Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 812 He...

Hearing Antasha's last comment, Werther was startled for a moment, and then he laughed.

Should I say it’s not interesting at all?

Although Antasha's aesthetics is abnormal, her alchemy level is undoubtedly high, and her evaluation of alchemy items is quite optimistic.

After all, for Antasha, an alchemical work that even a normal dragon would find difficult to look at was like placing a piece of dragon excrement in front of her.

She still saw the meaning behind this alchemical item.

"who is he?"

Just when Werther was thinking this, Antasha suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Witte's heart skipped a beat. This tone is right!

"Well, why are you asking this?"

Hearing this, Antasha grinned.

"You really know him!"

"This... this is a question of acquaintance. Please tell me first what you want to do so that I can be mentally prepared."

Hearing this, Antasha glanced at Werther.

"Of course I taught him how to make alchemy, and I even killed him!"

Witte glanced at Antasha and grinned. He believed that other dragons would do this, but if it was Antasha, he really didn't believe it.


"This 녦땣 is going to make you disappointed. Let me first say that he has a teacher. This alchemy work has almost become his symbol. He wants to make a good-looking work, but to make a good-looking work. It’s an alchemical bomb!”


Seeing Antasha pretending, "You are trying to coax even a young dragon," Witte sighed helplessly.

"That's what he is anyway, you love Xin."

Hearing this, Antasha stared at Werther for a moment, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"He must be the companion you were looking for before!"

Seeing that Antasha had already guessed it, and that there was no need to hide this kind of thing, Werther nodded.

"That guy is timid, don't scare him."

After a pause, Werther put away the magic wand and turned to ask: "Speaking of which, Antasha, you are very well-informed, right?"

Hearing this, Antasha looked at Werther with interest.

"What, who do you want to ask about?"

Werther wagged his tail casually, and then said: "놊I must misunderstand, I am just inquiring, I am just a little curious, and I happened to be bored now, so I asked casually.


It's the blue dragon in the library, named Foss. "

Hearing this, Antasha looked surprised.


As she said that, Antasha's eyes fell on Werther.

"No wonder you asked specifically, but his words were difficult to understand. Did you feel that after meeting him, he exuded a negative emotion of 'I am guilty, I deserve to die'?"

Werther nodded.

"Indeed, this is what worries me more. How should I put it? This kind of emotion should be difficult to see on a dragon!"

After saying that, Werther looked at Antasha curiously.

Unfortunately, Antasha shook her head.

"I can tell you directly about Foss. For this kind of thing, you should ask Boredia, because he was the one who brought Foss back."

Werther was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Antasha with some interest.

He had previously just believed that as one of the ten...and now one of the thirteen consuls, Boredia should have a preliminary understanding of the dragons in the Sky City.

But I once thought that the person who brought Foss back to the Sky City was Boredia.

With these thoughts in his mind, Witte nodded.

"Okay, I'll ask him later. Let's talk about this first. I have a few ancient texts that I want to ask..."

Later, while the two alchemist masters were present, Witte listed all the problems he encountered in alchemy.

Neither Antasha nor Ilaya had any reservations about Werther's inquiry.

꾫龙 values ​​​​knowledge and inheritance, but he is not stingy about sharing his knowledge, but is quite happy to share his knowledge.

Otherwise, how could 꾫龙, who is lazy by nature, have so many books.

Of course, the premise is to get their recognition.

The time for acquiring knowledge always passes very quickly, and it takes three magic hours in the blink of an eye.

After asking the questions and joking for a while, Werther was ready to go back.

Of course, 놊 is to go to Boredea.

He was only interested in Foss's affairs and would not explore it specifically.

He came to Antasha, 껩놊, to deal with 뀘, but mainly because he wanted to get on the 괗 lock for the establishment of the teleportation system.

This matter is related to them meeting Billy and the others as soon as possible, and there is no way to be too cautious.

Afterwards, he was about to go find Boreidia, but Boreidia came to the door in advance.

As soon as Werther came from Antasha's shop, he saw Boredea walking from his shop.

The moment he saw Werther, a smile appeared on Boredia's face.

Witte's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, and he was about to turn around and return to Antasha's shop, but Boredia's voice had already reached him.

"You actually gave Violet such dangerous food..."

Werther paused, then lowered his head as if resigned to his fate, and walked towards Boredia's shop.

Boredia nodded with satisfaction and turned back to the store.

He was indeed going to find Werther.

What a coincidence! I have to walk a few steps less.

After entering the store and reaching the counter, Witt looked at Boredia speechlessly.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

According to Boredia's personality, if he really felt that he needed to use scale plucking as a form of punishment, he would not say a word more.

Since he specifically mentioned Violet, it means that Boredia cares about this matter, depending on whether Witt listens to him.

Moreover, in this matter, it is likely that Witt will choose to be obedient.

After all, Witt will do anything.

If Boredia's request exceeds Witt's bottom line, he would rather be scaled. Of course, if Boredia uses gold coins, that's another matter.

And Boredia knows this very well. This can be said to be a unique tacit understanding between the two!

Therefore, Boredia did not continue to threaten Witt or something like that.

"I hope you go to the Ice and Snow City!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then asked in confusion: "Why do you want me to go there?"

"Help me deliver a letter!"

"Deliver a letter!"

Witt looked at Poredia speechlessly.

"You should go to Seros. He will surely refuse as long as you arrange a travel companion for him!"

Poredia did not give up because of Witt's refusal, but said lightly: "Choosing you, of course there is a reason for choosing you.

And, after you hear what I say next, you will definitely refuse.

In addition, this letter is for you to deliver it now."


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