Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 992 Mosu City!

The endless forest, a forest area that is much taller than the surrounding trees, is so conspicuous that from a distance, Werther and the others can see that forest area.

Of course, the focal point of the forest area is the black spot hovering over that forest area.

Those black spots are big.

Because the distance is too far, only those black spots can be vaguely seen when they move together.

Of course, if this is the case, it does not necessarily mean that there are dragon city-states, and there are also dragon beasts that can live in groups.

However, Werther could clearly feel that a powerful aura was faintly coming from there.

This kind of feeling can only be experienced by dragon city-states.

However, this dragon city-state was different from the city-states he had seen in the past. This city-state did not have the same rock buildings as the other city-states he had seen before.

If they saw the scene of dragons and flying dragons flying together over there, Witte and the others would dare to confirm that there was a city-state there.

"Do you want to continue chasing?"

Celine glanced at the city-state in the distance, then looked in another direction, and then turned her gaze to Werther.

Werther thought for a moment.

"In pursuit, I also went to that city-state to have a look. When I came to another continent, collecting information was much more important than hunting down the abyss believers.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, the chance of meeting an abyss believer in the future is low. "

After hearing this, Celine expressed her opinion and looked at Werther quietly.

Werther was really hurt by Celine's sight and laughed dryly.

"Okay, okay, I admit, I am interested in this dragon city-state, and I am collecting information for you, so that's all!"

Celine glanced at Werther.

"Next time, just say whatever you want. You lied to me again. There is no point in doing so. Besides, when have I ever objected to you doing something?"

Werther smiled.

"Are you accustomed to this? After all, you will follow my ideas anyway. Can you save some face for me and be deceived by me on purpose?"

Celine ignored Werther's complaints and flew directly towards the city-state in the distance.

Seeing this, Werther hurriedly chased after him.

As for the Abyss believers...

Chasing the abyss believers, 놆깊 to make myself happy, exploring unknown city-states, and also 놆깊 to make myself happy, the purpose is the same, whichever can achieve the goal faster, I will do it!

This is Werther’s thinking logic!

Soon, four days passed, and Witte was far away from the dragon city-state.

They could clearly see that over the forest area, which was much higher than the surrounding area, there were large flying dragons coming in and out, which looked very busy.

Regarding entering the city-state, Witte had experienced it for the first time, so he naturally knew what they should do.

Seeing that Celine was still preparing to continue flying, she said: "Celine, stop here!"

Celine was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Werther with some confusion.

Witte said helplessly: "You forgot, when we were in the dark city..."

Celine was stunned.

"So what are the rules of the Black City?"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"How can...

놊It’s okay. Along the way, we have also passed through three city-states. We can enter freely from the city of 깊. The city of ice and snow is led by Isco. It’s normal for you to understand.

However, you must remember that in our prime, no matter which city-state, we will be wary of us.

Well...they are coming! "

As he spoke, Werther looked forward.

A group of flying dragons covered with emerald green dragon scales were flying towards them. The individual size was about 20 meters, and they were well-trained in advancing and retreating. At first glance, they looked well-trained.

Of course, these flying dragons were not unfamiliar to Witte. They were the same rainforest flying dragons that Witte had seen before in the Continent of Life.

놊This is normal!

The climate of Sykes Continent is not the same as that of Fast Continent.

The temperature and humidity of Sykes Continent are much higher than that of Fast Continent, so the plants here grow extremely lush and the trees are taller.

Because of this, a natural environment like an endless forest will be formed here.

땤The forest is the favorite environment of the rain forest dragon.

Therefore, it is reasonable to see the rainforest flying dragon in this dragon city-state.

While Witte was thinking, a group of rainforest flying dragons came in front of Witte and the others.

Of course, the distance is still far away. At the very least, if Witte and the others suddenly attack, these flying dragons can react quickly and launch a counterattack.

Afterwards, the leading rainforest dragon noticed that Witte and the others had already stopped there, waiting for their arrival, with a relaxed expression.

These are obviously two dragons who know the rules.

놊However, there are too few inquiries and warnings that should be given.

Moreover, Witte's past experience was the same. This time, after the other party inquired, he did not send a dragon to monitor Witte and the others, nor did he mean to lead them.

It seems that 놆 saw 깊Witt's doubts, and the leading flying dragon said: "놊I know if you have ever encountered it, there are some weird creatures around Mosu City.

Their power is very special and will infect the dragon, causing the dragon to enter a state where its personality changes drastically and it becomes bloodthirsty.

Moreover, this state will not recover at all. "

Speaking of this, the leading flying dragon's face became a little heavy. Obviously, he had experienced the kind of thing where his companions were infected and the dragon soul could die without treatment.

Werther heard this and nodded.

"I did encounter that kind of thing, 녦xi, and he escaped."

Hearing this, the leading flying dragon's face tightened.

"What happened again? You two can go to Mosu City on your own. We will continue to patrol."

After that, the leading flying dragon took the dragon behind him and flew in the direction where Witte and the others came from, obviously preparing to conduct a careful inspection.

These dragons are all weak, and there are several amethyst-level masters, but Witte did not try to remind them of anything.

After watching the other party leave, Witte 놌 Celine looked at each other and flew towards Mosu City.

While flying, Werther analyzed the conversation just now.

Although he said a few words, Witte still got some information. For example, this city had been attacked by Abyss believers...

Well, this information is not of much use, Witte is used to thinking this way.

Not to mention these, after passing the inspection, Witte Celine never encountered any further interrogation, and entered the tall forest area smoothly.

After entering, Werther began to look around.

The alchemy of life should also be popular in Mosu City. This large forest area, which is far taller than the surrounding forests, is the result of the alchemy of life.

Every tree here is shaped like a water bottle. Above the roots of the tree, the part close to the surface is expanded, forming a space of 깊놊께 inside.

These spaces are where the dragons here live.

Looks amazing!

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