Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 660 Leaving quietly?

"I've finished talking, it's your turn!"

Looking at Winters' back, Witt hesitated for a moment, then said: "Actually there's nothing much to say, just some suggestions.

Although I don't know when I'll leave, I definitely won't have time to send you back to Desidero.

So, the closest city, the Scorching City, will be a good choice.

I'll send you to the Scorching City first, and try not to leave there unless you're in the middle of the gold. The Dragon City is the safest place except the Dragon's Nest.

Practice magic well, magic is The key to ensure that you can return to Desidero safely.

Don't lose your temper. The Dragon City will not welcome dragons with bad tempers because it will affect the stability of the city.

Especially you are a red dragon.

Other dragons will inevitably have strange emotions when looking at you.

When your strength breaks through to the middle of the gold level and you want to return to Desidero, just fly east along the coastline.

The Starry Night River is the only river that flows into the sea in the eastern part of the Fast Continent. As long as you fly along the coastline, you will definitely be able to find the outlet of the Starry Night River.

And The plain around the sea is called the Starry Night Plain, where the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast is held on the Fast Continent.

The Ten Thousand Dragons Feast is held every four years. Calculating the time, uh... it's still a long time before the next Ten Thousand Dragons Feast. However, when the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast is held, you will be a mature dragon and eligible to participate.

You may be able to find Desidero's dragon there.

Of course, you can also fly west along the Starry Night River. The Moon Shadow River flows vertically into the Starry Night River. Moreover, the Moon Shadow River is counted from east to west. The first river that flows into the Starry Night River is

It's easy to find.

Go up along the Moon Shadow River and you will reach Desidero.

When you arrive at Desidero, it's best not to step into Desidero's territory.

You were still young when you left, and they probably didn't recognize you, and they would probably regard you as an intruder.

So, first show your identity in front of the territory, and after they have checked, there will be no problem.

And then..."

At this point, Witt hesitated for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Be careful of the black dragon!"

Hearing Witt's words, Winters was stunned for a moment.

"What does this mean?"

Witt shook his head.

"Don't ask too much, you just need to remember to be careful of the black dragon."

It's not that he didn't want to say it, nor did he consider that it would change, but because Witt knew very little about this black dragon.

He just knew that the other party had injured Winters.

Because of this black dragon, Winters returned to Desidero with serious injuries.

In this case, the black dragon is likely to be around Desidero.

However, if this is the case, the black dragon will not be able to take revenge on Winters, and Desidero's dragons will deal with this dragon.

Unless Winters refuses the help of other dragons in Desidero out of self-esteem.

For things like this, he didn't know what happened, and Witt didn't dare to tell Winters more. He was afraid that saying too much would affect Winters' judgment.

After talking about this, Witt really hesitated this time.

As if sensing Witt's entanglement, Winters said calmly: "Just say it if you have anything to say!"

Hearing this, Witt's face showed a touch of embarrassment.

"If possible, I hope you can do me a favor."

"Say it!"

"Here's the thing for you.

I was planning to take you to the Burning City first, but I left before that.

This is a portable device that can set up a long-distance space magic array. You just need to find a hidden place and activate it.

I carry many magic arrays with me. I don't need to worry about them after activation."

As he said that, Witt took out another portable device.

"These two things are the same, and this one is for you. Find a suitable place to set it up, wait for hundreds of years, and when enough energy is gathered...

Do you remember the space anchor points that I set up along the way?

If nothing goes wrong, I will take you to the location of any space anchor point. Although there will be deviations, it is basically the same. At most, it will be buried in the ground.

It can barely be regarded as a more convenient tool for traveling.

In addition, the space teleportation arrays that I set up before also have space anchor points, which are much more stable than space anchor points.

It should be noted that you only need to know these."

If the time is short, the accumulated power is not enough. It is okay for Winters to teleport alone. If other dragons are involved, the teleportation array that is sucked dry will be scrapped.

Winters stared at the two cube-shaped portable devices in his claws and couldn't help but be dazed.

She is not stupid!

Before, she had been struggling whether Witte was a dragon from Desidero.

If it was, why didn't she hear the teacher say it?

If it wasn't, why did Witte know about the situation of Desidero Dragon Academy, why did he know, and even took out the books from Desidero Library.

If it wasn't a dragon from Desidero, it would definitely not be able to do this.

But now, she suddenly realized a problem. The current Desidero didn't have a dragon like Witte, but it didn't mean that the Desidero from before didn't have one.

If Witte was from before, then some things would be easy to explain.

Why go out of your way to help her?

Because Werther knew her, or in other words, he knew himself.

Why did you pay so much attention to this matter when you heard her talk about a dragon lost in time when you first met her?

Because that dragon is very much himself.

Why don't you tell her his name?

Because 냭 came to her and knew this name.

Why didn’t I know all the questions before?

Don't know where to go, don't know when to leave, don't know when to come back.

Because...he really doesn't know.

The most important thing was that Werther had just reminded her to be careful of the black dragon.

Why be careful?

Obviously I have never met a black dragon before, why do you suddenly say such a sentence?

Because Werther is a time dragon, his arrival and departure are beyond his control.


Everything is right!

Thinking of this, Winters suddenly became excited. If she told Witte her guess, she would be able to find a definite answer whether he answered or not.

With this thought in mind, Winters quickly turned around to look. What caught her off guard was that Yuan was lying behind her, carefully helping her plan the coming dragon...


There was no sound, no sign, and it just disappeared so suddenly.

The smile froze on his face, replaced by panic.

She suddenly remembered the teacher's evaluation of the time dragon.

"He disappeared. No one knows where he went. Did he go in the past? Did he come? Or did he die in an unknown corner...

Is it really enough to say goodbye? "

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