Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 635: News from the Alchemy Notes!

Chapter 635 News in the Alchemy Notes!

Looking at this, Witt was basically sure that this laboratory was built after the laboratory in the Morton Mountains.

The laboratory in the Morton Mountains used young dragons and young dragons as experimental materials.

Therefore, this laboratory should be built after Ake Frey was targeted by a powerful dragon that had just arrived in the Sky Plains. After being defeated, he had to flee from the Morton Mountains and fled all the way to this place.

This matter was mentioned in the experimental records they found in that laboratory.

After Ake Frey was defeated, he clearly stated in the experimental records that he needed to go there again and leave behind the alchemy ruins, the Stroka alchemy ruins!

Moreover, he also left a provocative message in the experimental records to the dragon that hurt him.

Now it seems that Aakfrey escaped the dragon's pursuit and ran to this place to continue his sinful alchemical experiments.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt continued to flip through.


Failed again!

Finally caught a young dragon and died.

Why still failed!



What the hell...


Followed by a series of "beautiful" words.

Witt actually noticed that this dragon might have fallen into a state of madness.

After all...

Who would write records for a decent dragon!

And abandoned it openly in the laboratory that he had abandoned.

Another laboratory can also be interpreted as him trying to seduce the dragon that hurt him and go to the Stroka alchemical ruins.

That place is obviously not safe.

Otherwise, Aqfrey would not be so opposed to going to the Stroka Alchemy Ruins again.

That guy should want to use the Stroka Alchemy Ruins to get rid of the dragon.

Of course, it is also possible that the guy wants to use the power of the dragon to enter the Stroka Alchemy Ruins again to find something left behind and more information about Dragon Soul Alchemy.

He left something in that laboratory, which might really achieve this effect.

However, the wording in the experimental record shows that he did not conduct the experiment in a calm state.

There is a bit of madness in the words.

Perhaps, it is the approaching life span that makes him lose the calmness and calmness that a giant dragon should always have.

This laboratory is more obvious.

The dragon corpse used for the experiment was not made into a dragon corpse lamp by him, nor was it destroyed by him, but was thrown away so casually in this laboratory.

Even though he had destroyed the magic circle on the metal platform.

However, the dragon that knows about the Dragon Soul Alchemy can judge what kind of experiment Aqfrey did through some traces on the corpse.

Witt couldn't judge, just because it had been too long.

In addition, there is this experimental record.

The madness between the words is more obvious.

Sometimes he worships what is the god who saved him, and sometimes he scolds what is worthless and bloody.

It is almost impossible for such a thing to happen to an ancient dragon who is about to die.

It is obvious that this guy is almost driven crazy by the torture of near death.

Whether Witt is studying magic circles, potions, or magic, this kind of experimental record that will reveal his emotions will definitely not appear.

Moreover, after the experiment, he would sort out all the experimental records and results.

It's not like this, writing here and there, even writing down his emotions.

However, Witt hopes that Akefrey will be crazier and crazier.

The crazier he is, the more things he will reveal.

Whatever Witt is curious about, including the Stroka Alchemy Ruins, he needs the information revealed by Akefrey, and he may be satisfied.

After all, the location of the Stroka Alchemy Ruins is too mysterious. Witt wants to find this place, which requires a lot of energy, and it may not be found.

In this way, the information revealed by Akefrey, who has been to the Stroka Alchemy Ruins, is very important.

Thinking about these things in his mind, Witt never stopped flipping through the books.

However, what followed was not what he imagined. There were a series of records of sinful experiments, but records of even more brutal acts.


Dead again!

The experiment failed again!

This continent is still the same as before, with too few dragons.

Damn, there is an oasis around, and there seems to be a dragon's nest there.

Those lowly and despicable creatures are not qualified to be experimental materials, but they may be a good way to vent.


Haha, they are all dead!

Feeling happy.

Well, maybe we shouldn't destroy that oasis. Those inferior creatures need the oasis more than once. If there is an oasis, there will be new dragons living there after a while.

But it doesn't matter!

Remember there is an oasis in the north, be gentler next time.


Picked up a baby dragon by the way.

Sure enough, the baby dragon is not good!

No dragon!

Why is there no giant dragon!

Go to that oasis?

Hmm… Wait a little longer, there are many dragons in that oasis, it’s not good to be stared at.

Another day without dragons.


A small oasis is not enough to vent the anger in my heart.

Maybe, I should create an oasis.

The oasis is made!

I don’t know how many dragons will live there, haha, I can’t wait!

Vette’s face was gloomy.

He would never admit that such a guy would be a dragon.

This is garbage!

A large piece of garbage that should have been cleared away long ago!

Suddenly, Vitte’s eyes condensed, and the content he cared about appeared in the experimental record.

A middle-aged yellow crystal dragon!

Haha, these greedy guys are so easy to deal with.

The new experiment started, the material response was normal, the value was normal... Haha, great, what, are you finally willing to cast your eyes!

The experiment failed!

But I was very happy, because the experiment failed on my own initiative.

It is impossible to fit that noble soul into this simple body.

It needs a stronger and more mature dragon body.

Maybe... an old dragon is better!


A lot of things fell out, and these gold coins can be used to buy a lot of experimental equipment.

In addition, this body may be able to do something.


So excited, so unexpected, I actually found his trace!

He actually chased after me!


Maybe I should plan it well, young and strong, this body is perfect.

Seeing this, Witt was stunned for a moment.

Not only because the experimental record has turned to the last page, but also because the information contained on this page surprised him.

That injured Aqfrey dragon actually chased this continent.

Moreover, Aqfrey's experiment has been successful.

So, in this case, will he still go to the Stroka Alchemy Ruins?

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