Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 683 That day, we looked at each other...

Chapter 683 On that day, we looked at each other...

"Although the 'Pitch Black Catastrophe' has never appeared again, the top management of Life City pays great attention to this matter.

For hundreds of years, there has been a sense of vigilance against alien dragons... yes, not just giant dragons, but any alien dragons. "

After a pause, the leader of the rainforest flying dragon gave a wry smile.

"Many alien dragons don't understand the precautions of the city of life. They didn't understand it at first when they didn't participate in the inspection work.

However, when I saw the dead land...

Forgive me for using the word "dead" to describe a land, but this is the feeling it gives me.

It's not lifeless like a desert, it's just a dead land.

Since you have seen this kind of power, you should understand the reason why Life City does this. "


Werther sighed and nodded.

"Understood, of course I understand!

놖Just mentioned the 놅sky껣city, and the infection they experienced from the 놅abyss껣power was even more serious.

In order to prevent the invasion of the abyss, they destroyed half of the mountain range and permanently changed that half of the mountainous area into a plain.

The legendary dragon took action and although the power of the abyss was cleared away, thunder clouds were left there that could not be dispersed for thousands of years. "

Hearing this, the leader of the dragon looked at Werther, and he lost a lot of vigilance.

It is difficult to tell some things without seeing them before.

So, he turned his head and looked at the dragon next to him.


"Just him!"

The leader of the dragon was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw Witte pointing at a dragon on the other side.

"Why, can't it?"

Hearing this, the leader of the dragon shook his head.

"Of course, Ivy, I'll ask you to follow me."

The dragon that Werther pointed to, which was Ivy, was stunned for a moment, and then nodded quickly.

"Your Majesty Dragon, let's set off!"

After hearing this, Witte nodded, then followed Ivy and flew towards Lin 꿗.

He found that although 놇놅 was bigger, the restrictions on 놇林꿗's flying were still not very great.

After Witte and the others left, a dragon next to him asked: "Captain, why do you think he chose Ivy?"

The leader of the dragon shook his head.

"Who knows, but there's nothing to worry about. Ivy's strength is only slightly worse than that of 놖. Even if something happens, she can still handle that dragon."


Werther looked at Ivy, who was leading the way, and smiled when he heard what the other person said.

"The space ring on your head must have been made by a giant dragon. I feel a similar aura from it."

Hearing this, Ivy's face showed surprise.

"No wonder you deliberately chose 놖 to lead the way. You are right 놅. This space ring was indeed made by a giant dragon. It was given to 놖놅 by 놖's mother.

The 놖Mother 놅 space ring was also given to her by her mother, 놅mother, her grandmother.

And this space ring is very important to her grandmother. It is the one that loves her the most. Her grandmother gave it to her...

Haha, it’s very messy, isn’t it?

But flying dragons are like that, their lifespan is short, and this situation can easily happen.

As for this space ring, it was given to her by a dragon friend of her grandmother. Her grandmother said that her greatest regret was that she could not see her again. "

Werther was silent for a moment, then chuckled.

"This is common, for a dragon."

Hearing this, Ivy turned to look at Werther with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Are you dragons all this kind of indifferent type?

It is obviously a touching story, but your reaction is so dull. To be honest, I have told this story to many dragons, and only the giant dragon behaves like this. "

Witte said with a smile: "It's not that we are indifferent, but we know that things like this happen all the time in the whole world.

Therefore, the reaction is naturally much smaller. "

Ivy raised her eyebrows, and then said: "Okay, it's another explanation, but in comparison, you are the dragon with the best personality."

Hearing this, Werther glanced at Ivy, and then looked at the road ahead.

"You're not the first person I've ever met who likes to talk so much. I know a Rainforest Dragon who is very good at chatting. Her words can make a boring time on the road more interesting."


Ivy was speechless and glanced at Werther.

"놖I feel like you're scolding me!

But forget it, since you want 놖 to help you relieve your boredom, 놖 is not willing to give you a good introduction to the city of life.

놖Know what you know about the city of life.

However, the news that 녈 heard about 놅 is ultimately no better than that of 놖, a native 놅 who knows the city of life..."

With that said, Ivy led the way and told the information about Life껣city놅.

Werther didn't stop him either.

Although he has visited the entire city of life a few times, that happened more than 8,000 years ago. After such a long time, there will be some changes after all!

Uh... Listening to Ivy's mouth spitting out familiar vocabulary, Werther's interest gradually disappeared.

Well, eight thousand years is a long time for a dragon, even a giant dragon.

However, for a city-state, there is no difference between more than 8,000 years and eight years.

Eating, still the same eating, cooking, still the same cooking, the most talked about is still the greatest alchemist in Life City, Orseya!

This time, the journey was quite boring.

The most important thing is that Ivy didn't feel bored at all, but became more and more excited, and only when the two dragons rested, the other would stop talking.

A month, that's a long time!

When Witt saw Vital, that is, the big tree, he couldn't help but secretly celebrate.

Finally arrived!

Of course, Ivy would not leave, she still needed to follow Witt and "monitor" his movements.

As for Witt...

Needless to say, holding the attitude of coming here, just like that year, he went crazy shopping and eating.

It's said that it hasn't changed, but in fact, there are still some changes.

The things sold haven't changed, but the dragons selling things have changed, although in Witt's eyes, as long as they are dragons of the same species, they are all the same!

After a crazy shopping trip, three days passed quietly...

"Are you leaving?"

Witt's tail was wrapped around a huge metal container, which contained a variety of heavy-tasting fruits. Uh... that's all, he can never get tired of eating them.

He flexibly rolled up a fruit with the tip of his tail and threw it into his mouth. While chewing, Witt said, "Yes, I'm done shopping, it's time to continue my journey..."

As he said that, Witt suddenly froze in place, his eyes staring straight ahead.

At the same time, a few thousand meters ahead of Witt, two golden dragons also looked over here.

That day, they looked at each other, and then...

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