Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 682 Dark Disaster!

Ten years!

After leaving the laboratory again and blowing the yellow sand to bury it, Witt spent ten years. After more than 8,000 years, he saw the spectacular oasis of life again.

And this land is as vibrant as it was more than 8,000 years ago.

Looking at the oasis of life in the distance, Witt's eyes flashed with emotion. You know, for him, Xibel and other dragons were still acquainted not long ago.

But for them, Witt only exists in distant memories, and they will never have the chance to see Witt again until they die.

Originally, Witt should not be here now.

On the one hand, the rules here are really unfriendly. Dragons are not allowed to eat meat. Witt doesn't think that he can just happen to run into the carnival. That's a lucky chance.

On the other hand, after knowing the terrain of the continent of Sekent, going north from Hemerland, and after reaching the Endless Sea, going west along the edge of the Endless Sea, you can reach the Evernight City.

This is the most time-saving route.

However, the play must be comprehensive. Since Witt used the teleportation array in the Endless Sea, he must know the other nine points.

Then, with Witt's character, he will definitely go to other points to verify the information he received from the teleportation array.

So, it's a bit funny to say, but Witt is really playing himself now.

In order to prevent Boredia from thinking too much.

Although that guy trusts him, he always intentionally or unintentionally tests his secrets. Obviously, Boredia is quite interested in him.

If you don't do the whole thing, it will be a complete eye-catching package in front of Boredia.

So, Witt took the trouble to run to the teleportation array nearby and left some traces of his own.

Of course, it's not really intentional to leave traces.

On the contrary, Witt cleaned up all his traces, because this is his character, cautious and careful.

But there is a kind of trace that is difficult to change, and it is also the purpose of Witt running here.

That is the trace of time.

Ten years ago, he was in Hemerland, and ten years later, he was in the City of Life. There was no trace during the period, but it can be confirmed that he did not go anywhere else in the past ten years, just on the road.

And this is the trace that Witt left for Poredia, and he wanted to see.

So, is Witt making a big deal?

No denying!

But isn't this exactly Witt's character? He is originally this kind of dragon who acts cautiously. He doesn't want to attract too much attention from Poredia.


"Stop, strange dragon!"

Just when Witt was thinking about whether to purchase some more magic seeds or other types of life alchemy items, and go shopping in the City of Life, a voice suddenly sounded.

Subconsciously stopping, Witt came back to his senses and noticed that he had flown to the edge of the Continent of Life without realizing it.

At this time, a rainforest flying dragon had already blocked him with a vigilant look.

Witt was not surprised by this.

This was the first time he came here, so only one Sibel jumped over, entirely because he stopped in advance and showed his sincerity.

And this time, because he was thinking about something, he had no intention of stopping, so he was naturally so vigilant.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt smiled and said, "Sorry, I was just thinking about something. I heard that there are a lot of delicious food in the City of Life. I have been struggling whether to stay in the City of Life and eat for a few days."

Hearing Witt's words, the flying dragon was obviously stunned.

For a moment, they didn't know what kind of expression they should make to be more in line with the current situation.


At this moment, the leading Rainforest Dragon coughed dryly, and then said: "For dragons, Life City doesn't care whether they are hated or not. Dragons that are hated by dragons will be hated everywhere, and dragons that are popular will be popular everywhere.

I think you should understand what I mean."

Hearing this, Witt looked at him strangely.

If he remembered correctly, the dragon named Dora said the same thing when he first came to Life City.

So, this is your unified statement about foreign dragons!

While complaining in his heart, Witt smiled and nodded.

"Of course I understand. This is not the first time I have entered the Dragon City-State. I still understand some rules, just like I have been restraining my power.

I am a traveling dragon, so I will not stay in Life City for too long.

It is likely to be a few days, and then I will leave.

I have some understanding of Life City, and I will follow your rules, for example, I cannot eat meat."

After listening to Witt's words, the expression on the dragon's face softened a lot.

After confirming the look in his eyes, he was a dragon who understood the rules.

Nodding with satisfaction, he then said: "Since you understand the situation in Life City, you should know that something happened a few hundred years ago, so in recent years, Life City has been strict in managing foreign dragons.

We need to send a dragon to follow you, I hope you can understand!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then he had a bad feeling in his heart, and his brows frowned.

However, when he noticed that the dragons on the opposite side became wary again, he immediately understood that he had misunderstood 뀘, so he quickly said: "놖 doesn't mind if there are dragons following.

However, 놖 has been traveling, so I have seen many strange things.

There are also some that can be called disasters.

The most serious one is a kind of disaster that is called the abyss force by the local dragons around Sky City.

Black, containing madness, twisted will, special unknown power that will be infected whether it is living or dead, or even elements.

This kind of power has been seen in other places besides Sky City.

Could it be that this kind of power is also present around the city of life? "

After listening to Witte's words, the expression of the leader of the dragon suddenly changed.

"There are such disasters in other places?"

Hearing this, Werther's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, the power of the abyss also appeared on the side of Life City.

It seems that after listening to Witte's more detailed description, he also believed that Witte had been exposed to this kind of power. The leader of the dragon continued: "The disaster was more than 400 years ago. The specific time is unknown.

In short, when disaster appears, large areas of trees, dragons, beasts, and even land are infected by that weird power and become crazy and chaotic.

Fortunately, when it was discovered, the disaster was stopped immediately. With the help of His Excellency Althea, the infected land was finally cleaned up.

Even so, nearly three percent of the Life Continent has lost its vitality, and it is only now that there are signs of recovery.

That disaster was called a dark disaster by people! "

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