Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 993 Why is it you!

Chapter 993 What the hell!

There are no real streets in the city of Mosu.

All these trees with strange shapes are randomly distributed, which makes the city look a bit messy.

However, this makes these alchemy trees look very natural.

Looking down from a high place, the wide or narrow earthy yellow roads, if nothing unexpected happens, should not be trampled by flying dragons.

These roads are winding and intertwined, and Witt is a little dizzy.

It is basically certain that if you live in this place, the first problem you encounter should be the same as in the Ice and Snow City, that is, how to find your home.

Witt looked from the air and saw that the alchemical trees were basically the same except that their "bellies" were slightly smaller.

Witt thought so in his heart, but he subconsciously looked at Celine next to him.

Celine obviously had the same idea as Witt, and even their movements were similar. They looked at Witt almost at the same time.

"It's hard to judge!"

Hearing Witt's words, Celine nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, the lifestyles of the dragons in different continents seemed to be quite different.

"So, what's next?"

Celine looked at the alchemical trees with big bellies (of course, they can also be called tree houses) below and threw this question to Witt.

Witt was not here, so it was natural for her to ask.

Witt hesitated for a moment, then pointed downward.

"Anyway, let's go to those wider roads first to see what's inside this city-state."

Those roads were really wide, and from the alchemy trees with the largest "belly" around or at the end of these roads, it's not hard to guess that this should be specially prepared for dragons.

At this time, they were flying over a road of this type.

After Witt finished speaking, he flew downward.

Celine followed him when she saw this.

After landing, there were curious eyes all around.

Whether Celine grew up in the dragon city-state or Witt, who often traveled between various city-states, they were already quite used to this kind of look.

Ignoring these looks, Witt looked around.

In a sense, the word "strange" is actually a euphemism for weird and ugly.

So, it is not difficult to see what these "big belly" alchemy trees looked like to Witt and his friends when they looked down from the air.

But after landing, looking at these alchemy trees again... it is better to look at them from above!

The overall shape is pointed, with doors and windows. The windows are basically in the shape of a "field", and the edges look like the shape of a tree after the epidermal wound heals.

There is a kind of shielding on the window, which looks like a light green translucent crystal, but this thing should be a dragon creation.

If it is natural crystal, I am afraid that no city-state dares to use it directly as a window, and I am afraid that it will be robbed every day!

The edge of the door is similar to the window, and it is also ugly, like a scar.

The door itself is not full of magic mechanisms, but the magic mechanisms here are basically energy shield types.

It looks quite monotonous.

This makes the ugly house become... uniformly ugly.

Witt couldn't help but think in his heart that Antashya must not come to this place, otherwise, either she will go crazy or the entire city will be razed to the ground.

According to the faint dragon power left in the air, it is more likely to be the former.

"Witt, I want to laugh!"

At this time, Celine's voice suddenly sounded in Witt's ears.

Turning his head, he saw Celine tightly pursed her lips, as if she was afraid that she would not be able to control her laughter.

"I want to, but I'll hold back. Give them some face. If I can't hold back, I'll think of something sad!"

Witt muttered in a low voice, and then turned his eyes to other places.

He wanted to see if there was anything else here that could divert his attention.

Don't say it!

He really found it.

Smelling the familiar smell coming from afar, a look of astonishment flashed in Witt's eyes.

"There's wine here!"

Hearing this, Celine raised her head and sniffed gently.


"Let's go, let's follow the smell of wine. If there's something to drink, there must be something to eat. To be honest, I'm very curious about what the dragons on this land eat."

The Sykes land is known as the endless forest, and Busdramon and Capdramon basically live in grassland areas.

Without the large amount of meat provided by these two types of herbivorous dragon beasts, both the dragon nest and the city-state should be uncomfortable!

Thinking this in his heart, Witt followed the smell of wine and walked towards a tree house not far away.

Soon, he stood in front of a tree house.

"It's here, let's go in!"

After saying that, Witt walked into the tree house in front of him. There was no plaque, but there was the aroma of wine and meat, and the noise came out.

As soon as he entered, the hot atmosphere hit him.

Wine can't make dragons drunk, but it gives dragons a way to vent the pressure of survival.

He drank wine and ate meat, and he talked about his recent experiences. Some were good, some were bad. But no matter good or bad, when he spoke, a relaxed look appeared on his face.

To be honest, Witt didn't understand why Borredia liked to drink. He also secretly tried the wine Borredia kept in the laboratory.

To be honest, the taste was not very good. Although it was very stimulating, it was not enough to stimulate his indestructible taste buds. In his opinion, it was not much different from ice water and magma.

It would also affect his judgment.

Hmm... I can't appreciate it!

This was his first time to come to this place called a tavern by Borredia. Looking at the expressions on the faces of those flying dragons, perhaps he understood why so many dragons liked to drink.

What they pursue may not be stimulation on the taste buds, but the effect of affecting judgment.

After a little sigh, Witt no longer paid attention to these dragons.

He was more curious about meat. On the table of these dragons, only broken limbs or bones were left, and the original form could not be seen at all.

Just when Witt raised his neck and scanned the surroundings, trying to find a seat, a figure came into his sight.

"There is a wind dragon!"

As he said, Witt walked towards the wind dragon.

Of course, he didn't know this wind dragon, but there was no vacant table in this store, and the wind dragon was alone.

So, Witt was going to discuss with the other party to see if he could put together a table.

As if noticing Witt and the others approaching, the translucent wind dragon turned its head and looked over, then suddenly widened its eyes.

“What’s wrong with you!”

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