a smile appeared on his face.


Winters couldn't help but asked.

Hearing Winters' voice, Werther noticed that Winters was standing on the test platform.

Shaking his head, Witte said with a smile: "It's not that easy to create a magic circle. Even for me, after a few magic hours, I've only decided to use Dragon Language.

By the way, why did you wake up so early? It's not yet dawn, or are you... hungry again? "

Winters was speechless and glanced at Werther.

"I'm not that good at eating, right?"

After a pause, a flash of hesitation flashed in Winters' eyes, and then he suddenly asked: "Why do they look at us so much and reject us so much?

We obviously didn't do anything, why did they treat us like this! "

As she spoke, the temperature of Winters' body rose a little. It was obvious that she was more excited than she showed.


Witte said with a faint smile: "This is a very common thing. Let's put it this way, no place in this world will welcome us, whether it is a single dragon, a dragon's nest, or a city-state!

The same goes for the Dragon City-State, except for Desedro.

This is how dragons exist, even if there are not evil dragons who do evil things.

As for the reason, it is because he is afraid of its power, because he has the same personality as others, and because he behaves uniquely.

The pursuit of freedom will always pay some price for freedom.

We have been affected. "

After a pause, Witte changed the subject.

"By the way, how are you reading?"

Winters' face suddenly stiffened.

"Uh... I sleep well!"

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