Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 612 New River!

Chapter 612 New River!

Witt looked at Winters speechlessly.

You said you were lazy, but you said that in front of me. Is it really appropriate?

Winters knew it was appropriate, so he lowered his head with embarrassment.

Seeing this, Witt sighed.

"Forget it, I won't care about it this time. It's really a bit difficult to ask you to read books so late at night. Besides, you really need sleep at your age."

Winters breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile was about to appear on his face, but it froze the next second.

"Read it during the day in the future!"

Winters flew away angrily, saying that it was not yet light and he had to catch up on his sleep.

Watching Winters leave, Witt turned his head to look at the dark outside, and then looked down at the test bench again.

Not to mention, the big night light on the chest is quite useful.

Of course, Witt knew that the magic lamp needed to be arranged as soon as possible.

There is also a lava pool.

Whether it is him or Winters, the existence of a lava pool can make them live more comfortably.

Shaking his head, shaking the idea out of his mind, Witt continued to devote himself to the study of magic circles and the selection of ancient dragon texts. This is just the first step...

Time is passing!

The sun disc player dispersed the darkness and brought warmth, and soon, this warmth was raised to the level of scorching heat.

The canyon is better, with lush branches and leaves blocking the sunlight and the heat. The river flowing in the canyon brings a touch of coolness here.


Witt let out a long breath, looking at the alchemy magic circle in his hand, with a little more expectation in his eyes.

The magic circle has been created, and the effect and whether it needs to be improved are all things after testing.

He turned his head and looked at Winters in the corner. The other party was curled up, with his wings covering his head, lying on an open metal book, sleeping soundly.

Shaking his head, Witt picked up the alchemy magic circle, looked up and observed the surroundings, and then fixed his eyes on another corner.

There was a protruding rock there.

The rock was smooth and flat, and it was large enough to place dragon scales.

So, Witt walked over there, and then dug a five-meter-wide and one-meter-deep waterway under the rock, which extended to the woods.

Of course, Witt didn't really dig out a complete riverway.

It just extended to the woods.

After digging, Witt placed the dragon scale on the platform and activated the magic circle.

As the magic circle was activated, a light blue light shone on the dragon scale. As Witt's elements continued to be injected, a layer of light mist first appeared in the air above the magic circle.

Then, the mist condensed together and finally turned into a suspended water ball.

At first, it was as big as an eyeball.

As time went by, the fog gathered more and more, and the water ball became bigger and bigger, and finally flowed in all directions like a blooming water flower.

After flowing to the platform, it flowed to the river channel dug in advance below.

But unfortunately, the water flow was too strong, and before it had time to flow to the lower place, it was absorbed by the sand below.

However, when Witt saw this, a smile appeared on his face.


As for why it succeeded, it was because what Witt injected into the alchemical magic circle was not the water element, but the fire element.

The main function of the magic circle is not to gather the water element, but to use the injected elemental power to awaken the dormant water element and replenish it with elemental power.

It has been mentioned before that each element has two elemental powers, life and destruction, but some elements show more of the latter.

Fire element and thunder element are of this type.

But this does not mean that the life force they contain cannot be used.

Vitt used the life force of the fire element to replenish the water element that fell into a dormant state due to the scorching sun. The awakened water elements gathered together and naturally formed water.

However, the fire element contains less life force, and it is difficult to guide it out. There are too few awakened water elements, so the water flow is so slow.

This is not a big problem.

Witt chose the fire element because it is more active in the desert, and more importantly, because, in addition to the water element, he has an affinity with the fire element.

This magic circle is not the final product, it is still a semi-finished product, or, more accurately, a transitional product.

Witt intends to use the fire element to activate the dormant water element.

Too low efficiency!

The desert lacks the earth element in addition to the fire element.

And the location they are in now is an oasis, and the oasis lacks natural elements.

And the natural element is the same as fire and thunder. It shows elemental power and is more inclined to life power.

Is this better than the fire element?

The success of this magic circle shows that Witt's idea is feasible.

Then, the magic circle needs to replace the ancient dragon text representing the fire element with the earth element, and the ancient dragon text representing the water element with the natural element.

In this way, it is a magic circle that uses the earth element to awaken the natural element.

Similarly, if we change it again, it will be a magic circle that uses the natural element to awaken the water element.

Two awakening magic arrays, combined with absorption, storage, emission, and reception to form a magic core magic array, can create a compound alchemical magic array that borrows the power of earth elements and transforms natural elements to awaken water elements!

Soon, Witt completed the magic array based on the previous idea.

When Witt placed the magic array again and started it, although it was still very large, the water flowed, which made Witt smile.

Water is the source of life. On the one hand, it means that water is an indispensable component of flesh and blood creatures. On the other hand, it represents its elemental power and can easily awaken other elements.

Therefore, the elements that have been exhausted will be revived under the nourishment of water, and then continue to provide new power for the magic circle.

Under the nourishment of water elements, grass and trees will grow more vigorously, and more and more natural elements will be awakened.

In this way, even if the underground water source of this oasis is really diverted, the oasis can still operate healthily and steadily.

This is why a magic circle master is so popular.

A magic circle can change the fate of a piece of land.



Hearing the shouts from the front, Willy moved, then stopped the seemingly meaningless preaching, and said: "Listen, there should be news!"

Vida curled his lips, he didn't think it would be good news.

In his opinion, the best news now is that the guy that the dragon hates has left his home.

But then, as soon as the dragon came in and spoke, Vida's eyes widened.

"A new river has appeared!"


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