Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 634: Dragon Body Alchemy Again!


With a slight vibration, Winters, who was carefully observing the head of the dead dragon, suddenly blurred.

After subconsciously dilating her pupils, Winters adapted to the sudden light.

Then, the scene in front of him made Winters change his face.

Dragon Head 놌 It was pretty much what she had guessed before.

Just a mummy!

The dragon scales with citrine luster and dark brown skin are tightly attached to the skull. At the eyes, there are two dark holes. They are empty and only gray-white bone can be seen.

The sharp and large teeth were all exposed due to the tightening of the skin.

The gray-white crystal cluster like a crown is covered with dust and no longer has the earthy yellow luster it once had.

Winters only looked at 누깊's head.

His body is on the other side, lying on his side on a cold metal platform. He is also in the form of a mummy, and is also a gray-white crystal that has lost its elements and the brilliance of life.

Most of the dragon scales are close to the dry body, and a few are scattered randomly on the metal platform and on the metal surface.

The faucet should have been there, but it seemed to have fallen off.

The gray-white bones that Winters saw were the result of the dragon's scales and skin being rubbed off when the dragon's head rolled down and bumped against it.

What's this?

Winters suddenly couldn't understand.

An adult dragon with a body length of more than 600 meters was lying "quietly" on the test bed.

Is this the dragon body alchemy that the teacher talked about?

What kind of dragon can hunt down an adult dragon that is more than 600 meters tall and use his body as a material for dragon body alchemy?


Winters shouted subconsciously.

"Yes, this is dragon body alchemy!"

Witte, who had temporarily repaired the laboratory's lighting system, looked at the dragon corpse on the metal table with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

Sure enough, this world is really dangerous.

It is said that an adult dragon can travel around the dragon world and search for treasures.


That's because they weren't being watched by those guys.

If you are really being stared at, let alone a young adult, even a 꾫dragon that is over 깊600 meters in size and in its prime, is still a corpse on a test bench, the experimental material for those crazy people.

"Okay, there's nothing interesting to see. It would take tens of thousands of years for the body of a dragon to reach this state in a dry desert environment.

This place has been abandoned for much longer than we imagined.

Come on, look around and see if there are any clues.

At least, we have to find the name of the owner of this laboratory, so that we can spit on and curse him! "

As he spoke, Werther grinned and looked around.

The laboratory is empty.

Although there are many experimental equipment, in Witte's opinion, they are somewhat sparse.

I don’t know whether it was because he was taken away by the other party, or because the place was built in a hurry and the experimental equipment was not complete.

Witte fly 누 metal countertop.

Originally, I was going to check the magic array pattern on the metal platform to see if I could judge from this the method of alchemy for the dragon body.

Dragon body alchemy is a very broad concept.

Biomechanics, mechanical equipment implantation, dragon body mechanization, etc., are mechanical dragon body alchemy; bloodline strengthening, flesh and blood strengthening, keel strengthening, etc., are dragon body strengthening alchemy; dragon soul stripping, memory control, dragon crystal stripping, etc., are these It’s Dragon Soul Alchemy!

There are many other small types, but the only type of 덿ryu is 껗꺘.

However, before Werther's idea was fully conceived, the plan fell through. The metal platform did have magic circuits, but they had been destroyed.

Obviously, even if he evacuated in a hurry, he did not forget to hide his research direction.

Now Witte can only eliminate a mechanical dragon body alchemy.

After all, the dragon corpse has no traces of mechanical transformation.

As for why it was judged that Dui 뀘 left in a hurry, it was actually very simple. The gold coins piled randomly in the laboratory on the floor above 껗 showed that 깊 Dui 뀘 was not a dragon who liked gold coins.

However, not liking it does not mean that it has no value. Gold coins can lower the bottom line a lot for some dragons who like gold coins. For dragons who are conducting dragon body alchemy experiments, these things are still very good.

After all, no dragon can do it. All experimental materials and experimental equipment must be completed by myself.

Even for Wirt, many materials require help from other dragons.

He did not take away the gold coins, did not destroy the dragon corpse, and did not close the door of the laboratory tightly. This all shows that 깊 and 뀘 escaped in a hurry.

To be honest, when I think about this place, the feeling of disobedience comes back again!

Suddenly, Werther thought about something and turned his head to look at the passage when he came in. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"No way!"

At this moment, Winters' voice suddenly came to mind.

"Boredia, there is something under the dragon's head!"

Hearing this, Witte temporarily put away his thoughts, then turned around and walked towards the direction where the dragon's head was.

Moving the faucet away, a big metal book appeared in 깊Witt's eyes.

Picking up the book, Werther opened it, and his eyes narrowed after just one glance.

It's you!

The familiar mechanical structure of the open door, the familiar laboratory layout, and the familiar handwriting.


Winters glanced at Werther's forearm, and was about to read the records in the metal book. After hearing Werther's words, she turned to look at Werther in astonishment.

"Do you know who owns this laboratory?"

A complicated look flashed in Werther's eyes, and then he nodded.

"Yakefre, a dragon whose lifespan was about to expire more than 20,000 years ago, used cruel dragon body alchemy experiments to kill hundreds of dragons in order to find a way to continue living.

By the way, this number is only for juvenile dragons, that is, young dragons and young dragons.

This is just a number obtained in a laboratory he left behind.

As for such laboratories, I don't know how many he built. This is only the second laboratory he has ever seen.

In addition, that laboratory is not on the continent of Sekent, but on the continent of Fast where we came from.

Of course, that laboratory was far away from Desidero. "

After a pause, Werther's eyes turned to the metal book.

"I don't know if this laboratory was built before that one, or if it was later. I hope this book contains such information!"

And after listening to Witt's words, Winters looked shocked.

She never thought that a dragon would do such a thing just to let him survive.


On the other side, Werther had already begun to flip through the contents of the metal book.

Failed again!

After coming here again, the first laboratory and the first experiment built turned out to be a failure again.


Is there really something wrong with your Dragon Soul Alchemy?

놖Don’t believe it!

You are so great, how could you leave behind an experiment that can only fail?

The material of 놖 must be wrong.

The experiments on young dragons and young dragons have been done, and now it is time to focus on young dragons.

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