Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 613 Further communication!

"Are you sure you didn't see it wrong?"

Vida looked at the dragon that just came in with some disbelief.

The other party came last night, and it's not even noon today, and a new water source has appeared. No matter what, it shouldn't be so fast!

"Of course I didn't see it wrong. Although there is not much water, it does flow from the side where the two dragons live. Uh... the kind that flows continuously."

Old dragon Willy saw Vida's stunned look and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go see the new water source and our new neighbor!"

While talking, Old Dragon Willy flew to the front.

Of course, he was not as relaxed as he seemed on the surface. He needed to confirm that the other party really made the water source according to the agreement.

If not, then such a water source has no necessity to exist.

If it is...

Then he has to be thick-skinned and go to the other party to make a deal.

For an oasis, water source is heaven!

Seeing this, although Vida was unwilling to be controlled by a golden dragon, he still knew the importance of a water source for the oasis.

He also understood that if the other party could really create a water source, it would mean more than just a water source.


Soon, the two dragons came to the area where Witt was.

When they saw the forest shrouded in fog, the two dragons looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

Along the way, they did not feel the change of water elements in the air, but the water elements here were much richer than before, even to the point of condensing into fog.

If this is also the reason for the water source, then they really encountered a treasure this time.

Thinking of this in their hearts, the two dragons hurriedly flew towards the residence selected by Witt.


"Hey, wake up!"

Winters opened his eyes in a daze, and felt a little irritated for no reason in his heart, and then he subconsciously exhaled.

After a breath, she finally realized what was going on and woke up instantly.

Then she saw Witt looking at him with a half-smile, and red lava was flowing down his chin.

Winters smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry... but it's not my fault. It's not a good habit to disturb a dragon's sleep."

Witt rolled his eyes.

"Sleeping while reading is not a good habit!"

Witt was also a little speechless. He thought he had overestimated the degree of Winters's disgust for reading, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated it.

While he was carving the magic circle, he saw with his own eyes that Winters woke up and was about to read a book, and then fell asleep again within three minutes.

In this way, he slept two or three times and didn't finish reading a page of the book.

Thinking of this, Witt sighed, then looked at Winters who looked embarrassed, and said helplessly: "Forget it, you definitely can't read the book, I'll make a place over there where you can practice magic.

You should study magic seriously in the future!"

Hearing this, Winters was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witt with surprise.

"Really don't need to read it?"

Witt nodded helplessly.

"Yes, you are free, I'll put these books away!"

"Wait a minute!"

Witt looked at Winters in confusion.

"Why, change your mind?"

Winters lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

"Well... leave these books here for the time being, I feel that the quality of sleep here is quite good, just look at it for a few times and you can sleep well, it's very convenient!"

Hearing this, Witt sighed to the sky.

Winters, Winters, how did you grow to that point when you can't even read the basic magic books?


Witt waved his paw helplessly.

"Whatever you want!"

After that, Winter paused, and then said: "There are guests coming, you can move freely."

With that, Witt turned and walked towards the water source.

Winters watched Witt's back, and then turned his eyes to the magic training ground that Witt just mentioned. Without any hesitation, she flew directly there.

Compared with the theory in the book, she prefers the practice of magic.


Witt walked to the water source.

At this time, this composite magic circle was running.

The magic circle exuded a strong blue light, and a small water splash of Winters was suspended in the sky. A stream of small water flowed down from the water splash and flowed into the river channel dug in advance.

The river water was shallow, but it was endless.

Unless this magic circle is destroyed, there will be no problem with the water source.

Thick mist filled the water around the splashes. This was the water element that was activated but did not gather together. They spread out to the surroundings, bringing coolness to this space.

At this time, two sounds of breaking through the air came. When Witt turned around, two rock-scale pterosaurs had already come close.

However, their eyes did not stay on Witt, but stared straight at the water splashes suspended in the air, with excitement in their eyes.

"Reawakening the dormant water element is a wonderful idea. The most important thing is that you can actually do it!"

Hearing the words of the old dragon Willy, Witt grinned.

"It's not difficult to do this. The difficulty lies in how to combine these ancient dragon characters together. Ancient dragon characters, even for giant dragons, are rarely mastered by dragons. You are very lucky!"

Vida sneered subconsciously, but then he realized that he had no way to refute the other party's words.

It was really good luck to meet a dragon who was easy to talk to and proficient in magic circles.

Willy ignored Vida's reaction and just looked at Witt with a smile on his face.

"What kind of treasure do you need?"

Hearing this, Witt's mouth grinned even more.

"Gold coins and news!"


The old dragon Willy looked at Witt in some astonishment.

He could understand gold coins, and most dragons liked gold coins, but what was the news?

Witt saw this and his smile was slightly restrained.

"We were accidentally teleported to this desert when we were studying the space teleportation magic circle, so I need information about this desert."

Willie suddenly realized, then he turned to Vida and said: "Go and get the trading items!"

Vida glared at Witt, then turned and left.

He was still a little angry at the other party's rogue behavior yesterday, although he also knew that it was the only way for the dragon to stay.

But understanding is understanding, and the position is relative.

"Okay, the gold coins will be taken soon, so if you have any questions, just ask directly!"

Witt was not in a hurry to ask about the desert, but asked curiously: "You actually have gold coins, which are found by yourself, cast, and specially used for trading with dragons?"

Willie smiled and shook his head.

"Part of it is like this, but the other part is found accidentally!"


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