Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 813: Boredia's Mission!

"Oh, really?"

Werther looked at Boredia amusedly.

"I really want to think about what else, apart from the news about De Sedro, is bound to attract me."

Hearing this, Boredia smiled.

"Trust me, you will.

Moreover, after I said it, you even asked me to write the letter in advance so that you could send it in advance. "

After a pause, Boredia said: "The dragon I want you to meet is a dragon with a small voice in the Ice and Snow City. His opinions, to a certain extent, can even represent the Ice and Snow City. opinions.

As long as he agrees to build a long-distance space teleportation magic circle, then the Ice and Snow City will basically be accessible. "

Werther's expression changed, and he still looked at Boredia with a smile on his face.

"Then what?"


Boredia grinned.

"He is also one of Orthea's proud students. His opinions can influence Orthea's choices. And Orthea, you must be a stranger!"

Werther was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Boredia in astonishment.

"The Althea you are talking about...maybe the Althea I understand!"

Boredia nodded.

"Two 꺶LU껗, one of the most outstanding alchemists.

In Life Alchemy, she has achievements that are difficult for other alchemists to achieve. One-third of the entire continent of life was born because of her.

The currency circulating in the two continents, the magic crystal coins, also came from her.

Since you have been to the city-state where she lives, you should be no stranger to her. "

The corners of Werther's mouth twitched.

What is so strange is that the familiar can become more familiar. When I went to the City of Life twice, the guide talked the most about this alchemist.

However, Werther always thought that Althea was only famous in Sekent Continent, but he did not expect that the other party was also so famous in Fast Continent.

Wait a moment!

Werther suddenly remembered that Boredia seemed to have said something very important.

After thinking for a moment, Witte couldn't help but asked: "One-third of the continent of life... Right, was that square created by Gabriella?"

Hearing this, Boredia shook his head.

“The original Continent of Life was indeed created by Gabriella.

However, after Gabriella created the Continent of Life, she fell asleep on her own.

About fifteen thousand years ago, Althea created a giant life alchemy magic array based on the Continent of Life, and this alchemy magic array is still in operation until now.

It has been transforming the environment around the Continent of Life, allowing the forest to expand on its own.

Compared with 10,000 years ago, the Continent of Life has expanded outward by nearly half of its original area.

The younger dragons thought that it was Gabriella's fault, but some dragons who knew her knew that she was the one who did it.

However, she did not take the initiative to publicize this matter.

The reason why I know this is because my friend mentioned his teacher to me.


Are you willing to go to the city of ice and snow now? "

Seeing the proud smile on Boredia's face, Werther wanted to throw his tail away, but he knew that even if he threw it away, he would only be caught by the opponent and his scales would be pulled out easily.

As for sending letters...

"If you want, just write it tomorrow. I'll leave tomorrow!"

There is no doubt that Boredia's letter is to ask his friend to go to his teacher to have a good time.

Werther also knew the importance of Althea in the City of Life.

If the other party agrees to build a long-distance space teleportation magic circle, then the matter is basically done!

No wonder Boredia said before that the construction of the space teleportation magic array system took several years to establish such a relationship.


"Why is your friend in the Ice and Snow City?

Also, what's his name?

Also, how old is Olseya and what is her real estate?

She had already done that kind of thing fifteen thousand years ago, so her strength should be low! "

Hearing Werther's series of questions, Boredia rolled his eyes.

"Ask the name yourself. The most famous alchemist in the City of Ice and Snow. As for Althea... it's worth thirty thousand. In fact, it must be a legend!"

Hearing this, Weite was amazed.

"The City of Life actually houses two legends. No wonder, in the dark disaster that occurred in the City of Life, there were no Abyss believers.

By the way, you said, Orseya is strong, or..."

Boredia patted Werther on the head.

"Nonsense, of course Gu Luo is stronger. Gu Luo already took control of the Sky City hundreds of thousands of years ago..."

Having said this, Boredia paused and then said: "At the legendary level, in some cases, time is the criterion for measuring strength.

After all, more time means that it takes a longer time to understand the laws, and the understanding will naturally be deeper.

Of course, this is not absolute. Geniuses are dazzling no matter what realm they are in, and legends are no exception.

놊However, whoever can reach the legendary level is a genius! "

As he said that, Boredia's eyes flashed with fire.

Although he looks like a lazy guy, he has never stopped moving forward. It’s just that the legend is too difficult and he is too young...

Witt is interested in Boredia’s exclamation. He is curious about...

"Why is it Ma who writes and delivers letters?"

Witt's words pulled Boredia back to his thoughts, and then he glanced at Witt.

"That guy has a quirk. He will sleep for three years every thousand years. The last time I saw him was two thousand five hundred years ago.

He was already dozing off before I left.

According to the time, he should be sleeping now. It will take more than a year for him to wake up.

You went too early and just waited there.

Don't worry!"

Speaking of this, Poredia paused, and then continued: "You can go there directly with the space anchor point. There have been abyss creatures on the ice field.

The Ice and Snow City will basically refuse the establishment of the space teleportation magic circle.

In addition, you should be having a headache now, how to improve your strength as soon as possible!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Poredia with some surprise.


"How do I know that?

This is just a guess. If you want to find Desidero, you need strong strength. I know very well how much effort is needed to improve your realm to the platinum stage in the prime of life.

When you reach the prime of life, you will only work harder to improve your strength...

Let's go to the ice field!

Starting from the Ice and Snow City, all the way north, the highest mountain you can see is the Derry Mountains, which is also the coldest place in the ice field except for the Frozen Abyss.

Don't say that you are a platinum, even if a purple crystal dragon goes there, it will have to turn around in trembling embarrassment.

But it is also a great place to temper the body!"


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