Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 694 Hunting the Abyss Dragon!

Looking at the scene in the distance, the three dragons of Witt looked at each other and nodded.

The opponent's strength is consistent with the basic information they have explored before, and they can act according to the plan they have made before!

After confirming this, Ao and Isa flew towards that area.

A dragon of high platinum level, without limiting its own power, is enough to affect the environment within a radius of several thousand meters.

And the sand dune in front is obviously the dividing line.

The scene within the dividing line is not only a display of the dragon's own military power, but also a way to mark the territory, and also a way to explore the surrounding situation.

As long as the dragon enters this area, the other party will find it and regard the dragon entering the area as an intruder.

In other words, the dragon that knows that the situation ahead is different and still breaks in is an intruder.

Therefore, waking up the other party is inevitable. Ao and Isa's task is to wake up the other party and attract the other party's attention, so as to ensure that Witt's sneak attack can be successful.

Among the three dragons, the only thing that can hurt each other is Witt's blazing white breath.

Ao and Isa have no objection to this.

The two dragons know very well that Witt's blazing white breath has been banned by Winters when he was in the dragon's nest, which has already shown the lethality of Witt's breath.

At the beginning of the action, Ao and Isa are not dragons who drag their feet.

Although they have a miserable life in the City of Life, as dragons who spend all their time on force, their strength is much stronger than that of ordinary dragons.

Moreover, as dragons born in the same batch, Ao and Isa's goal has never been to defeat each other. Their goal from beginning to end is the same as Celine, that is, to knock Witt down!

Therefore, their training methods and focus, compared with Celine, cannot be said to be exactly the same, but they are similar.

And what is Celine's training focus?

How to release magic in the shortest time while ensuring or even improving the power of magic!

So, when the dragons were discussing how to defeat this dragon infected by the power of the abyss, when Witt heard that the two dragons and Celine were good at the same direction...

He really thought about it seriously, since he had never provoked these guys before.

All their training purposes were unexpectedly the same, and they were all carried out on the premise of defeating him.

Of course, Witt was also considering that he should be better to these guys in the future, so that these guys would not unite to deal with him in the future.

Fortunately, Ao and Isa's talents are not as good as Celine's, and their spell-reciting speed is about the same as Witt's...

Uh... well, this is already quite terrifying!

After all, due to the special nature of spiritual magic, Witt's chanting speed is much faster than that of ordinary dragons.

Just as Witt was thinking about these things, Ao and Isa on the other side had already reached the other side's domain.

Then, the two dragons stopped, looked at each other, and chanted quickly.

The two magics that had been set long ago took shape quickly, and a huge magic circle spanning a radius of one kilometer suddenly appeared in the air in the opponent's domain.

As the earth-yellow magic circle appeared, the sand and dust within the magic circle's coverage instantly turned into "bullets" and poured down vertically like raindrops.

The magic with the highest node under the forbidden spell, the high-level magic of the sixty-nine nodes of the earth element-gravity!


At the same time, an angry roar suddenly sounded, and the terrifying breath made the air stagnate for a moment.

But the two dragons who had been mentally prepared were not disturbed at all.

Isa rushed up, and in a blink of an eye, she flew over the sand dunes and saw the dragon trapped in the black lava lake.

Her pupils shrank slightly, and without any hesitation, she fired another high-level magic of the 69th node of the earth element.

However, unlike Ao, she was not affected by gravity.

The magic prepared in advance was used, and the magic circle was instantly unfolded. Unlike the large range of gravity before, this magic circle only covered an area of ​​about 100 meters.

However, this was a real offensive magic.

A huge rock ball with a diameter of hundreds of meters fell out of the magic circle, and then suddenly accelerated under the action of gravity magic. The rock ball hit the body of the abyss dragon below at an irresistible speed.


A loud noise came, and the sand sea was also shaken.

The original angry roar turned into a scream.

Obviously, the damage was not low.

But Isa was obviously not satisfied with this, and a series of spells sounded continuously.

The huge stone balls were like raindrops, uh... not so exaggerated, but five or six were still good.


Witt looked at Isa and Ao from a distance, and his heart was chilled.

This magic combination of gravity and super heavy rock cannon was not prepared for him.

When they were discussing how to deal with this abyss dragon, the two dragons did not say specifically what they would do, but only promised to complete their part.

And now it seems that the two dragons' extremely familiar cooperation and the control of the timing of every second will never reach this level without decades of time.

Decided, I will be more polite to these two guys in the future.

He definitely couldn't withstand an attack that could make a high-level platinum dragon scream.

Thinking like this in his heart, Witt looked at the two dragons with a look of admiration.

It should be said that he was worthy of being born in the same batch of dragons as him. Even when faced with the worst environment, he did not become negative and decadent, and still unswervingly practiced his own cultivation path.


Taking a deep breath, Werther's eyes flashed with a smile.

"Now, it's my turn to appear!"

Muttering, a unique metal disc appeared in Werther's hand. In addition to the complicated magic circle, it was also inlaid with silver-white crystals.

As Witte injected the element into it, the metal disc emitted a burst of red light, and the silver-white crystals on the surface also emitted a faint silver light.

After the magic circle was activated, ripples appeared in the space around Werther, and the world in Werther's eyes also experienced unique changes.

In more conspicuous places, there will be situations such as a sand dune with a fault, and a blue sky in the middle. At the edge, there will be a scene where the border between desert and sky is indistinguishable.

Generally speaking, there is no problem, but if you look closely, everything is wrong, as if there is something wrong with the world.

But in reality, it is not the world that is wrong, but the space around Werther.

At this time, looking from the outside, Witte had disappeared in place.

That's right!

This magic circle was used by Witte to hide the space folding magic of the long-distance teleportation magic circle.

At this time, Werther was in the folded space.

That's why this happens.

Space folding magic can hide a magic circle that has accumulated energy for more than 8,000 years. It is easy to hide a Witte.

As for Werther's purpose of hiding himself...

He never thought that he could solve this abyss dragon once and for all!

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