Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 695: First Encounter with the Abyss Dragon!

No matter how thorough the plan is, the gap in strength between the two sides is obvious.

If the other side is defeated successfully, it means that the other side will fight to the death, but this is just a thought.

Not to mention the Abyss Dragon, a product infected by the power of the abyss, even a real dragon will turn around and flee if it is besieged by a three-headed dragon.

The gap in strength between the two sides means that if the other side is determined to escape, they have no ability to keep the other side.

The other side is not stupid. If it really escapes, its own concealment skills make it difficult for Witt and others to guarantee that they can track the other side.

This is the most troublesome.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt flew towards the edge of the battlefield.

And when he reached the edge of the battlefield, the so-called Abyss Dragon finally had a concrete image in Witt's mind.

From the outside, as they guessed, the other party was a red dragon before being infected by the power of the abyss.

However, after being infected, this abyss dragon is very different from the red dragon.

The originally dark red dragon scales have some black strange lines, and the rich abyss breath is emanating from these lines.

The dragon scales on the red dragon's body are already ferocious, and after being infected by the power of the abyss, the dragon scales are even rougher and more ferocious.

The place where the power of the abyss is most concentrated on its body is here.

The red dragon, which originally had only a pair of dragon horns, after being infected, has a pair of black, twisted dragon horns behind the dragon horns, making it look even more ferocious.

There is an extra pure black dragon scale at the center of the top of the head, and the power of the abyss emanating from it is second only to the pair of abyss horns.

His tail, whether it was a magic effect or it was just like that, was burning with a ball of black flame, and the flame also emitted a strong abyss power, which was even stronger than the two horns.

The one with the strongest abyss power, and the one that changed the most, was a purple-black, regular polyhedron crystal located on his chest!

The crystal was embedded in his chest, and the strong abyss power turned into black mist, constantly bubbling out, trying to cover his body.

However, every time it was dispersed by Isa's super heavy rock cannon.

However, as time passed, Isa's magic release speed slowed down, and the originally shining, golden eyes were slightly dim.

This was a sign that too much mental power was consumed in a short period of time.

On the other side, Ao was almost the same.

Although he didn't need to cast the spell again, just maintaining the gravity magic that pressed the Abyss Dragon into the dark lava consumed a lot of mental and physical strength.

As Ao and Isa became increasingly tired, the black mist surrounding the Abyss Dragon gradually became thicker and covered its body.

Isa's super heavy rock cannon could no longer strike as accurately as before.

When a super heavy rock cannon fell again and no sound came from the black mist, Isa's eyes condensed, and then stopped chanting the spell, and red light emerged from the wings.

With a shake of the wings, Isa's huge body disappeared flexibly.

At the same time, a black breath containing terrifying high temperature suddenly shot out from the black mist and flew towards the place where Isa had originally stayed.

Lava Breath - Abyss Version!

But unfortunately, Isa dodged in advance, and the lava breath failed.

The opponent obviously realized this, and another lava breath flew high into the sky.

Gravity magic is different from other magic. The magic circle of other magic is just the external manifestation of magic. In simple terms, it is for viewing and has no practical use.

However, the magic circle of gravity magic has practical significance. It really carries the flow of elemental force.

Therefore, this breath is not a misjudgment, but a manifestation of rich combat experience.

However, just as Witt guessed, this combination of magic by Ao and Isa was used to deal with Witt.

They knew that it was impossible to defeat Witt with two magics, so they had rehearsed similar scenes long ago.

When Isa stopped the super heavy rock cannon, Ao also disconnected from the magic circle. A strong yellow light surged from his body, and his figure was like a fish in water, swimming in the sand sea easily.

When his breath dispersed the gravity magic circle, Ao had already disappeared in the endless yellow sand.


Another roar.

The two attacks had no effect, which obviously made the opponent embarrassed.

With this roar, the abyss dragon with a body length of about 600 meters rose from the black lava.

As the overlord of the sky, a high-level platinum dragon, he was actually embarrassed by two mid-level gold creatures. He couldn't even fly and could only spin in the lava.

He regained the ability to fly, and he was already surprisingly angry at this time.

"Two ant-like things dared to hunt the great Kamal Kashiki. You should pay the price of your life for your arrogance and stupidity!

I will burn your fragile bodies and extract your humble and ridiculous dragon souls, so that you can experience the despair of being burned to death by the powerful force from the abyss!

You are dead!


While talking, Kamal chased after Isa. Every time his huge wings flapped, a black storm would be raised, and his body quickly approached Isa.

After hearing what the other party said, the three dragons of Witt decided in their hearts that they had completely given up the idea of ​​saving the other party.

This dragon had been completely infected, and both its body and mind were in the shape of the abyss. This was the first abyss dragon they had ever seen that was transformed from a dragon in the dragon world!

With a firm idea of ​​hunting the other party in her heart, Isa ignored the other party's shouting. In the battle, even the dragon with the hottest temper would calm down completely and become a qualified top hunter.

Isa was naturally no exception. She calmly executed the plan they had already made.

Even if the sense of oppression behind her was getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, a palpitation struck her heart. Isa changed her direction without hesitation, and then a hot breath almost brushed her scalp and flew past.

Ignoring the tingling sensation in her head, Isa fell headfirst as she saw that she had already flown out of the black lava area.

Looking at the sand dunes getting closer and closer, Isa's eyes flashed, and then she raised her body again.

At the same time, a hot black breath hit the sand dune, and the sand dune was instantly melted into black lava.


Hearing the roar from behind, Isa grinned.

That's it!

While shouting this in her heart, thick rock pillars swept towards the flying abyss dragon like soft cloth...

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